Umm no. Screen Size + Viewing Distance = Potential for discernable difference. Screen size is a key factor in the equation, therefor not irrelevent.
And I can assure you, at the avg viewing distance of 6-8ft, you can tell the difference between 720 and 1080 on a 100 inch screen, but not a 22".
Why does this always come up.
Im talking about size screen alone as everybody loves to throw around random numbers making stuff up. TV size alone makes no difference to resolution.A 1080p 22" TV wikll look exactly the same as a 100" 1080p TV if both are viewed from the correct distance, TV size alone makes no difference as a small screen will look exactly the same as a large screen as the resolution would be the same. Why do I have to point this out in every arument on this subject.
There is no average viewing distance. Everyone is different. People view from bedrooms, kitchens and living rooms of all shapes and sizes. Whats average to you, would not be average to someone else. Saying the average viewing distance is 6-8ft is pretty silly. Regardless, we were never talking about averages, again, this always comes up in these arguments when people dont know whatthey are talking about, its so annoying. Why cant people just understand that a 22" 1080p TV is exactly the same resolution wise as a 100" 1080p TV and will look exactly the same if both are viewed from the correct distance.
Sorry, but you really should stop spreading your half-truths and misinformation.
Average is what is given for the typical household. And is a baseline for people to grasp an understanding.
Screen Size matters, as much as resolution and viewing distance. You keep spouting it doesn't matter, but it's part of the formula. What would the theory of realitivity be if there was no Mass?
No one is making anything up btw, these are well documented facts and figures. Will there always be some variables to real life? Yes. But that doesn't mean we throw everything away that can help someone make a wise, and more economical decision.
Your problem is that you respond to someone that brings up a valid point, and attack it from only one point. You aren't contributing to the discussion, and infact, you're hindering by only stating misleading and one-sided information.
So please, do everyone a favor, and just stop.
I have never spread half truths and or misinformation.
There is no average, how many times does this have to be said. Unless you have polled every household int he world and worked the formula to average the distance, then any quote mentioning an average is just plain silly. It would make more sense of dropping the average and just asking the person what their viewing distance is.
Yes screen size matters, in relation to viewing distance. Screen size alone does not matter. It grinds on me that I have to keep repeating this. Im sick of people saying 32" is pointless for 1080p. Such a statement is so false, taking a TV size and then saying its no good is plain silly and stupid because the size of the screen itself does not affect resolution. Hence why screen size itself is irrelevant, please can you understand this?
Ill stop nothing until people stop posting false information. A resolution of 1080p 1920 x 1080 is the same be it on a 22" screen or a 100" screen. Resolution is fixed and does not change due to screen size, I wish people would stop with the myth that 1080p is only good for 50"+ screens, that is total nonsense.
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