While I can see many, including myself, are not happy with the game and the new approach taken for the series, MGSV is still getting super positive reviews and appreciates from game reviewers and casual gamers. In fact, what bothers me the most is that nobody cares about what people say in comment sections such as this one. In other words, our voice will not be heard by anyone and it is us talking and exchanging views among ourselves, which is a pity.
I can hear people talking about The Division being so repetitive and boring, and that it does not deserve the tribute paid by reviewers; yet its sales have gone through the roof and I still hear people like Greg Miller calling the game "fantastic".I understand that it's a matter of personal preferences to find a game either "fantastic'' or ''monotonous''; but when you know that your voice will be heard by many, and that the words you use may affect people's choices and as a result the future of game developing (high sale rates of a bad yet wrongly appreciated game results in other developers taking the same approach for their upcoming games), I think it's wise to be a little bit more careful about what you say.
@elheber: for a fair comparison to be made, you also need to add the cost of a capable PC to the price of the HTC Vive, which exceedes that of PS4 + Camera + PSVR. In other words, OP is right about the PSVR having the upper hand in the pricing department.
sev2010's comments