@MAD_AI I would have been ok with a simple interactive prompt in place for hacking, if only there was more ways to be creative with it. Unfortunately, that doesn't seem to be the case.
@warriors30 @ramyland I bought Sleeping Dogs for £5 recently on Steam. Man, i can't believe i completely ignored this game. It's great.
@Dannystaples14 @YouEnjoyMyFluff In the same vein as that, if you look at metacritic user score across all systems, they are all floating around 50. Though metacritic is awful, so take that with a grain of salt.
@YouEnjoyMyFluff That's what hype is for: to try to make a game successful, despite it possibly being crap. I'm not saying this is crap, but it isn't the second coming of christ that Ubisoft liked to make out.
shingui5's comments