All the Master Race has to do now is wait till Sony last grasp ends and its released in glorious 4k.
And the wait isnt half bad since horizon west release next month at half the price that Sony plebs paid, and FF16 at is just around the corner along with dragon dogma.
In the end Sony bend the knee to the Master Race :D
And they double dip their own console plebs as well.
@plurmp: They margot robbie'd, instead of using the arkham harley or injustice harley model, hell if they had used injustice 2 black cannary model as harley.. il buy it even if its a 1 score game.
@bakula: Keep in mind this series got greenlit before the pandemic while atlanta was everyone's darling and underwent multiple changes under the hood from having phoebe waller-bridge involved to completely retooling it post pandemic.
Show is bad tbh, both as a show and as a new take into mr&ms smith.
@eustach: Back to fortnite and minecraft for you :D
What jumpscares? besides the first cultist
It was like reading a good mystery novel. Pick up the complete works of HP lovercraft so you can understand how alan wake build its momemtum, while most games fizzle out by the third act, on alan wake its were it shone like an expecto patronum.
s1taz4a3l's comments