Hellraiser 2022 was well made, only thing missing was more of its gore. All the graphical kills were cut short and i dont know why, since the movie was already R. Like when they are in the car and you can clearly see that the kill on that girl was cut even tho it was filmed.
Its what made the first one soo great, the gore, those hooks pulling people apart was glorious.
Surprised to not see exorcist, now that was a BS remake.
They have great ideas but they lack something to execute them proper.
Elex had the making of a great game but technical limitations held it back and still they went ahead and released elex 2 with the same BS limitations, cant complain now they are fubar.
Still, gothic was ahead of its time and one of the few games (only daggerfall/skyrim was the other one) that i literally woke up playing it and went to bed playing it. It was one of those games that there werent enough hours in the day to keep playing it.
Clearly this is written from someone that didnt read a single dark horse Alien arc, the seeds for prometheus were planted long ago. In the comics, variants of drones popped at different arcs because they were engineered not evolved, and the movies didnt even touched the royal jelly subplot.
You dont need to make a callback to prometheus every movie to make a good alien movie.
In fact one of the best final dark horse arcs on alien was an all out war between predators, aliens and engineers. Its great that Disney wont even be able to rip a single thread from it.
And i doubt this series will be able to stray from what Marvel/Alien arcs have been setting as foundation, despite his claims. You can bet there is going to be black goo vases of unknown origin. And a cast as diverse as the UN nations lol.
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