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What is your favorite fighting game and why?

I have given this a lot of thought. I have considered all the factors in what makes a good fighting game and have chosen from a list of great titles, such as Dead or Alive Ultimate, Virtua Fighter 4: Evolution, Tekken Tag Tournament, Tekken 5, Soul Calibur 2 (Gamecube), Super Smash Bros. Melee, Guilty Gear X-2 Reload, King of Fighters (series), the Street Fighter (and Alpha) series, the Versus series (Capcom vs. SNK, Marvel vs. Capcom 2, Marvel vs. Street Fighter, Snk vs. Capcom: Chaos).

After much deliberation I have to give this one to Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike. I just don't know a better fighter out there. The balance is flawless. Each character has their strengths and weaknesses (especially when pitted against certain characters). When you are playing this game as Chun Li, for instance, you can run circles around Hugo. But watch out because when he does get a hold of you he will pick you up and throw you like a rag doll. Now, when you pit Chin Li against Ibuki, you have a perfectly balanced fight between two equally agile and powerful fighters. The game is like this with every character and keeps the balance throughout play. It's truly amazing.

The graphics are astonishing and everything in the game animates fluidly. Each character is large and detailed in a way that pushes 2-D fighters to a whole new level. Each background is perfectly fitting along with the music. Granted, it's typical Capcom fighting game music, but each tune suits the character it's fitted with. And the pumping hip hop tunes during the opening of the game and while selecting characters really feel like this is a "Street Fighting" theme. It all works together so well.

The game also controls better than any other fighter I have played. Every character is responsive and has a great collection of moves. You can choose between three possible super moves for each fighter and this really plays into the strategy of when to pull off the moves while fighting. All the super moves are distinctly different and force you to choose carefully how you play your game. The parrying moves that were added to this title also take this game to a whole new level of play. If you time it right, you can block any punch, kick, fireball, etc. that is coming to you and throw your opponent off guard and take the offensive. It's an inegenous addition to fighting games and adds to the Street Fighter formula to keep it from becoming stale.

But I haven't even started with the customization. Don't like something in the game? Simply turn it off. You even have the option to turn off jumping, throwing, special moves, super moves... almost anything. The game has an option called System Direction which allows you to customize the way the game is played. You can take away or add anything you want to the mechanics of the game. And the more you beat the game, the more options open up in System Direction to allow further customization.

I guess I made my point. Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike is a gem of a game. I truly love it and I think any fighting game fan will agree. The game is pretty readily available. If you're a PS2 owner or Xbox owner, you can get the game in the Street Fighter Anniversary Collection (which also comes with a special version of Street Fighter II), it was in the arcadesas well. And for you old schoolers out there it's on the Sega Dreamcast. I'd say the Dreamcast version is the best one, but may be hard to come by and you also should go with an import fighting controller if you get that version. The PS2 version is probably as good, but the sound is a wee bit quieter than the Dreamcast version for some reason. But since it comes with Street Fighter II: Hyper Fighting Edition you can't go wrong. The Xbox version seems to be the same as the PS2 version but the balance is thrown off and is just harder in difficulty level. It doesn't make any sense to me. But when you play it you'll see what I am talking about. If the Xbox is the only way you have to play this game then you can adjust the difficulty level in the options mode. Trust me folks; by any means and for whatever system you all need to go out and get any version of this game. You won't regret it.

Okay, have I said enough? Are you tired of reading yet? Good! Now it's your turn, people. Tell us all what your favorite fighter is and why. I dare you to try to write as much as I did. LOL! But seriously, enquiring minds want to know; what fighting game out there make you tic and why? I'll keep my eyes open for you all.

*note- I will be posting this as my newest blog as well as in the General Games Discussion. Please feel free to answer at either or both locations.

Final Fantasy Fanboy Adventing the Child!

Okay folks. Here you are and here I am. I just got Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children and I am here to say WOW!!!I have been waiting for this for so long. Almost as long as everyone else I bet. But seriously, the wait is over and it was worth it.

The movie is just a gorgeous sight to behold. Take any cutscene you have ever seen from SquareEnix and multiply it by a billion and you have some idea of how beautiful this film is. Square used the same technology that was used for FF: Spirits Within and from the Animatrix scene, but this looks even more refined.

The story, I'm happy to report, is much better than Spirits Within. This is taken right out of the Final Fantasy VII universe and everything stays true to each original characters and concepts. Some have said the story is hard to follow, but I didn't find this to be the case at all. I'd say if you have played Final Fantasy VII, then the storyline will make sense to you.

