Personally am having a blast, i found three houses way like some anime bs visual YA novel, after a point i just skipped entire dialogs since they were just fillers.
This one goes straight to the point, like older Fire emblems. No padding except the looong intro to set the setting.
I recently saw the last season, and the current ending is as good as it gets. Since it leave each viewer with his/her own idea of how dolores final simulation would end up.
@naryanrobinson: The model he was driving has a tank track, he must have made the mistake of thinking it had full stop and stood on the track and then got dragged down and it run over him.
@rohanrocks88: I dunno, i mean jason momoa is gonna be lobo, so my guess only league characters will be shelved and plenty of fun B characters will see their time in the spotlight, slowly building a stable foundation.
Maybe we can expect deadman, even big barda and mr miracle.
It was expected she wouldnt be back for ww3 the moment her cleopatra movie got shelved same as her SW projects for disney. Apparently she has a big mouth and upset the big brass on both camps.
@Barighm: Having played tomb raider since the win 95 era, i can tell lara was her own person/heroine (at the time), the reboot a decade ago took her " balls " away and made her the usual damsel in distress. But the pistol/shotgun dual wielding badass puzzle solving lara from the 95 era was amazing to play and admire, there was nobody like her at the time. Thats what made her so popular, she wasnt trying to be indiana, she was her own woman.
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