@feral411: Yes, next episode is going to show why the youngest jedi had a scar on his eye, all of the witches died escaping something, and "mother" was burned by something, not (wo)man made fire. Then the fact that both sisters were engineered similar to kamino clones.
So the witches built their base on a piece of coal, never seen rock burn so fast LOL
Mae the 10 year old sociopath.
Pretty bad flashback episode, doesnt even warrant the purpose with which mae is hunting the 4 jedis, even if she is blaming them for the mass murdering maniac that she is.
I doubt the game is in trouble, since no gameplay or tease to create false hype is doing the rounds, This just means the character concept and level design is done,now they need someone to tweak the gameplay loop because this game will use the nemesis system from shadow war. Makes no sense to hire somebody for 3 years paying him like 60k to 150k a year doing nothing...
Pretty bland and lame tbh, you can tell that is one sistah vs anotha bad sistah season finale. Comparing it to andor, clearly shows how disconnected the reviewer is from reality.
As first couple of episodes go, ill watch it all just so i can take dump in it without being the hypocrite that didnt watch the show.
s1taz4a3l's comments