@WolfBladeKK while i agree with this in part (the part being, DA2's combat was much more exciting and fun, while DA:O's combat was a bit stilted), DA2's combat was quite shallow in comparison to DA:O.
I'd prefer a mix of both. the fun and exciting combat of DA2, with a bit more depth.
@ziproy influenced does not mean stolen, it means influenced.
Bethesda has not copy-righted the open-world rpg, they just do their take on it. and if that's the direction DA will be going, they will just be doing their take on an open-world game as well.
so basically, it's a new ui, that's built to be used by a controller?
that's it?
i guess i see where they are coming from. they are trying to bridge that gap between console and PC a bit, by aiding their use on all viewing outputs, but i just think it's a bit...underwhelming, perhaps?
idk, i guess a lot of people will use it and love it.
@PSYCHOXBOXTRUTH wow, such irrational hatred, for such a pathetic reason. This PS3 V Xbox is possibly the most backward, tribal nonsense, i have ever seen on the internet.
Learn to understand that, your opinion is not any more credible, or important, than anybody else's opinion, and just because you have an opinion, it does not automatically make you correct.
Personally, i refuse to use my Xbox, as i find it quite insulting for MS to want me to pay them for the privilege to play my games i own, across the internet connection i pay for.
But, i am happy you use your Xbox, and that you find enjoyment out of it that i couldn't find.
shingui5's comments