He probably have an illness since there is no way he could step down mid production without getting sued till oblivion.
On the other hand, no statement from vin, so maybe they beef enough to allow some clause is his contract to allow him to step down or be forced to step down...
The way nintendo crackdown people infringing their copyrights to the point of sending cease and desist at their home address because they caught them red handed.
Ill believe nintendo side of the story, rathen than " multiple kotaku sources".
I mean not WSJ, not new NYT... but " kotaku sources" LOL!
The epee has the same attack range as crucible knights. And its special pierce and the halberd jump attack has AOE that can be combo when you land for another AOE swipe both dealing absurd damage and stance dmg.
Most of the weapons in this list will hardly break a foe stance and just take pot shots and run back. And forget about it if you are online and get invaded, only the katana will give you some breathing room.
On doom eternal once you get the ballista piercing, you can aim at their weakspot and do massive damage. They are only difficult because they have the same move set as you, but they chew supershotgun shots easily.
I found more annoying the fight with emerald weapon on ff7. By the time you can fight omega on ff8 you are already uber, so sure you get party wipes until the pattern is memorized but that thing is just a million hp boss with a fixed pattern.
@MigGui: MS has nothing to do with it, since they went their own way with the story/characters. They are getting paid(MS) by paramount for the license usage much like netflix paid disney for the usage of their short lived marvel universe.
And Disney pulled the plug on the license usage FTL.
Halo the tv show will get canned because its existence hurts the brand, and that in turn will hurt sales for any future HALO IP because MS didnt respect their playerbase and this isnt like GoT adaptation that went further away from the books the longer was in the air until there was nothing compared to the books in the last season.
s1taz4a3l's comments