@dominicwow: I wouldnt call it incompetence, rather than their vision surpassed the time window they had until release. Much like what happened to cyberpunk.
The delay halo had was probably features being cut to enable the game to launch in the window it was promised. Probably sucks for people to whom the selling point was co-op.
Am guessing people are mistaking co-op sandbox with co-op campaign also taking into account that a larger range would make killing elites trivial since one player could kite while the other snipe at 1 km.
300 mt is fine for people playing together.
All in all i think it was a big mistake offering co op for the campaign in the first place, same mistake that got made on the dead space franchise.
Monetization wont kill the game, seen plenty of folks that bought the 25 buck bundle to get a (trashy since its mainly for pvp) 5* gem.
What will hurt it in the long run is the poorly implemented LFG ( party finder), i got to hell 2 yesterday and its almost impossible to find groups to run dungeons unless you are in an active clan. Since the goal of the game is to collect exceptional set pieces and you are limited to queue with your own server population that result in just giving up since you cant find 4 randoms. Unless they find a way to boost the party finder speed, the game will steadily drip players away.
Not to mention that you also need a mandatory 4 (wo)men party to do anything instance (lairs and dungeons) related in hell 2+.
Was really nice that everything i liked and remembered of FF7 wasnt taken a dump on in order to please a new generation by dumbing down the game. Only thing i couldnt get into was the new soundtrack.
I hope they dont ruin cosmo canyon by making it sound edgy or watever, DONT TOUCH cosmo canyon!!
@jakneute: You are right in some parts, like a lot of tiered currency that might translate into collecting crafting mats much like a merge game. But most of the " bonuses" will be tied to the battle pass. You will still be able to buy independent items on the store, but the pass will give them to you just for playing. As for gameplay, i managed to get into a single closed beta test and it felt like diablo 3 slightly watered down, will feel just like d3 switch version for some people.
s1taz4a3l's comments