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Best game a multi platformer ?

Gamespot have recently released the award for the best Xbox 360 game which is Red Dead Redemption, a game which does feature on another platform (PS3 of course). This gave me a thought that maybe the games choose for this category should be rethought for next year. The games should be maybe narrowed down to just Xbox exclusive therefore it would earn the right as being the best Xbox 360 game as it is only on the Xbox 360. I'm not arguing with Red Dead redemption due to it being a favourite of mine and also that it is an really good game. But i think the structure should have a rethought of the best exclusive games on the Xbox. This also should be the same for 'The best Playstation 3 game' and other best game related awards. It would seem right in a way to have it that way. I'm not sure if anyone agrees with me on this subject but maybe it should be something to look at for the future. Maybe, just maybe.

On the other hand i am now installing a free trial of Wolrd of Warcraft due to saying Yes. It's not a game i would download due to me not being a large PC gaming and the genre of the game, but i might get hooked and end up paying how much it is. I know that is has some good reviews and a couple of my friends do play it, i guess we will see what happens. I am also reading the third Gears of War book 'Anvil Gate' which is again very good and all 3 are well worth reading, wrote by Karen Traviss. Also the series of Halo books are all well worth reading also. They add incite into each individual gaming franchise and is a good way to bridge the gap whislt waiting for each new game. This will most probably be the last blog before christmas day so have a good christmas and stay safe.

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A load of old blog

The status update

Due to my recently adopted yes antics i have said yes into starting another blog on an actually blogging website. I will keep posting on here of course and upload the link to the blog when i create it sometime tonight then put it into my 'About me' section of my profile. Anyhow.....

23rd December 2010

After a day of furious reading the day before i had finally finished my 'Yes Man' book so i decided to take it around to my friends house with her christmas card and another card to give to her friend. I knew that this friend has some friends around but i didn't want to gatecrash on their gathering so was hoping that i wasn't invited in, which of course i was, say yes i went in. Her friends where there opening presents and everything, got offered some chocolate log which again i accepted. It was rather sickly though due to the large amount of dark chocolate i reckon but nice all the same. The friend was of course Katie and one of her friends there was Faith of course, which i had wrote a card for and wrote her a joke in there for her. The joke was....

How did Darth Vadar know what Luke had got him for Christmas ?

He had felt his presents !

I think it is a funny joke but i am not sure if Faith appricated it that much really, probably due to her lack of Star Wars experience, not due to the joke itself. Then nothing really happened from there but now just looking forward to christmas day of course, but first of all my sister's birthday tomorrow, great....... .

Well playing a lot of Red dead online now just going around gang hideouts and a bit of grab the bag. Now i really cannot wait to play Halo Reach online. I hope your all well.

The Yes results so far....

20th December 2010

The first day of my new 'yes' life was under way and showed some rather immediate results i must say either through me saying yes or just through pot luck. Me, my female friend (Katie) and male friend (Harry) all got onto the bus heading to sixth form. First yes of the day was to Katie asking if i still had Call of Duty but that was pretty easy to answer and not really life changing, the following bit of it was though. This conversation continued as Katie began to talk about how her mother wouldn't let her have it due to her younger brother, i went on to say in a jokingly manner.

"You can have mine if you want, i don't play it anyway "

"Oh can i ? " Katie had said obviously taking the offer seriously.

"Yes" (first proper yes)

"£20?" Katie had obvisouly taken this very serious due to her offering £ 20 pounds for it, which might seem cheap to you but in shops such as Game i don't think i would of even got that so along came my second yes of the day.

"Yes, of course, I will bring it whenever you get the money"

So i had bagged £20 in the first couple hours of me waking up and interacting with the rest of human civilisation and the yeses didn't stop there. I agreed to go downtown with Katie and this friend of her that i was fond of (Faith, her name is important for the next part of this entry), then agreed to go around to Katies in lending her my 'Yes Man' book and in going around to play Xbox next thursday (30th). All in all in the 20 minutes bus ride i had got £20, lent out a book i'm reading, got the chance to be with Faith and be with Faith even more when we play xbox. Going quite well so far i must say.

21st December 2010

This day didn't start of that exciting however finished in a rather good fashion, but i must explain i few things to you first about my sixth form.

At my sixth form me and my friends have a little room that we go in to talk, socialise and just be when we aren't in lessons or at break and in this room we have computers to play music and do work from. Joining onto our little room is another room that is full of bits of computer, old work, machines and all sorts of other crap.

Anyhow the speakers which we had required for one of our computers had blown whilst we was raving to a few christmas hits, as you do. So we searched high and low in this room full of crap to find some more and during our search we found some good discoveries. We found a few high drive, decent graphics cards, mice, keyboards, power cables and ethernet cables. These was all found due to me saying 'yes' to a teacher when he asked me

"Why don't you look in the room next door ? we are throwing the stuff tomorrow anyway "

Me saying yes to this give me and my friends license to roam in this little gold mine of rather useful stuff, we did scavenge a bit.

