I just thought i would update you all on whats going on at the moment. I am still playing halo reach but playing through the campaign mode right now, i'm just at the sabra bit which is totally really cool and enjoying blasting stuff out the sky. I haven't had time to play online for at least a couple of days because of revising for a stupid math test and doing other work that i should of done before christmas so i would of had more time to play games, but i like to leave stuff till we go back. I hopefully will be putting my xmas money into bank sometime soon so i'm thinking of pre ordering a few games, gears of war 3 comes straight to mind of course. Dragon age still hasn't come but thats probably due to being bank holidays here so of course no post or work or anything like that. If you want to here anymore about my life please check out my other blogand if you have already thank you very much, muchly appreciated. And oh yes, i'm nearly at level 16 so it's all good.
Hope your all okay.
sambo2011 Blog
New Era, new start ?
by sambo2011 on Comments
My first blog of the 2011 era on the 1/1/11 and that date works in the USA i think. New era, new year and new start ?. I have heard quite a lot of people say its a new start to things which i can see the logic in saying in some aspects, but today just feels the same as yesterday, maybe i need to get used to this new 2011 air nowadays. Anyhow decent first day of the new year with the taking down of the christmas decorations which is quite depressing really, but its needs to be done i guess. Hopefully dragon ages will arrive soon so i can take my mind off it. But i'm still playing Halo, its so last year but what can you do ?. I am looking forward to the large amount of decent games that are coming out this year, can't wait to start playing them, although its just finding the time to fit them in thats the problem really. I will find it from somewhere i am sure maybe.
Hope your all okay.
The end of yet another year
by sambo2011 on Comments
The year is coming to a close, a year which has seen some brilliant games hit our consoles. It has also had its highs and lows in other aspects of life for me, such as football and a relationship. Hopefully the up and coming year will live up to the expectation of everyone gaming wise but also being a good one for everyone in their own lives. I would get myself a new years resolution but i never would stick to it and can't really think of one off the top of my head. But if you all made one then i hope you stick to yours and that you all have a happy new year.
Now i've got an imposter
by sambo2011 on Comments
I now have an imposter as well as a nemesis due to the largely favourable 'Formspring' website, which i don't see the real appeal about in any case, just a load of anomalous people giving you abuse or in my case trying to be me. This added to my 'Formspring' nemesis which i wrote about in a previous blog. (It's worth reading because of the funny-ness of the situation).
But first i'll explain what 'Formspring' actually is to people who haven't being abused by it. It's just a website where people make their own profile in which anyone can ask anomalous questions too or just state things to this person, then this person can reply in which way they see fit, i hope this clears it up for you.
Now to my imposter situation and where it came from. Firstly where it came from, i recently posted a question on my friend's profile (my ex-girlfriend) asking her if she had visited my blog yet because she was the one who got me into doing it in the first place. I just asked.
"Have you visited www.bloggingsam.blogspot.com yet ?"
This was of course a jokey kind of question and was before i got criticised on that website, so that was the origins of this whole story and sets up the next part.
I was talking to this friend of mine, i will just call her by her name as its easier, I was talking to Jessica (ex-girlfriend and now friend) today about this drawing which she was doing of Lily Cole (she is a really good artist person). Until she said that someone had told her that someone had put on their 'Formspring'
"Have you checked out www.bloggingsam.blogspot.com yet ? "
Then Jessica said that there are many of these comments on various Formspring accounts all pretending to be me, which in a way i don't really like as it sounds a bit desperate and sad for me to find these formspring things, when i myself don't even have a profile. So then from our conversation we had i found out that i had an imposter that was scouring formsprings to list my blog url.
This lead me into trying to clear my name at first as i didn't really want people thinking it was me, so i sent out a status on Facebook saying
"I wonder who is impostering me on Formspring"
I hoped in posting this that those people would think that i wasn't posting them needless comments therefore annoying them. But then i began to think of the positives in all of this, one being people where thinking of my blog so it must be decent and maybe people will become curious after seeing their formspring then go into looking at my blog, so this imposter wasn't doing all bad for me.
Then I had another thought about the title of my blog, as originally i wanted to change the title anyway but i hadn't thought of any good names until this escapade came along. So it lead me into listing a few ones that came into my head like:
- The real me
- 100% me
- You've found the real Sam (my personal favourite on a funny level but too wordy)
- The real thing
However i am thinking of going with "It's all me", giving the impression that its only me and no one else of course, but i like it and it sticks i hope.
Furthermore i do hope that in a way this imposter keeps going as he/she may earn me more hits later on so it's all good. Hope this didn't bore you but i thought i had to tell you all. Hope your all well !
Yes you have my attention
by sambo2011 on Comments
Recently in a previous post, i have mentioned an ex-girlfriend of mine which is now just a friend after 2 years of being together. We split up about a month ago and haven't really talked that much apart from whenever we cross each other in the corridor at sixth form or during our biology lessons, in which we do sit next to each other.
However at the moment she seems to be ringing me or texting me at odd times during the day which i'm not bothered about because at first i thought it was because of a naturally feeling of missing something or someone, in this case me as we was together all the time and spoke everyday. However during this phone conversation she seems to mention a lot of boys names to me and how they are texting/ calling her. This doesn't bother me at all, but then after thinking about it i wondered if she was doing it for my attention because i haven't given her any proper attention like i had before. The only problem is that i don't want to keep having these conversations about how she has being to someone's house or how should she let another boy know that she likes him not because it effects me anyway, i just don't think its right really to be saying this stuff to me. Also i don't want it to lead us back into another relationship, not because she isn't a nice girl or anything because she really is, i just wasn't happy and never really felt good enough as even though we was in a relationship should would tell me about other boys, and other boys have to agree with me here that we don't want to here about other boys at all. In other words i feel that she is fighting for my attention but i don't want this to go into another relationship.
