A fall of their own making, when they allowed yuzu to run on steamdeck they shotgun themselves, then they allow yuzu to run on android phones, and their childish rationale saying that its people problem if they pirate games and run them on steamdeck and android.
Nintendo wouldnt have noticed until you had the army of retards uploading videos playing zelda on steamdeck with yuzu lol!
EA canceled the FPS because they needed to release it on a window and since they no longer have exclusive rights, they cant take as long as needed, like how they released jedi fallen order/survivor by salvaging from their open world SW game that was in development over 5 years and was in limbo, keep in mind that the open world koboh on survivor was salvaged. Then you add that EA also lost their rights to FIFA that was their cashcow for the past 2 decades? It shouldnt come as a surprise they are downsizing for the year, and probably will downsize more at the end of the year.
They allowed games to be played on steam deck and android, this legal action is meant to bleed them dry, they need to hire counsel since a no show guarantees them admitting to all charges, and have a judge force them to pay damages, even if they dont the legal hurdles will keep piling on.
Will be safer for them to discontinue android and steam deck support, less they give even more ammo to Nintendo, you can bet nintendo had some patreon moles gathering all kinds of legal ammo to be used.
Well, they own all aspects of COD therefore they own the "sport" as well with all the rules that apply to it. Still 50% split is a lot, i dont know if the players there get benefits, like medical or towards a pension.
But with only 12 teams that have to pay a hefty entry fee they make it safer to avoid things like in dota or league were players throw games around with little to none punishment, on top of their own team oversight in case they decide to take bribes.
And makes teams a regular thing unlike before that teams disbanded so often spawning new teams ad nauseam.
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