if your question is, will it work when you put all the parts together, yes, probably, and itll play most games out today fairly well.
but its not the most wise collection of parts. no pci slots means other than a graphics card you can fit nothing else in your pc, so youll be stuck with less than great onboard audio which puts you at a great disadvantage in any competative fps game for example. youre graphics card may be slightly bottlenecked by that cpu too, and obviously at a later date in a couple of years when you want to upgrade your processor/graphics or both, youll almost certainly want atleast 650w so will have to buy another psu which isnt very cost effective in the long run.
you should still be able to get a cheap micro atx board with a couple of pci slots aswell as the pci express slot. for maybe $5 more it would be a good move as then if you want a proper sound card later then you can get one. and i would get a 650w psu to save myself in the long run. but its not bad for a first build.
edit: you might also want to consider getting a cheap as possible 250gb or even 80gb hard drive as by the time you are using up the space, the price will be much, much lower. the price currently is greatly inflated by a couple of factories being burned to the ground. the same 500gb you want to buy cost about £35 a few months ago.
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