It needed 4 more season of Master chief walking around with no helmet because thats exactly the reason people who have bought halo games for the past 2 decades were clamoring too!!!
Meh... called it, it was a 2 season flop, the writer strike didnt help its chances either.
Cancel it, sol died and the garbage twins are lame AF to invest any more time in them, at the very least mae should have died instead of Sol that would have given osha the push to be a dark side acolyte.
Also WTF was the point of the ewok looking MF, sabotaging sol ship and basically doing nothing, the new old republic jar jar?
Its a clever way to keep people subscribed in order to maintain their benefits. Now anyone that let their sub lapse will be bumped down and have to wait till day one releases leave the grace period to enjoy it.
I have never used gamepass not because i dont want but because for the life of me gaming services for windows never install proper so i cant run the app.
Combat felt dull, missions were derivative from the usual korean mission pool formula.
Your guns have limited ammo, i can see on some later scenarios running out of ammo if you decide to go solo at challenging content by the looks of it. Unless bosses spawn trash mobs often just to be ammo dumps.
The bundles of caliber currency made no sense, cheapest bundle is 250 for 5 bucks, unlocking a new basic hero cost 300. Battlepass cost about 10 bucks and you get a return of 300 caliber when maxing the pass.
s1taz4a3l's comments