Maybe have him watch Naboo getting the exterminatus from a WH40k inquisitor then put him on a torpedo tube and launch him back to the planet with the payload.
@freddy_diggler: This 2% is only this quarter, they are bound to streamline pretty much 10% of the workforce so you can add a zero to your estimate if not more.
And you cant really blame leadership when netflix ruled supreme for the past decade, only now it has more competition producing better quality content that at the same time is removing content previously leased to netflix that its eating their bottom line faster than expected. Netflix used to have disney movies, pretty much all the other networks leased their content at one point to netflix. They probably will turn around their boat by enhancing their quality content tool measures.
And with several of their flagship series ending this year or the next, They are racing against the clock to retain the subs. Hopefully this will mean they will stop licensing YA bs novels to be adapted to TV and do more like midnight mass or blackmirror.
Played it on the switch and the best thing was no online connection 24/7 "odd" that this paid for blizz ad doesnt mention a big gripe was that people needed internet to play diablo even as solo single player.
Was ok on the switch, only extremely easy even tho i kept moving up the torment levels as they unlocked, died twice to the reaper of souls AOE death pools. Nothing spectacular, just an ok game to play from start to finish.
@mogan: Well.. didnt gran turismo also cost $70, and how much you "guess" god of war ragnarok is going to be priced at? Even Nintendo is going to launch Zelda next year at 70 as well.
But seeing as you moderate this forum for no charge at all, its no wonder you cant see the big picture. Maybe next year when you are paying (if you can afford it) for starfield and you look at the receipt it will come as no surprise the $70 as price tag.
@mogan: In case you didnt hear, they paid 7 billions for bethesda, and am pretty sure that their goal is to recoup that sum somehow...
And why wouldnt they, Sony already charged 70 for horizon west. MS is just waiting till sony set the pacing and take the flak, by next year all AAA tittles will be costing that and plebs wont even flinch.
s1taz4a3l's comments