sixringz1's forum posts
[QUOTE="sixringz1"]um kobe just does all the offense himself without gasol they would be lukly to pass the 2nd roundthat's my point. Kobe has HELP that can do it on their own w/out kobe being a playmaker. You can dump it down to Gasol. You can isolate odom. you take lebron and kobe and cancel them out. Go up and down each player in both lineup, starters and bench players. Tell me where Cleveland has an advantage. The lakers are FAR better top to bottom. Neither team will win it all if their superstar is taken out the game, but LA has a far better chance with their individual talent than Cleveland. It's Lebron or bust in Cleveland. It's the TEAM or bust in LAand that is why the cavs WILL NOT beat the lakers if they were to meet in the finals. I don't care about homecourt or any of that. The bottom line is that Clv has a bunch or role players around lebron (other than mo) and if they aren't making 3's that are set up by lebron they are an AVERAGE TEAM AT BEST, cause they have ZERO PLAYERS that can create their own offense. Where if you take kobe out the game, or he's having an off night, the Lakers have far more individual talent that can creater their own offense and don't rely on kobe to get them off. Without Nelson Orlando can't beat LA (check his numbers against LA this yr if you think he's NOT THAT BIG OF A DEAL). I've seen enough to make this statement. The winner of the West WILL win the title
and that is why the cavs WILL NOT beat the lakers if they were to meet in the finals. I don't care about homecourt or any of that. The bottom line is that Clv has a bunch of role players around lebron (other than mo) and if they aren't making 3's that are set up by lebron they are an AVERAGE TEAM AT BEST, cause they have ZERO PLAYERS that can create their own offense. Where if you take kobe out the game, or he's having an off night, the Lakers have far more individual talent that can creater their own offense and don't rely on kobe to get them off. Without Nelson Orlando can't beat LA (check his numbers against LA this yr if you think he's NOT THAT BIG OF A DEAL). I've seen enough to make this statement. The winner of the West WILL win the title
Will NEVER happen. Too much history w/ that franchise. If they'd only been around a decade or two maybe it would be arguable, but not w/ that team. Hell Florida State, who has only been a respectable football program since the 80's aren't changing their name. And they even have a "Seminole" riding a horse w/ a flaming arrow as their mascot.
North by Northwest
Unless you are a fan of one of these teams, you prob don't want games like this cause it will give you a heart attack, lol, but as a fan w/ no reall rooting interest and just wants to see a good game, i can only hope the whole series is like this and it goes 7 games. That was one of the better game 1's in recent conference finals memory
it's like getting a 40% and a 50% on a test. Either way you both fail. cause the game is garbage either way
i don't need the lakers to lose this year to prove that. they did that for me the last 2 times they were in the finals. And it's quite evident Kobe's window is shutting. Lebron James has already surpassed him as the best overall player in the game in many peoples eyes (including mine) and he's only 24, still 3-4 years away from his prime. Kobe is 30 and in his 13th year. He has peaked. His game will no longer improve from what it is now. As the years go by he will be more and more dependant on his teamates. I say he's got this year and next before that window will be shut for this Laker team if they don't win a title, and maybe even if they do. So me waiting for the "Lakers to fail" isn't the issue, you better hope he succeeds, cause if he doesn't you won't need people like me to say how overrated he was, you'll hear it from every analyst in the world. I can hear it now "sure he had great individual talent, but when he was surrounded with the most talented roster in the league, and was THE GUY for that team, he failed to come through when it mattered the most". He failed last year, it's possible he'll fail again this year, and every year that happens his "legacy", for whatever that's worth, will take a hit. Good luck, cause for you and the rest of the kobe lovers out there, his legacy as an all time great is on the line whether you want to admit it or not. If he doesn't get a ring he will forever be remember as the guy with great individual talent who road shaq's coattail to 3 rings but couldn't get it done when he was handed the keys to the team. Man that would be tough for the kobe lovers to swallow:)Yep, we both know Kobe took what MJ did and added the long range "J" to it. Just as MJ took what Doc did and added the mid-range J and defense.Now Lebron has added the superior passing ability and power game. Right now some other lil snot nosed kid is bouncing a ball and will add something or do it all better...... my role in all this is to guard the Legacy of one Kobe Bean Bryant,who's skills are under appreciated (as Doc Rivers said)and whois geting a raw deal from manysimply because he came too close to MJ.
Come on, tell Uncle Monty the truth, you can't wait for Kobe and the Lakers to fail on this current mission so you can say..."see he ain't no Jordan, MJ woulda......." You already know what I will say. Since folks like to compare Kobe and MJ,....Kobe gets 7 years from the start of being the lead player to get it done, same as MJ. This isKobes 5th;) Now your turn to baby sit the kids and make sure no b'ball falsehoods go un challenged.
Sure they're close enough minus their bball talents of couse cause weboth knowwho's better on that one;)I tend to give people the benefit of the doubt, so untilKobe shows otherwise I believe and hope he's learned a lesson from the Colorado thing and I'll assume he is that devoted husband and father, even though I realize I could be wrong.
