Im not reading through 6 pages of fanboy talk, but you do know this has nothing to do with Epic and has not come from them as you can see from quotes like this -
"But I think"
"one of them being his belief"
shawty1984's forum posts
[QUOTE="skektek"][QUOTE="TakeOFF250"]Fact: Yes Uncharted 2 looks amazing but sony bought this "graphic king" for their marketing strategy. Do cows really think it was easy to make this game look that good?
It cost $20 million and 2 years to make UC2, so yes it was relatively easy. And the bonus is that since ND is a first party developer all that code and experience gets rolled back into the dev tools for anyone to benefit from.
Yep this is what I was saying, ND is a first party they used sony ressources to make that game, do you really believe they created everything from scratch? do you believe sony didnt told them they would get all the help they need to get the best looking game?I hate getting into these 'fanboy' wars, but what point are you trying to make?
Headline - Sony help first party dev shocker.
Maybe if Microsoft did this instead of lashing out millions on pointless exclusive/timed exclusive stuff, then maybe it would be better for all of us.
[QUOTE="my_name_is_ron"][QUOTE="brotherreese"] Wrong. You have to set the PS3 to output at 720p, then the t.v will display at that level. If it's set at 1080i / 1080p, then the PS3 will try to upscale to those levels.Mr_Splosherso how come when i switch my ps3 on to go around the menus it shows in 1080p, then when i put a game in and start playing it automatically switches to 720p? Because not all games play at 1080p, you can check the resolution on the back of the game box.
Which doesnt tell you anything. COD WM2 states 720p, 1080i, 1080p. Its neither of them, its 600p.
[QUOTE="Nibroc420"] but your "Truth" is based off if's. It's about as truthful as be saying Pizza and Chocolate taste exactly the same.....if you eat them when your mouth if full of toothpaste. Pretty big if.
Every time you try to make the argument you're making, you're assuming things that are not fact, and twisting things to make your statement true. While it is true that at certain distances there is no difference between 720 and 1080, for you to enter 3 to 4 threads and make the assumption that no-one sits close enough to notice the difference is wrong. And annoying. want an example?
"1080p screen regradless of size (and remember just talking about resolution here) will always look the same"
this statement (made by you) is not true.
1080p will NOT always look the same, it depends on viewing distance and the size of the screen. Yes, 1080p will always consist of 1920x1080 pixels. however, thats quite a stupid statement to make as the size of these pixels changes the visual quality of the screen.
Ive made it quite clrear in every thread Im talking about resolution and resolution alone. Taking away viewing distance in relation to screen size, then yes 1080p will look the same on any size screen. I say this because some people out there believe that 1080p only looks good or is only beneficial on larger screens or screens above 50". Your not reading into my debate, just jumping on my back. I have no problem with people that state 1080p on a 22" screen is no good for them due to viewing distance, but 9 out of 10 people do not say this, nor do they believe 1080p at 22" can be any good.
My side of the debate is that 1080p is 1080p and regardless of what screen size it is on, it will always look the same, I would of though that I wouldnt have to state viewing difference in every post counted due to
A) Ive already stated it numerous times in laods of threads
B) Its pretty obvious that things change due to the distance you view from.
I thought I had made my debate very clear, yet time and time again, it sames not so. But I dont know how to make it more clear.1080p is 1080 which is 1920 x 1080, this does nto change due to screen size. This goes to everyone who beleives there is a difference between 1080p due to smaller screens. That has and always will be my debate/argument, to me that is very clear. Then your statement/argument/debate, whatever you want to call it is unnecessary 1080p is, and always will be 1920x1080, that is it's size. It's like running around saying 1cm^3 is always 1cmx1cmx1cm, it's redundant.
Without taking into account viewing distance, you could say that an infinitely large screen would look the same as a 20x20 pixel screen at the "Correct distance" Viewing distance, Is, and ALWAYS must be taken into account when referring to sizes of screens. Because without knowing that, you can't say anything about size.
For those who dont understand that 1920x1080 is 1080p, and everything labeled 1080p has that many pixels, is lost. Forget them, and quit stating the obvious.
Its not unecessary at all though it is. There is still loads of people that believe it. Ive always stated distance matters, maybe not in every single post, but that is to excessive. There is still loads of beleieve it and not just on this site. They actually believe 1080p is better because its a bigger screen and the sooner this myth is wiped out the better. So I will post when I want where I want unless the mods see fit otherwise.
[QUOTE="Nibroc420"] While i agree that it does matter, entering every thread (i've counted at least 3 on the first page) and trying to start arguments about how if you're more than X feet away, there's no reason to get 720 over 1080 because they forgot to mention the distance they're sitting from their tv.
Truth is, you keep saying "720 and 1080 look the same at the "Correct distance" " well... yeah, i bet 480 would look the same as 1080 at some "Correct distance" as well.
