I'll be ok, if the $399 will contain everything but the hard drive. I have a lot of hard drive just lying around and Sony giving me a choice to install my own drive will be great.
@Todoruk It's the Kinect which is built from 'rocket science' that is driving the cost to $500.00. I believe the console is expensive and Microsoft is taking a loss for each console sold. Microsoft is really risking a lot here since its not backward compatible and a launch and expensive console typically will have issues in the 1st 6 months of its release. $500.00 is too much with ALL the RESTRICTIONS. At the end they are really selling a simplified media box/DVR PC with custom software and added gimmicks.
I'm really interested what Sony is up to especially the price. I hope Sony price the console at $399 and that would create a domino effect on both Microsoft and Nintendo pricing and bundling their consoles for the holidays. More competition the better price and deals for us gamers.
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