When a studio mandate a fixed duration you know for sure he wasted a ton of money on film that would never made it out of the editing room.
If some articles are right, lena headay got paid more than 3 million for her cameo(not to mention the cost of the scene). Add all those high paid cameos( with shot scenes) and i bet the Disney was starting to feel the same way about taika that when they gave free rein to Solo directing duo Miller and Lord.
I enjoyed ffxv for over 100 hours. I hope this one has plenty to do as well.
Getting that big fish was such a great fun bit.
Getting reminded by your friends that you needed a shower from time to time LOL
Turn based might work on other Square titles, FF evolved from it. Look at how many units FF7 and XV sold, they would have sold less than half if they had kept an old battle system.
@Baconstrip78: Lol i completely forgot argyle, yea he was just meat in the room, jonathan also isnt helping much and i was surprised he was in the show after all the drug problems he has, probably contractually locked for all seasons to save money.
Nah robin has been dead weight since she was introduced, i could understand being at work in the mall since steve was aimless, but now working also in the video store its just meh...
I would have preferred lucas sister having a bigger role instead of adding robin on season 4.
@rizenstrom: Falcon is just Captain America with a different skin, but he is representing the white american dream all the same. Am talking about an african man being himself, much like luke cage is.
And Rosario is just playing a twilek not her race.
Maya hawke gotta go. A tranquilizer in the back of her head in season 5 first scene, whats the purpose of her character other than having a token lesbian to compensate closeted Will.
Lucas and Max are also dead weight. And if nancy´s journal was any indication, if Will stays in hawkins he will be 001 avatar since it all started with him and should end with him as well.
@jaydee4: Luke cage probably will be back since disney doesnt have a show featuring an african american, and luke cage always has been the working class type of hero.
I liked that they kept Fisk but on hawkeye he had like some weird tick on his eyes that made me think that his health isnt good, hopefully its nothing.
I enjoyed thronebreaker enough to support the devs with the 20 bucks bundle even tho i dont play online anymore. Just keep single player adventures alive.
@teamparadox2k: Doubt that MS would shoot themselves in the face by cutting xbox one users since they are the backbone of gamepass subs and the new gen console is barely out( with covid and stock issues) it would need more than a year to have folks make the jump to a new generation and they can take the flak since new gen users would keep paying for gamepass regardless.
s1taz4a3l's comments