The next part of my day consisted of me going to Harry's house to have a 4 hour chat about asking Faith out whilst we was playing Xbox or just asking her if she would like me and her to go somewhere together, just the two of us. He does rather talk a lot of sense when it comes to girls although he can't seem to get rid of his own girl issues. (Me going around due to yes too). Our conversation went on for a little while due to the fact we watched Idiot abroad and a bit of Dukes of Hazzard which did slow the chat down and change the topic too.

"When you can drive, we'll go on a road trip for a week"

Which of course i said Yes straight away too. Anyhow he asked was i going to ask her out or not, which all i could say was yes anyway, but i will do it cause i like her quite a lot not cause i have too. He then said that i should do it on the 30th, which again my response was yes. So in the end i now have to ask the girl i like out in person in at least 9 days time or i will have failed my yes way of life so far, although it might be new record for shortest amount of time. However i will do it even if i am terrified that she might say no to me whilst i am stood in front of her, taking risks is what its all about though. These all being positive so far, but as i get back home my own mother has a go at me and tells me i need to act my age which seems a bit cliche coming from a girl/woman. All in all i need to ask Faith out soon and just hope that does say yes also, which i hope she will.

Anyhow hope it makes sense and i will keep you all posted on the up and coming events. Stay safe.

5 reasons why i love the xbox 360

5 Reasons why i love the Xbox 360

I have recently come to believe that I i do love my own xbox 360 for many reasons and i have tried to condense them down into 5 reasons that hopefully describe how i love it. *Cue a picture of me and xbox skipping hand in hand*


I really like playing first person shooters therefore being my game genre of choice, however with this choice does come many other things such as frustration and anger. These emotions coming up from no where and making me curse at the Xbox and bang the remote around all over the place, this actions happening due to my own long death streak that i have to endure therefore breeding the fire in my stomach. The conclusion to these reactions are the pressing of the off button and throwing the remote on my desk whilst the cursing continues, me taking my own problems out onto my Xbox. But i will come back 10 minutes to then again play and my xbox is always there and never leaves my side even if i do repeat these actions every week, it truly is a loyal campanion on the road to the video gaming universe, always there.

Good Wingman

This reason not being my own xbox but one of a friend. One of my female friends is going to recent a brand new xbox 360 from the big man in red this week which then she invited my to go around to go play some Halo Reach (another event due to me saying yes), however this long term female friend has a rather attractive female friend who i am rather fond of. This leading to my own friend in asking her around to our Xbox day to play, in which i am hoping that something might happen if it hasn't before then. The xbox being the wingman here as it is a good reason to meet up and will get the conversation flowing as well as me being able to show off my skills in killing the covenant scum in front of this beautiful girl. Also the Xbox also being another good reason for us to meet up again outside of our sixth form, hopefully leading to us getting together and being more then friends hopefully. I hope the Xbox can again help the situation my way.

Never gives up

I have recently blogged and uploaded a photograph about how i have being having trouble concerning an over heating issue. I then came to find out that it had received the red ring of death before my father sent it off for repair about a year ago. After i cleaned out its own inside and removed the large amount of dust. I realised that it never gives up no matter what state it is in therefore saving me a large amount of money which makes me love it even more as i write this now.

Always there

The next reason is about how my Xbox is always there when i'm either feeling sad, angry or upset at something that might be happening in my life. The xbox being there as it lets me take out my rage on an endless amount of zombies or space aliens which in turns helps cure the built up anger in so many ways. It is always lending a helping hand on the long journey in clearing my head full of sad thoughts as i blast my way around a level and take many headshots. Also i believe that it does increase my gaming ability especially if I am angry at something as it seems to give me a lot more motivation and determination into reaching my goal in a way, hope that last bit makes sense.

Good times we have spent together

We have spent some good times together starting with the completion of some hardcore levels to the joy shared as it seemed to survive more then 5 minutes after a cleaning. Also the excitement as achievements are unlocked and that little sound is put into play. We really have spent some good times together during our long journey over many games and many obstacles that we have over come unscathed and unhindered, which i hope we can share many more in the future. The joy brought when getting a taking out someone who constantly kills you on COD or taking a zombies head off to free a town of RDR undead nightmare, it is just a joy to have.

Anyhow i have finally completed Undead Nightmare after playing it over the weekend and will probably keep playing until christmas day, which i am rather looking forward to getting my hands on Halo Reach.

I hope your all okay.