I'd say 90+% of the time I hear/read someone say Kobe did this or that negative thing and MJ would not or didn't do that, I find through research that MJ did the same things or worse. Come on sixringz, I think you and I are the "elder statesmen" of these threads, and I'm probably more elder than you, come on, no one else is reading, admit it, I won't tell anybody...MJ and Kobe are virtually the same dudes, right ;)
You are as stuborn as i am so there's no point to go back and forth with these long posts cause neither of us will budge. lol. I think the things about Kobe that i mentioned rub me the wrong way because based on what the audience sees, it seems like Kobe has done a complete 180. He gets arrested for a supposed rape and now he's husband and father of the yr every time he's on national TV. He was the worst teammate in his early yrs and now he is this "great" teammate. The discrepencies between the good and the bad are so far apart it just seems fraudulent to me. Cheating on his wife and paying countless women to keep quiet is bad (but not unheard of in pro sports), but nowhere near rape charges. You VERY rarely saw Jordan all lovey dovey w/ his wife and children after games, so he never gave off the impression as this "great" family man. So as a common observer it was easier to look past that. I know i'm beating a dead horse, but when you get charged with rape than just as soon as 3 years later you have your wife and kids waiting for you in the tunnel so you can hug them not only after games, but at halftime at some games, it just seems forced. Almost like the league intentionaly does that to try and help his image cause they know how valuable he is. They NEVER show any of the other players in the ENTIRE LEAGUE hugging their wives and kids in the tunnel or in the stands on EVERY nationaly televised game, the way they do him. The whole thing just seems suspect to me.sixringz,
IMo, MJ took it to the personal level. I read somw where thta Horace Grant said he was ok with being traded to Orlando because Jordan said some things to him that he couldn't take and still consider himself a man. Maybe it was this: "you're an Idiot. Youv've screwed up every play we ever ran, Your'e too stupid to even remember the plays. We ought to get rid of you"-Michael to Horace Grant" Search on "jordan, 25 qoutes" for the link.
Other qoutes attributed to MJ:
- "Give me the *****ball" MJ to Doug Collins who drew up a play for Dave Corzine.
- "If you pass the ball to Bill Cartwright, you'll never get the ball from me"
- "He can't do anything with the ball. Don't give it to him." MJ yelling at Paxson who passed to Perdue.
As far as MJ and Doug Collins, I believe MJ had a big hand in Collins being fired. I don't believe it was as simple as Collins took the team as far as it could go. It was alos thta he couldn't get MJ to cooperate and play team ball. That hampered Collins getting the most out of the team. Don't have time to post links, but here are a couple of qoutes:
- "In 1988 Doug Collins said.. "Wanna know what the biggest problem in running our offense?.. It's MJ!..he won't pass the ball!!"
- "Doug Collins wanted MJ to pass the ball, MJ didn't like that too much!..and told Jerry Kraus the GM,,,"Either he goes or I go"!.
I remember Kobe not associating much with the teamafter games and teammates thinking he was "holier than thou". But I also remember Kobe saying he came to the NBA to play ball, and that he wasn't into going out to strip clubs and hanging out late night at clubs in general. So he got the "stuck up" label. Some people, myself included , are not into tta stuff an dget labeled. Kobe was all business when it came to practice and the games. I respected that, and didn't care if he didn't hang out with the fellas. Maybe if his teammates took the game as serious as Kobe thye would not have gotten swept so many times in the playoffs early on. If thye didn't get along wih Kobe for not hanging out and saw him as stuck up or aloof that speaks to their lack of maturity, not Kobe's.
I can't post links for some reason here at work and don't have time anyway, but their are links that say Jordan was criticized for shooting too much (I believe during a playoff game), so the next game he shot much less to make a selfish point, thus "tanking" the game. There's also a link that says Mj openly criticized his teammates to the media, if you think he wasn't doing it to outsiders in general, I believe you would be wrong.
No excuse, but Kobe "ratted" on Shaq when he was in panic mode, with his career and marriage about to go up in smoke. Many people do crazy, uncharacteristicthings in a panic. I think he was sweating bullets at that time trying to salvage his career/marriage and blurted out that Shaq had gotten out of this type of situation by bla, bla,bla.......can't I?? But if you see that as bad, I don't see MJ cheating onhis wife, then paying a woman to keep quiet about it as any better.
MJ's not much different from Kobe. Actualy I think MJ was more eogtistical, selfish, rutheless, mean spirited...etc. No time to spell check.
That's it. I'm not even gonna talk about the teammate part cause i started off this reply by saying "there's no point to go back and forth with these long posts" and that's exactly what i did. Lol. The bottom line is whether it's these 2 or other high level athletes, NONE OF THEM ARE PERFECT, they aren't the people kids should look up to, that's what families are for. Kobe just seems like a fraud to me. His actions of the last couple yrs seem a bit "too perfect" and a little over the top in my opinion.
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