Man... the tough thing about being a PC Game Pass subscriber is forcing yourself to WAIT to see what games get released at a later date (GotG, Paradise Killer, etc are some recent ones). Like, ANNO: Mutationem I really want to buy, but also feel it's one of those "will be on Game Pass in a few months" games. I CAN just buy it, sure. But I'm trying really hard to save money, sadly.
But the nice new release surprises like Tunic and Weird West are always a treat. I actually predicted Weird West would be on Game Pass. I thought Tunic was mentioned briefly last year, but never re-announced in later events or preview shows.
With suffering comes meaning, and there's always beauty in meaning. -- Doom Patrol, Space Patrol episode (paraphrased).
Anyway, I can relate to some of the things in this article. Nier definitely does deserve all the analysis and praise it gets for its metatextual meanings.
I really hope 1. ppl don't take GS's reviews as end-all-be-all, since it's a single opinion on something, and 2. fans don't trash GS's/the reviewer's opinion (this usually stems from point #1). If it makes the fanboys feel better, it has a 90% on RT (even tho I don't quite agree w/ RT's formula, but there ya go. Go be happy now).
I, myself, am really eager to see the movie and new take on Batman. I miss the more grounded, realistic superhero movies, pre-MCU's popularity.
Define "state it should be"? It was in a generally fine state on PC the entire time. But since the gaming world has to show console bias, sure, maybe now the ethos of "Cyberpunk 2077 as a function" is viewed how it should have been over a year ago.
@christhunder34: I played the beta and it was fun. Not sure what has changed in the live version. And not sure what you're looking to get out of it (pvp, raids, crafting, etc). It is free, so all you have to lose is time. If it doesn't grab you in the first couple hours, then just pass on it.
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