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Now I am part of the PS3 crew!

To those paying attention, I just bought a 20GB PS3 on ebay for $250.00! It's been upgraded to a 120GB harddrive but it is, in fact, the REAL 20GB original and has full backwards compatablity. I am tickled. I can't wait for it to arrive. Now my problem is I have alot of great games to get plus all the Xbox 360 stuff I plan on getting this year. Thoughts or advice from all of you?

OnLive... the obvious next step!

I think OnLive is about to dominate or at least change everything we know about gaming. I can see it somehow pairing with Microsoft in order to ensure a strong and established gaming community as Xbox Live is the best internet gaming around. For me, OnLive is the obvious next step. I've actually made the argument that gaming will eventually go to a no disc format and strictly online format. It makes sense. No one wants to spend $400-$600 for the next system with $60.00 games. A service like this is what is needed to evolve the gaming industry. Sure, things will change. Gamestop and EB Games are likely yesterday's news. But the industry isn't about saving some retail store or even providing a tangible game cartridge or disc. It is about growth and taking the next step in high technology. If people can play their old arcade favorites along with the newest and latest groundbreaking titles by merely turning on their TV/Computer, then how could the standard platform even hope to compete? Think about it; no more bulky games laying around; no high cost systems that get red rings or feature high cost blu ray drives, no standing in line to get the next big game around Christmas time. All of these hassles and problems will be a thing of the past. Gaming will be able to grow leaps and bounds by being more efficient. Even producers will benefit with lower costs and more room for development in sharing with the gaming community during production. And best of all, this is a fantastic opportunity for smaller, upstart gaming developers to get their new and innovative ideas out there to the masses without the messy worries of producers and bigger companies. I can see Nintendo, Microsoft, Sony jumping on board or bringing something very similar to the table. It will be more like a service provider rather than a new system. Competition will still be there but this will force everyone to think of gaming in a new way. I say AMEN to that!

Gamespot's kind of making me not so happy at the moment.

I just recently took a look at my emblems and everything and I noticed that my votes for 2004, 2005, and 2007 are there. However, I have also voted for 2006 and 2008 and there are no emblems. Why not? Where are they? I hate to be picky but if I voted, don't you think I should have the emblems that state that I have done so? I mean, someone who is looking me up might think I'm some sort of slacker or something. NOT THE CASE! I vote because I believe very much in supporting gaming and I think voting shows that support. I just don't understand what's the dealio. Kind of pissing me off at the moment.

Anyone else notice anything similar? Has Gamespot been neglagent with any of you? Do tell....

Dissidia is here!

To those of you that care, Dissidia is a 3D arena style fighting game featuring Final Fantasy characters. The game will not see release until later this year, here in the States. However, I have imported my copy from Japan and I'm here to say that it looks fantastic! I am still trying to figure out what I need to do in order to play it well. The game seems to have a fairly decent story mode that is heavy on text. I would not recommend importing this title unless you know at least some Japanese. But as far as the quality of the game, I'm sure those that are curious about it will not be disappointed. Even though I have my import copy, I still plan on getting the US copy just so I can know what the hell to do and how the story plays out. If you want to ask me anything about it, here's the place to do it. If I can, I'll be sure to review the game soon.