The English voice over is outstanding, but as any otaku will agree, this needs to be watched in Japanese to get the full emotion and effect. It just feels  very Japanese in story and style. Some might compare it to Anime, but I think this would be a mistake. We are looking at a whole new level, style, and sub-genre of animation.

I can't stress to you all enough how great this movie is. You all need to get it if you like anything Final Fantasy. Especially if you are like the multitudes out there that think Final Fantasy VII is the best game ever. If you beat the game, get this film so you can find out what happens next. Then, you're gonna have to get Dirge of Cerebus: Final Fantasy VII, Final Fantasy; Before Crisis, Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core.... Wow. What the hell did Final Fantasy X-2 start? Who cares. Just call me Cloud.

Final Fantasy Fanboyism Strikes Again!

Well, here I am, now a slave to the cult that is Final Fantasy XI. I am just getting ready to dive into a new realm of gaming. This is my first online gaming experience and I am a bit nervous about it. I think I am going to lose my job, my friends, and flunk out of school. But hey, it's okay because it's Final Fantasy!

If any of you are FF XI players, let me know what you think of it. I am just getting my account all set up tonight, so I doubt I'll be in to the game until tomorrow (this is a LONG process). But it will take a while because I will be a newbie. If anyone has advice or just some words of encouragement, please drop them my way.

I was just writing to say, I am truly a Final Fantasy Fanboy now, and I am proud of it! Final Fantasy XI... here I come!

I am such a Final Fantasy Fanboy!!!

Hi folks! Recently, I went to the forums and posted a few fun threads... "Fanboys anonymous". Some people took it way too seriously, but some got the jist of it and played along telling how they were Zelda fanboys or Metal Gear Solid fanboys... It was all in good fun.

Anyway, I came across a thread asking why Final Fantasy games are so great. I wrote something that made me feel so proud of myself I decided to make it my new blog. So I hope you don't mind but I am posting it right here! If you agree, or disagree, feel free to tell me why. Thanks for putting up with me. Here it is:

Question: What makes Final Fantasy so great of a game?

This is a question that can't be answered with one simple answer. You have to understand the talent involved in making these games. SquareEnix has the best programmers, writers, musicians, animators, and localization specialists working on each and every one of these games. The money poured into making each game is an astronomical amount. And they put it to good use.

Each Final Fantasy pushes the graphical envelope further and further. Remember when FF VII came out? It was beyond anything anyone had seen in an RPG or any video game at that time. FF VIII only took it further with more realistic looking characters and some of the best CG work ever seen. Plus, the animations for GF's were outstanding. With Final Fantasy XII and Dirge of Cerebus: Final Fantasy VII coming later this year, expect no less from the masters.

Musically, this series has always been tops. Each blood pumping tune during fight scenes sticks with you after you leave your system and go do something else. And the victory of winning the fight, no matter how many times you hear it, makes you feel a sense of accomplishment (especially after a hard battle). The music always reflects the emotions of whatever is going on in any given moment. Serene melodies are heard when walking around the world maps, villainous music when a baddie makes an appearance, sweet and heartfelt music when something innocent or romantic is happening (think of when Cloud met Aerith the first time), and of course, tragic moments are only intensified by what you are hearing then too. The music of Final Fantasy has always been an intregal part of the series and only heightens each and every moment of the game.

The stories are Shakespearean in magnitude. They are written and translated by true masters at work. Each gripping moment evokes intense emotion and genuine care for characters and the situation they are in. Every character has their own back story and the dialogue is always fit for whomever is speaking. Arguments and laughter all feel like scenes from a well made film. Most novelists wish they could attain the emotional intensity that is reflected in every Final Fantasy game. And they are only getting better and better as time goes on. In no other game series do you love the characters, hate the bad guys, and feel the victory of the win more than in Final Fantasy.

Final Fantasy translates to sheer quality. Say what you want about RPG's and how they have evolved. But Final Fantasy has been more influential and inspirational than any other series out there (yes, even more than Zelda). No other game series has catapulted an entire genre into the mainstream like Final Fantasy. And while in the mainstream, this series has remained fresh and new. It constantly reinvents itself all while staying tried and true to the Final Fantasy formula.

So, what makes Final Fantasy so great? In a word, everything!

There you are, folks. Now, tell me what you think.

