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I need you !

Spread the message ! or URL in fact.

Me and my friend have a little bet going about how many readers or followers I can get on my blog, we have yet to set on a number of views/followers but I do know that one of us has to face a forfeitof some sort which is a secret at this moment of time. So I am here asking for you help to look and read my blog and if you can follow, please follow. The url is


Halo Reach : Complete

As you probably already know I have just literally completed Halo Reach and it was just as good from the first minute to the last. I found the end quite emotional just like halo 3, i won't say what happens just in case your playing it yourself, roll on the next halo game sometime, i hope this time master chief is in it because i miss him a little bit.

Now I can get back to dragon ages and get on with playing it from now on. The whole achievements mess up needs sorting too on my profile which I will sort out sometime soon when i get time.

Happy gaming

What to blog about?

At the moment I am running out of things to say to you all my gaming friends apart from the games i'm playing.

Now i've moved onto playing Halo reach campaign again and will hopefully finish that by the end of the week then play more dragon age. Which i have just had sex with a witch. Achievement purposes only of course not for any wierd fetish i have. I didn't think the scene following that would be like that, i thought you would just see them go into the tent together and thats it but i guess i was wrong. Still haven't had time to watch inception yet. Yet i played a bit of fire fight mode the other day whilst listening to Trivium on my ipod which was alright, especially when on a rocket launcher on the back of a warthog, that was pretty good.

Apart from that, thats it although if you go to my other blog then you i've started to put more pictures on my blogs and i've changed to layout to it, not sure if it looks better but its quite bright so wear sun glasses. Thanks for looking.

Just a random blog post

Recently myself and my mother was having a talk about me getting a new phone. With me being on contract then it allows me to maybe get a gift with the phone and one of these was a new xbox slim. My phone contract is about to run out soon so i'm hoping that i get to get one of these new xbox slims, hopefully. It would look pretty cool i must say. So i am just keeping my fingers crossed and still hoping that there are some decent contracts out there with my name on it, giving me a xbox.

yet another status update

At the moment i am still playing dragon ages and just unlocked my own golem. It's pretty cool yet annoying as i die at times but forget to save then have to go through a few conversations again, but hey my own fault. Also i have my dragon age pictures back on now, instead of pac-man. I knew it was a bug by the way, i didn't literally think it was real. I tried getting back into the swing of halo reach the other day, but just kept dying again which did annoy me so i just turned if off and thats the last i've seen of that. I have played a few games on pes and seem to be winning a couple of games in my own master league. Also i am the top scorer for my team. Up the globa knights ! I haven't had time to watch inception yet but hopefully i will get to watch it tomorrow night sometime.

One hell of an achievement

I have made one hell of an achievement and it is possibly the best ever achievement I will ever get during my xbox life. I'm not sure if this has happened to anyone else out there but this has happened to me. As you may be able to see I have a little picture of a ghost from Pac-man in the my achievements section of my profile. This is that very good achievement which i have and is probably the best in the world, as i don't even have that game or i haven't even played a pac-man game in a very long time.

However I think it's just a mistake because when the mouse is hoovered over it, the descriptions comes up explaining that it's a dragon age achievement instead. It's a similar story for the achievement next to it also.

Anyhow got lots of free time now as i have done my maths exam today and its the only exam i have to do in the whole of january, so that free time will be put to good use as i will be playing a lot of dragon ages, which i am fully addicted to right now.

Yes, a band list is what we need

So me and my friend was trying to figure out a band which he had earlier being listening too, not the easiest task when hes not telling the full facts. First he said the original guitarist from Metallica this being Dave Mustaine so Megadeath but no it wasn't that. Then he said an old member from system of a down so i thought Serj Tankian ? Nope it wasn't him either. Finally after much guessing he said Audioslave, which has the old line up of Rage against the machine and the singer from Soundgarden, so i guess he wasn't far off. But it prompted us into going to make a list of bands to then stick up on our little room wall at sixth form, sad but if we remember them then we win. Also we have some new very good speakers to go in that room with brilliant sound quality. We was talking about maybe having my xbox 360 in there if i managed to get a slim sometime soon, that would be pretty cool. Theres already an old TV there that we could get our hands on, so its definatly a prospect.

In between the revision and the playing of football, I have being battling my way through Dragon ages, i'm rather addicted to now which probably isn't a good thing at all until after Monday morning. My maths teacher would understand though since she does play xbox herself and we do seem to get along all right, I think I'm just wishfully thinking there.

If we do get this 360 idea up and running, I will make sure that i get a picture to put on here.

I've found some gaming time finally !

I have finally got back to playing games after atleast 2 nights of not being able to play due to being snowed under with a large amount of work to do. Today Dragon age origins arrived so i have played around 30 minutes of that and i already find it quite addicting to play. I am an dalish elf and lethal with a bow, so i thought i would warn you all. I haven't played Halo though since the other day so it's taken a back seat for the moment. I have started a new master league season on PES and have being beaten3-1 already but its early doors yet and i have a team full of PES players (players made up) but hopefully i will win next time. Up the Globa Knights ! (my team's name). I'm looking forward to getting this math test out of the way so i can concentrate on proper gaming, although my driving instructor said i should start to read up for my theory test which is going to take some hours out of it. I have a funny story actually about that, he told me a couple of months back to start revising for it and i forget to look at my highway code book never mind read it. So I had a lesson last tuesday and he asked how the revising for it was going so i just said fine. Then this made him to start asking me about each sign and marking on every road, so i had to guess at everyone, it was funny and embarrassing at the same time. If the story didn't sound funny i'm sorry, but its a lot more funnier in my head.

So happy gaming !

nothing to exciting

Today i went to my local town which is about 25 miles away (i'm not sure how many kilometres that is) to just have a prowl around in game shops and a general ponder. I didn't really buy anything that exciting really, i'll start with an A4 ruled pad of people for sixth form, a pack of pens for all the exciting writing i'm looking forward too, but i got inception on dvd as well as yes man and pes 2011 for my PSP ( i really enjoyed the master league when i had PES 2009 so thought i would give it another go ). Like i said nothing to exciting there at all. Hopefully dragon age will come tomorrow or sometime soon so i can get on with playing with that as well as of course Reach.

Hope your all okay.

First thoughts after seeing the demo

I have just watched the demo for Lord of the rings war in the north on youtube when the game was at PAX ( i think thats it). This is a game which i am really interested in as i am a big fan of the lord of the rings franchise and it caught my attention when i first saw the trailer. My firsts thoughts of the game are good and positive as it seemed to catch the enviroments of the books quite well and also included some new characters which are a bit of a let down as apparently it doesn't let you create your own, which is a negative point at the game is an RPG. Also it struck up thoughts of the game being playable as single player or is it an multi player, which i hope its both but more so single player as i would rather play through a large and lengthy campaign then play with other people. I'm sure that would be fun but its just my preference. As the demo rolled into its final minutes it started to show how the characters can be customised through being able to collect armour, weapons and what have you from around the enviroment which does add a level of making these playable characters personal i guess but maybe not everyones cup of tea. However it then went onto show how each race (i.e. dwark, elf, man, )had special abilities such as the elf could see old footprints which would lead to secret areas and the man could spot mushrooms in the wild to then use and combine together, this being cool and looking cool as well aslong as it means something in the game and does add to the game.

In all i am quite excited for this game and hope characters will be customisable as well as the combat being good.