My transformation into a 'Yes Man'

I recently purchased the book 'Yes Man' by Danny wallace as i enjoyed the film and became interested in his tale which i started to begin to read earlier this morning. During the reading of the first pages i came to relate myself with Wallace as he stayed in and always made up excuses not to do things or go out with people. I definatly related to this due to me saying no to LAN parties, camping trips, a trip to Meadow Hall, going out to other peoples houses and many more. I just sit inside not unhappy but also not very out going. So as i read on about his experience of a few words changed his way of life (this words being say yes more ) he resites his journeys and adventures as he does say yes to every oppotunity and how his life is unpredictable yet much more enjoyable, then leading to me deciding to uptake the 'Yes Man' role in my life to see where one simple word would lead me. Therefore me saying yes to the many oppotunites that may be either through friends or any other means. In the up and coming days if this does bring up anything exciting then i will blog about it on here to keep you all updated. So on this day forward i will say yes.

Hope your all very well.

A little joke i made myself

Recently i was having problems with my xbox overheating every 5 minutes when i was trying to play a game, bad times. So i searched the web looking for solutions and tried many of them, sticking a fan near by, laying it on its side and many more. Till I thought that i would opened it up and see what was going on inside, what i found was a rather dusty looking cross section. The airflow was being blocked by dust that had collected over the years, so i hoovered it out therefore leading to it working again, good times. Anyhow during this time after I put the fan next to my xbox a little joke hit me that i thought was rather funny and that i would like to share with you guys. I took a picture of it and as you can plainly see its at the bottom of the page. I hope you find it as funny as i sadly did since i was laughing at my own joke.

Due to the size of the image, you will need to open the full view of this blog, it's well worth it.

Hope your all well.

Going back on Backwards Compatibility

Recently my friends have being talking and watching a lot of the Lord of the rings which lead me to getting back into it (after being a large fan back in the day of the films), anyway i started watching the films, readings the books and looking for Lord of the Rings return of the king game. As i searched on through game sites to find this rather good movie game, after i sold my copy when getting rid of my original xbox. During my search i found copies of the game for £25 and going up to at least £40 for an old xbox game, so this get me thinking do people still buy these games and play them ?. The talk of backwards compatibility has died down quite a lot over the past years since xbox 360 has being out maybe due to people not playing the games as much, i also saw that the offical xbox website had deleted their own backward compatibility page which contained the list. I know that people are still working on releasing patches so more games can be played now and i've read threads were people are wanting more games to be put onto the list. Therefore are people going back on backwards compatible gaming ? I know that i am when the game arrives (which i picked up for £1.50). Their are some really good games on the xbox such as Black, Mafia or Halo and many more that are well worth the play. The main reason which i am returning to a past game is because it was a really good game that was rather addictive to play for weeks on end. I also know that people will probably return into playing an older generation of games that everyone enjoyed and will soon be retro.

Anyhow still playing Undead Nightmare of course and will be getting on some online play soon, all weekend after a weeks hard work. Hope your all well.

It may be an undead nightmare...but it's still beautiful

After my post office rant yesterday, which they must of read because finally Undead Nightmare and xbox live came. I rushed instantly onto undead nightmare and i have being missing out all these past days on some Red dead brilliance. I had a limited time to play (due to school work) but the time that i have being able to get onto it showed me on what i have being missing out on. It is some Red dead genuis mixed with a zombie storyline, in other words a winning formula with an other an extra which attracts most people. If you haven't yet played it, i would recommended in doing so and if you haven't played the original game then i would definatly recommend playing it over the christmas period. However due to a stupid maths exam in january then i don't think i will have much of a christmas time. Unless Red dead or Halo is on the maths paper then i might be in a bit of trouble. Anyway i will be just playing Undead Nightmare on single player at the moment and will probably play some online on the run up to christmas until i get Halo Reach which i am rather looking forward too quite a lot.

Hope your all well.

But it's a Wednesday ......

A little bit of a rant about my local post office. I have ordered Undead Nightmare, 3 months of xbox live and something else from Amazon, the latter due to they were cheaper then any other place. I ordered them about 2 weeks ago and due to the snowy weather then i obviously understand in the delay in the delivering of these parcels. Anyway i get home today to find that no post has being delivered at all, never mind any parcels with the name Amazon on them. In previous days items that i has ordered from PLAY.COM have easily arrived but parcels from Amazon haven't. I don't blame it on the company but on the postal service, due to their lazy and lack of ability to sort post, espically when they have free time in to sort it due to them not going on their daily route. I makes me mad that they have not even gone round to post anything espically when i have things coming and need to be here in a specific time. Another thing that has rather annoyed me is that the post office website recently explained that the post office would deliver on a Sunday if your area was badly affected by the snow, my area was rather badly effected yet the post office could not be bothered to open and send stuff or open so that i could go and pick up my own mail. They are just lazy, annoying, slow and rather not consistant in doing their own job. The post office should get itself sorted out right now. Anyway still waiting and hopefully it will arrive tomorrow, if not then i guess sticking to Battlefield Bad company for another day. Oh well, hope your all well.