This won't matter much to all of you; it's more for my wellbeing to say this.

I am sorry to all I have wronged in this world and this life. I wish I could take back many of the things I have done but I can't. I can only hope that some out there can find it in their hearts to forgive me for my wrong doings.

I can't undo the past. I can only worry about who I am today and who I will become tomorrow. I hope to be a better person than I was yesterday. If it counts for anything to anyone, I am sorry.

I just needed to say that. I love you all.


The new direction games are headed...

This is a subject that has me worried. Think about it. Games are losing innovation. This industry has become more mainstream and, as a result, more corporate cash oriented. It used to be Japan that dictated the way the gaming world went. But not anymore. Now it's all about what sells and how to cash in on a new idea, milk it for all it's worth, and run it into the ground.

Take Grand Theft Auto (series). These games haven't changed too drastically since GTA III. Now these games are okay. They were new and fresh. But talk about being done to death. Every company and their brother's company are trying to replicate the success of GTA or just make a quick buck with a cheap clone. It's so sad to see that happen when at the same time truly great games go fully unheard of and unrealized. Ever hear of Rez? What about Ico? Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga sound familiar? To most out there these games are as unfamiliar as eating sashimi with chopsticks; most haven't heard of them, most haven't tried them, and most never will.

Don't get me wrong. There is a lot to be said for the tried and true. And maybe I am giving Japan too much credit. After all, I'm sure to many a Japanese gamer, all the games that are popular there are facing the same similarity issues. But most games that find their way across the pond are quality games that are getting lost in the shuffle of GTA, 50 Cent, True Crime, the Getaway.... blah blah blah. Most of these games are sub-par at best. Let's be honest, if you have either Vice City or San Andreas, do you really need the other GTA games? But at least every Final Fantasy is different.

With this current generation on its dusk and the new generation on its dawn, I am worried about the future of gaming. Games cost a lot of money to make now. A lot more than they ever used to. It makes sense for companies to not want to take risks. They want to make sure their product pays off. But where does that leave us gamers? With clones of clones of clones to play? No thanks. I know this industry is changing as all things must. I just hope we can still get something fresh once in a while.

Companies like EA are making it worse. They have become the new Eisner-run-Disney of video games. If they put out anything of quality it was actually made by someone else and only published by EA. Rockstar is synonymous with violent and extreme games. So don't expect them to ever come out with something creative that everyone can enjoy. But someone that is willing to take risks and put out quality products just can't compete and loses out (Working Designs anyone?). These kinds of things have me up late at nights. But good ol' Capcom, Konami, Square, and Atlus... they're keeping it real... They are still going strong and giving us something other than Madden 07, 08, 09 10, 11, 12, 13.... to look forward to.

I'll just close my little rant with this: Beyond everything it is us gamers that dictate what direction this industry goes. The corporate guys want our money. We want quality products. If we keep buying crap, they will make more crap for us to buy. If we stop and say "Hey! I'm all about creativity and quality, and that's where my money is going," they'll listen. So stop buying the same junk over and over and over. Let's only get something that is actually good. After all we are the masses and they have to listen to us.

I stand corrected!

Well, I have to hand it to Nintendo! I was a STRONG advocate for Sony's PSP over the DS for the longest time. But now that I have a DS and about six games (and more on the way), I have to say that Nintendo has the superior games and maybe even the superior system.

We all know that graphically, the DS falls short of the PSP. But beyond graphics, the DS has inovation and the best games I have played on any system in a long time. The graphics are still great and so is the sound. Also, the fact that it plays Gameboy Advance games along with it has me sold. I am very impressed with the DS, but that should have always been obvious to me from the get go as Nintendo has always had the best programers. When it comes to systems, it doesn't matter what it can do. We all know it's about the games games games!

We have a 2-D Castlevania that harkens back to Symphony of the Night, we have online Mario Kart, we have Animal Crossing... Need I go on? When it comes to my PSP, I am still playing Lumines and that's about it. Many that I argued with in the system wars forum were right. Nintendo owns Sony here.

I will still keep my PSP as it's a great system that does other things. But when it comes to gameplay, the PSP hasn't come out with anything close to the great games on the DS. That doesn't mean the war is over. Nintendo got off to a slow start and has now kicked it in gear. Sony could pull a rabbit out of the proverbial hat. If they do, we have a major system war on our hand(held)s. If not, Nintendo's DS is the only way to go!