I am content with the ways things are now, the fact i can be with my friends a lot more now as i restricted myself from being with them during our relationship and the fact that i feel like i can do whatever i want to now and wasn't being told what to do.
Anyhow i normally don't write about this kind of stuff up here but it was just on my mind really.
In other news still player halo (of course) and now thinking of getting dragon age origins but i'm not totally sure about that quite yet, due to me needed money for the rest of my driving lessons. And i am now not going to blog with my ipod on due to me making to many mistakes when i'm writing, so i'm sorry about that, if theres any song lyrics or stupid mistakes up there just blame it on that.
Hope your all okay.
The view from my end
by sambo2011 on Comments
I thought i would just quickly update you all on were i stand at the moment in my life. At the moment i am still playing a lot of Reach which led me into finding a new online game match that i really love this called team SWAT. It's just slayer but with no shield and only with DMRs partnered with a magnum from time to time. I'm having a lot of fun on that at the moment and going to probably check out the forge side of things sometime today whenever i get time from slaying people.
In other aspects of my life, i am trying to think of a different title for my other blog, i am thinking of changing its now name 'Si a todo' to another one which may be more catchy, just depends if i can think of a decent enough name. At the moment i have :
- Positive tension
- The way it is
-In my eyes
-Type here
Nothing explosive quite yet, but they are just a list of my favourites which i have thought up.
I have also recieved a bad review from an annomolous person off the website 'Formspring' without even being a member myself which i found quite funny. In other words one of my friends which was my girlfriend for 2 years has got it and i sometimes pop on every now and then to just check it out. Anyhow on my arrival this morning i saw that someone has written :
"I think S.B is a dick. I feel sorry for you."
The S.B part being me so it didn't take long for my to decipher but it made me laugh and smile for a bit, getting abuse because i wanted to be happy, what is the world coming too. I have to urge to write a witty come back back but i haven't thought of one yet.
I am still pondering how to invest my money whether into games or into something else, yet if i put it into my bank account the urge to spend it does increase dramatically, so i think i might try and save it, till at least my 3 months of live runs out.
Hopefully me and my friends are still on to play some Xbox after being invited around but i am not totally sure if that meeting is still going ahead, i will report back soon and if it does i will tell you how it goes.
And that's really whats happening at the moment, nothing of any great excitement, oh one thing, this ex-girlfriend of mine turned friend did ask me for advice on how to show a boy that you like him, which i thought was rather wierd until she said it wasn't for her but for her friend, this was followed by a rather nervous laugh so i have my doubts, but apart from that nothing.
Thanks for reading and if anyone has any explosive blog names please let me know, thanks again.
Hope your all okay.
Going to the theatre
by sambo2011 on Comments
I have recently being playing a lot, and i mean a lot, of halo reach since i got it for christmas especially online. During my time online i have come to grips with the theatre mode and become obsessed of going through each game that i play to pick out really good looking shots of my spartan butchering someone or putting a bullet into someone's head. I have uploaded a few different ones into my 'file share' and even put a couple up of my gamestop account. I am even thinking of doing a video of all my kills during one whole match which could be like a mini project that i could get doing over the past few days, i of course will post it up on here for you all to watch after i have added the finishing pieces to it.
I have started to play a little bit more of dead rising 2 now as well, yet seem 'held back' by the time aspect of the game. What i really mean is that i just want to run around for a couple of hours destroying zombies and see what i can combine, but i guess we can all dream.
Hope your all okay.
Headshot to Screenshot
by sambo2011 on Comments
I am now a fully addicted online Halo Reach-er after playing through a few games last night and the night before. I also did a bit of exploring with the theatre mode, then started taking a few screenshots of how i nailed a headshot. I uploaded onto my images, my first ever halo screenshot, i am in the red of course. So if you wouldn't mind taken a look, thank you. I have played a a bit of dead rising but just seemed to by hooked into Halo so hadn't really had time to mash up some zombies quite yet but it seems great fun.
Due to recieving a little bit of cash over the festive period i think i might search the internet looking for the best games on offer that i haven't had chance to play through yet either, i'm thinking maybe battlefield bad company 2 or medal of honor, i guess i will see what i can find. Anyhow i hope your all okay and have fun festive gaming.
Oh yeah before i forget, you can read all about the highs and lows of my christmas day on my other blog at www.bloggingsam.blogspot.com, thank you. Stay safe.
Short and Sweet
by sambo2011 on Comments
I am just going to keep this one short. I hope you all had a good christmas with whatever you were doing. I thought i would give you a run down of what i got starting with Limited Edition Halo Reach, which i have only had time to play the first mission but still had time to fall in love with it, brilliant game. I also recieved Dead rising 2 which i haven't had time to play but rather looking forward to it i must say. Last but not least a new ipod nano which i also love, as well as other small gifts and presents.
Hopefully i will get some time tomorrow to blast more fools on Halo and get going online so i can warm up for the Xbox get together next thursday and kill some undead as well.
Hope you all had good days, Merry Christmas !
Merry Christmas
by sambo2011 on Comments
Merry christmas everyone.
Hope everyone has a good day and gets whatever you want or have asked for.
Enjoy it ! Hope your all well and keep safe.
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