A lot of enemy deaths are recycled from nioh, still its got more transversal movement. Taking out stamina but leaving a stance gauge that fill just as fast as stamina used to deplete isnt a step forward.
And spamming magic attacks also made it look cheesy but i guess it depends on the player, i couldnt get used to nioh spells, instead i liked tonfas.
There was hardly any type of tell of some attacks to dodge or block, a lot of deaths will come just from meeting an enemy the first time. I hope its got the counter type of system from nioh.
I like the idea of older threats re emerging, i recall the fell dragon from the 3ds Fire emblem, it looked different then. Still looking forward to it.
One hitting most mobs on the trailer was probably to make it look cool or playing it on streamer mode difficulty.
The mural at the end of rebel was a nice farewell touch, nice that Ezra is making his way as jedi cannon, nice to see sabine too, black saber included.
No season pass by the looks of it and at 50 bucks could be far smaller in scale than its been let on. Gonna have to wait till i see some gameplay showing a viewpoint sync to get an idea.
@Barighm: Its not the same as live testing, since only a fraction of no lifers bothers beta testing.
I dont own overwatch and the f2p genre of this type of game dont appeal to me since i already invested time and money on dota.
Its only natural to see a decline on games that dont receive fresh influx of content on a regular basis. It happened to heroes of the storm, that had a similar way to unlock heroes and the fact some people could unlock them with cash in advance was a point friction vs people that unlock them with gold earned a few days later. Even tho in the long term made zero difference. Probably some weird sort of placebo effect of the have vs havenot.
@mooglestar: Pre order is being used as both PR tool to show confidence on the brand and a way to secure some funds to keep development steady for some small studios.
Some people will buy right away based on the premise it has pre sold X units.
It becomes problematic when the release date isnt delivered since they took money in advance. Much like what happened to CP 2077 that moved the date like 4 times, basically adding almost a whole year delayed, they had to refund a ton of copies both from the delays and when it launched and performance issues were made known.
From a balance point of view it will be easier for the devs to modify metas since new heroes will enter the game with a delay. So they will be able to se the impact on matches with less delayed data.
Choosing the F2P model over the old one is just moving on with times. And the publisher goal is to make some effing money of the slobs playing them LOL.
All huff and puff from plebs since they will still play the game no matter what, would like to see how many actually cancel whatever thing was preordered.
s1taz4a3l's comments