Should we all just stick to 480 then? :roll:
Ill enter what threads I like and when I see fit. Im also not trying to cause no arguments, Im telling truth and 100% fact, if people want to argue that, its not my problem. but your "Truth" is based off if's. It's about as truthful as be saying Pizza and Chocolate taste exactly the same.....if you eat them when your mouth if full of toothpaste. Pretty big if.
Every time you try to make the argument you're making, you're assuming things that are not fact, and twisting things to make your statement true. While it is true that at certain distances there is no difference between 720 and 1080, for you to enter 3 to 4 threads and make the assumption that no-one sits close enough to notice the difference is wrong. And annoying. want an example?
"1080p screen regradless of size (and remember just talking about resolution here) will always look the same"
this statement (made by you) is not true.
1080p will NOT always look the same, it depends on viewing distance and the size of the screen. Yes, 1080p will always consist of 1920x1080 pixels. however, thats quite a stupid statement to make as the size of these pixels changes the visual quality of the screen.
Ive made it quite clrear in every thread Im talking about resolution and resolution alone. Taking away viewing distance in relation to screen size, then yes 1080p will look the same on any size screen. I say this because some people out there believe that 1080p only looks good or is only beneficial on larger screens or screens above 50". Your not reading into my debate, just jumping on my back. I have no problem with people that state 1080p on a 22" screen is no good for them due to viewing distance, but 9 out of 10 people do not say this, nor do they believe 1080p at 22" can be any good.
My side of the debate is that 1080p is 1080p and regardless of what screen size it is on, it will always look the same, I would of though that I wouldnt have to state viewing difference in every post counted due to
A) Ive already stated it numerous times in laods of threads
B) Its pretty obvious that things change due to the distance you view from.
I thought I had made my debate very clear, yet time and time again, it sames not so. But I dont know how to make it more clear.1080p is 1080 which is 1920 x 1080, this does nto change due to screen size. This goes to everyone who beleives there is a difference between 1080p due to smaller screens. That has and always will be my debate/argument, to me that is very clear.
Oh and by the way, that statement by me is true, please read it. Your one of people who jump before reading again failing to see the main point of what the debate is about.
"1080p screen regradless of size (and remember just talking about resolution here) will always look the same"
The important part is in bold, please read it and take it in. Resolution does not change due to screen size getting bigger or smaller, if you read it Im talking about resolution and not viewing distances. Resolution is the same about of pixels which equals the same amount of detail, this resolution and detail is the same on a 22" as it is on a 100". Wether you have to few it from further or closer distance is neither here nor there as Im not talking about that. Its people that cant understand that the resolution of 1080p has the same detail at different sizes that Im aiming at.
[QUOTE="Nibroc420"] Can you stop entering every topic saying the exact same thing? When people say that there's no distinguishable difference between 720 and 1080p they're referring to the average distance people sit from a TV. at 8' away, 22" and 100" TV's will look different. It's like me saying Why buy a $1000 TV, when my ipod video's little screen will perform the same at the "Correct viewing distance" You're practically trolling with these half truth arguments. Quit it, it's annoying.
Sigh, not again.
If they mean that, then they should say that. Also, how do you know they are refering to that anyway? I know a lot of people on these and different forums who actually think different. Everytime someone says that, I will correct them, like it or not Im here to stay. I never spread half truths, never. Of course things will look different if viewed from different distances, thats life and not just for TV's, but some people actually believe that viewing distance does not matter. While i agree that it does matter, entering every thread (i've counted at least 3 on the first page) and trying to start arguments about how if you're more than X feet away, there's no reason to get 720 over 1080 because they forgot to mention the distance they're sitting from their tv.
Truth is, you keep saying "720 and 1080 look the same at the "Correct distance" " well... yeah, i bet 480 would look the same as 1080 at some "Correct distance" as well.
Should we all just stick to 480 then? :roll:
Ill enter what threads I like and when I see fit. Im also not trying to cause no arguments, Im telling truth and 100% fact, if people want to argue that, its not my problem.
ask anyone who knows what they are talking about and they will tell you that as far as games on PS3 or 360 are concerned or watching BluRay, any HDTV under 46" will show NO distinguishable difference between 720p and 1080p!! Anyone who pays the extra $300-1000 for 1080p on HDTV's under 46" is simply acting foolish with their $$$!!
Thats one of the biggest myths in the technical land ever.
The difference can be seen on a 22" TV/Monitor if viewed from the correct distance. TV size alone means nothing to resolution, if they can fit 1920 x 1080 1080p on a screen, then if viewed from the correct distance that resolution will of course and very obviously look the same be it 22" or 100" and will look totally better than 720p on the same size screens, again if both are viewed from the correct distance.
