He already admitted that DC will work as multiverse, so we will get elseworld stories, and earth prime( cannon) stories. And a prequel to set the stage for a two superman movie or even a trilogy
If Cavill keeps in shape and out of trouble he could play superman from kingdom come.
@hardwenzen: Just a fortnite clone, i never heard of this game until now. Watched a gameplay video and unless you have played fortnite you wouldnt understand wtf was going on. Also fights were very shallow, same combos, over and over.
I recall several years ago, everyone was trying to make the next dota. All failed.
A miss by Tom king, he tried to do True Grit with a vagina using supergirl.
So bad. There were better stories of supergirl that could be adapted, not to mention that the "badass woman" protecting a child from "bad men" has been done ad nauseum lately.
Wasting a whole episode of the season on a gay couple that somehow made it for 20 years as if by magic, nobody in the QZ noticed somebody stealing gas or went grid searching or the raiders that hit the fence trough the front door...
Gimme a break, is bad enough tess got so cheaply killed.
s1taz4a3l's comments