@Elaisse: Nothing beats the gratuity sex scenes from HBO in your feeble mind ;D
If you want HBO level of creepiness Arondir the elf ranger hitting on bronwyn knew her mom and grandmother too, on top of watching her grow from a baby. :P
@s9743469: Maiar have always existed in middle earth in one form or another because of the threat of morgoth(melkior) was to all life. Once the one ring was created and the wars that ensued because of it they made themselves known and became active both as agents and as the council of mages.
If you are going to nitpick, ill allow that why was gandalf sent now instead of being here all along since gandalf knew tom bombadil enough to be almost equals.
He just meet a brandyfoot and first people he just meet are harfoot community. Still thats how gandalf should make an entrance with a massive expecto patronum.
@vs_shield: I dont know i mean AC2 and forward had plenty of unavoidable combat in fact it was core but combat was somehow simpler, but on the older ones assassinations were far more meaningful like it took effort as if it was hitman the game ( provided you didnt bug or exploit a weakness in the script) and you could complete large parts of the history by being stealthy and be rewarded for it.
Its what i miss the most, i liked the optional objectives in brotherhood and revelations missions but failing one objective nag at you like a pus infected OCD blister :P
It will be based on 800s baghdad but people will be able to select the pronoun with which the main character will be referred at. And nobody will be a muslim since they cant be vilified even tho Irak is a stone throw away from mecca
@jsprunk: Yea, if the show would have been about the wesker clones plotting their escape from an umbrella facility am pretty sure it would have got another season.
And you can tell Lance reddick acting skills are on another level since each clone had its own personality, as little as we were allowed to see them.
@elanbg: Or just getting paid for a positive review, since the site gets clicks which could translate on more people viewing the show. Doesnt guarentee the success of the show tho.
I mean this site didnt review We own this city and that show was great or Station Eleven which also was excellent. So you can tell that some reviews are just paid fluff pieces.
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