If you know anyone that thinks they know what they are talking about, maybe you need to educate them with the above facts. Can you stop entering every topic saying the exact same thing? When people say that there's no distinguishable difference between 720 and 1080p they're referring to the average distance people sit from a TV. at 8' away, 22" and 100" TV's will look different. It's like me saying Why buy a $1000 TV, when my ipod video's little screen will perform the same at the "Correct viewing distance" You're practically trolling with these half truth arguments. Quit it, it's annoying.
Sigh, not again.
If they mean that, then they should say that. Also, how do you know they are refering to that anyway? I know a lot of people on these and different forums who actually think different. Everytime someone says that, I will correct them, like it or not Im here to stay. I never spread half truths, never. Of course things will look different if viewed from different distances, thats life and not just for TV's, but some people actually believe that viewing distance does not matter.
Sorry, but you really should stop spreading your half-truths and misinformation.
Average is what is given for the typical household. And is a baseline for people to grasp an understanding.
Screen Size matters, as much as resolution and viewing distance. You keep spouting it doesn't matter, but it's part of the formula. What would the theory of realitivity be if there was no Mass?
No one is making anything up btw, these are well documented facts and figures. Will there always be some variables to real life? Yes. But that doesn't mean we throw everything away that can help someone make a wise, and more economical decision.
Your problem is that you respond to someone that brings up a valid point, and attack it from only one point. You aren't contributing to the discussion, and infact, you're hindering by only stating misleading and one-sided information.
So please, do everyone a favor, and just stop.
I have never spread half truths and or misinformation.
There is no average, how many times does this have to be said. Unless you have polled every household int he world and worked the formula to average the distance, then any quote mentioning an average is just plain silly. It would make more sense of dropping the average and just asking the person what their viewing distance is.
Yes screen size matters, in relation to viewing distance. Screen size alone does not matter. It grinds on me that I have to keep repeating this. Im sick of people saying 32" is pointless for 1080p. Such a statement is so false, taking a TV size and then saying its no good is plain silly and stupid because the size of the screen itself does not affect resolution. Hence why screen size itself is irrelevant, please can you understand this?
Ill stop nothing until people stop posting false information. A resolution of 1080p 1920 x 1080 is the same be it on a 22" screen or a 100" screen. Resolution is fixed and does not change due to screen size, I wish people would stop with the myth that 1080p is only good for 50"+ screens, that is total nonsense.
You obviously don't pay attention to the context of what people say. People might say, 1080p is useless for most owners of 32" Televisions and that would most likely be true. Most people sit far from the acceptable distant the human eye can distinguish the difference.
Also, once again, the Average viewing distance is a measurement setup by THX standards. It gives someone an idea. If 6-8 requires a 55"(or whatever) bigger screen for someone with 20/20 to tell the difference(which few peopole have anyways) then if I sit 6ft away and buy a 32" inch, it's clearly not going to matter. Same goes for a 40".
If you wish to be helpful, which you claim you're trying to do. Then why don't you simply copy and paste a chart with size and proper viewing distance for 1080p. This way, you've contributed to the discussion, helped people by further clarifying what's been said. As an added bonus, you won't come off as an ass.
The context, Have you read this thread? Please dont show yourself up. Here I will help you.
"With a 32" you'll hardly notice the difference at all between 1080p & 720p"
"but really in 32' tv's the difference is not that big"
"the difference is more clear with bigger screens but a 32' is not that big to notice the difference"
All 3 quotes are from this thread and from those quotes, each of their posts fail to mention anything about viewing distance. These people are following a great big myth and lie. People throw about 1080p is useless on small screens when clearly they dont have a clue of what they are talking about, like it or not, its proved in this thread alone. Come back with what you want, its in black and white, everyone can see.
And please stop with average viewing distance. The majority of posts on this subject never ever have 'average' or 'viewing distance' in them. Average means nothing. Whats the point on stating the average of a setup with TV's when you need to know what the person is thinking of doing. Stating a average for this topic is pretty stupid and pointless.
[QUOTE="KonKing"]for movies? yes. thats correct, no black bars.I looked at the specs more closely and under "Key Features" I noticed this:
- 1080p High-definition resolution
- 16:9 wide LCD aspect ratio
- Built-in speakers
- DVI and VGA
- 5Ms Response Time
It says its 16:9 not 16:10. Now correct me if I'm wrong but if its 16:9 then doesn't that mean that it won't be stretched out and there'll be no need for the black bars?
The monitor he is talking about is actually 16:10 and not 16:9 so he will get black bars.
I looked at the specs more closely and under "Key Features" I noticed this:
- 1080p High-definition resolution
- 16:9 wide LCD aspect ratio
- Built-in speakers
- DVI and VGA
- 5Ms Response Time
It says its 16:9 not 16:10. Now correct me if I'm wrong but if its 16:9 then doesn't that mean that it won't be stretched out and there'll be no need for the black bars?
Its wrong. The native resolution of the screen is 1920 x 1200 which is 16:10. It has 1:1 pixel mapping which will add the bars and stop the stretch, hence the image being 16:9. But the actual screen is 16:10.
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