Studios only learn their lessons when their 100+ million budget movies flop, like ghostbuster with an all female cast, charlie´s angels, the 355 and so on, once they flop the lesson is learned and its back to basics.
Same thing will happen if they put a vagina to indiana jones. I mean just because enola holmes is a hit on netflix that doesnt mean it will translate into a movie summer hit.
Played the campaign as red hood and it was alright, getting everything unlocked takes more time invested once the main story finishes.
Didnt like that once completing the campaign still got low lv crimes when i needed very high for montoya most wanted, ended up giving up after a few patrols once finished the game.
Also again as red hood, needing a mandatory lighting ammo for veteran drone bastards with their evade perk was annoying as hell even tho they had resistance to the ammo.
@ghostspartan: Thats just what he has let on, if he is taking these steps its because he already has gotten "episodes". And its not like people with early on set forget who they are, its the little things, like doing the same task two times, or asking the same thing in a short period that adds on.
If the odds are what he say they are, he will have regular episodes by the time he is 50.
Probably needed to get rid of them since the MS buyout would hit a roadblock by having some panda paws sniffing around and leaking details. Not to mention i doubt that MS want them at the table or have to deal with them in the near future ( netease).
But seeing the monetization scheme on diablo immortal its no surprising since MS sells itself as "consumer friendly" and having a partner that gouge their customers for every dollar on their games, bad rep for MS if they put their lot with netease.
Still ending such a long partnership that way seems that there were(are) issues that we arent privy to them yet.
End of an era, not one of the new batman voice overs has come close to him only one that could hold a candle was peter weller for his excellent voice over on TDKR.
I find so creepy that bald guy. And during the TI he was paired with a journalist and she also call him creepy, she wasnt seen after that... on the TI that is.
Nothing to write home, havent released a good announcer pack since rick and morty.
Should release one of Korvo, terry and puppa megakill from solar opposites tbh.
s1taz4a3l's comments