The metal gear solid series that some have loved and some have hated ended as we know it w/ MGSIV. We all knew this. It wasn't far fetched to think that future MGS games with different stories, main characters, and even gameplay would be multiplat, and MAYBE more geared to the masses rather than the "cult" type following the series had in the past. If i remember correctly Kojima said he wanted to make a more "western" style game. Maybe that's the direction the new metal gear games will go? Whol knows?
sixringz1's forum posts
Things were bad enough for the PS3 but after losing its biggest franchise its all over. Sony first party titles have not been doing nearly well enough to ammount to any meaningful comeback against the 360.
Hear that? Yeah... that's the sound of the fat lady singing.
sony's biggest selling franchise is Gran Turismo. Look it upi'm really concerned that the gaming i grew up on and know and love might be gone forever. Nintendo started it w/ the Wii and their motion control. When i first saw it, i thought it was a gimmick and wouldn't be anything special. Now Microsoft is doing something similar. Sony will prob be next. Next gen, there will prob be nothing but "Wiimotes" on all systems. I don't like where this is going. I guess i'm old school and don't like change, i like my old controller. lol.
He said MGS Rising will have a "completely different feel to it than other Metal Gears". I wonder what that mean?
We have a developing situation. There are numerous reports from Orlando, and even from the owner himself, that say there is a "POSSIBILITY" that Nelson plays in the Finals. This oughta be interesting.
he was overrated when he played. Horrible pocket passer, great athlete. He had one really good season. Hell, at least Mark Rypien won the super bowl in his really good year. And Dan Reeves being a good coach. HA HA. This is the same guy who got run out of Denver because his quarterback, without quoting word for word, said something to the extent "Either he goes or I go cause we can't win with him as our coach". And i'll be damned if Shannahan didn't jump right in and all the sudden the Broncos won 2 superbowls. But back to Vick, i don't wanna come off as a hater, i just never thought he was that good. He was more of a show than a good qb. But he does deserve another chance. Everyone is forgetting one MAJOR fact though. In Atlanta, they restructured THEIR ENTIRE OFFENSIVE PLAYBOOK to fit Vick's UNIQUE abilities. Which was unprecedented. Don't think for a minute another team will rush to do the same. It's not gonna be as easy a transititon back as some people think
watching this team just shows you how great Lebron is. That supporting cast sucks. They had no business winning that many games this year. They have 2 GIANT PROBLEMS in the future if lebron stays there. First off they have to do something with west or williams. You can't have both them on the floor at the same time cause they are too small. You have 2 point guards playing PG and SG. And more importantly you have very old, slow, unathltetic and offensively challenged big men. Varajeo is the only one they should keep but he has no business being in the starting lineup. He's the Cavs version of the "Birdman" in Denver. He's an energy, hustle and defensive threat that should be a spark off the bench. I took a look at the free agents for this year and there is really no bigs out there other than Boozer, but we all know he's not going to Clv after the crap he pulled last time. I see another great regular season next year beating up on lesser talent, but come the playoffs, against elite competition, i think it will be the same thing. Lebron couldn't have played much better this series (minus this game) and it didn't matter. They weren't good enough. That brings us to 2010. I don't think the big question is "Where's Lebron gonna go"? as much as it is "What team is gonna surround Lebron w/ championship talent"? It should be fun
i'm about to sound really dumb but i had no idea they have been gone. I still have a magazine of theirs from 3 years ago that was a special issue on "The Greates 200 Games of Their Time" and i still look at it from time to time.
That should do it. The Lakers now will have homecourt (unless the cavs come back against orlando, doubtful). But even if they come back against Orlando they have a far inferior roster than LA. Cancel out Kobe and Lebron, LA is 10 points better on a consistant basis with the rest of their squad vs Cleveland's. As for Orlando, yes they beat LA twice in the reg season, but that was with Nelson who was the leading scorer in both those games for Orlando (averaging 28 points a game). Alston isn't good enough to put up anywhere near those numbers on a consistant basis. I would be shocked if the Lakers even need 6 games to win the title. Orlando are resiliant and won't give up, but at the end of the day i don't think they'll be good enough. Congrats early to LA on the title IMO.
It wasn't MJ-buzzer-beater-in-the-Finals big, but it was MJ-hits-a-running-jump-shot-to-send-the-Cavs-home big. See where I'm coming from here? There are loads of classic buzzer beaters from the Conference championships that still get replayed to this day. Classic shots. We just saw a new one today.Well technically MJ's shot against Utah wasn't at the buzzer. there was about 6 seconds left. It's just so memorable that as the years go by people just assume it was at the buzzer. But this was one hell of a shot. It will get more praise than other shots because of who shot it. Just like that fisher shot against SA a few yrs ago. If that was Kobe who made that shot, we'd see that highlight during playoffs every year. I haven't seen a replay of that fisher shot in a couple yrs. It's a superstar driven league[QUOTE="andyboiii"]lol this is only the conference finals. Definitely not the biggest shot in NBA history, see MJ's dagger in 98 in the finals against the JazzArchon_basic
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