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#1 sixringz1
Member since 2004 • 1116 Posts


Sony lost more money on the PS3 than it ever made with the PS2.That is the very definition of an epic failure.

The fact Sony went from dominating with PS2 to trailing in last place with the PS3 makes their failure this gen all the more apparent.

and that right there is exactly what i'm talking about. People can't seperate the PS3 from the PS2. It will always be a failure relative to th e PS2, but at the end of the gen when it's sold (projected) 50-60 million it won't be a failure. Now if you want to talk about marketshare and stuff like that, there are far more variables you can focus on with that, but as far as pure sales, i'll say it again, NOTHING that sells 50-60 million units can be considered a failure

I'm sorry but the PS3 will be seen as a failure by its very creators.

Like I said,the fact that a company(in this case Sony) went from dominating an industry with a particular product to lagging far,far behind its competitors with the intoduction of a replacement product,and all the lost revenue and marketshare that such a fall in popularity entails,will be seen as nothing other than a failure.No matter how fanboys spin it.

i just think that anything you make a profit on is a success. And ultimately Sony will make a significant profit on the system. Will they make as much as the PS2? No. Did they lose some of their marketshare? Yes. So once again, in relation to the PS2 it will ALWAYS be a failure. But when you look at the final numbers 5-6 years from now, the system will have made money for sony. Once again, it won't have done what they wanted or hoped for, but whether you profit $1 or 1 billion, a profit is a profit. I don't think failure is the correct word for this argument. I think the better phrase would be "dissapointing" or "nowhere near as successful as expected"
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#2 sixringz1
Member since 2004 • 1116 Posts

[QUOTE="bingbaocao"][QUOTE="Floppy_Jim"] Yeah, you're right. I just meant out of all the well-known consoles (Eg, all Sony, Nintendo, Atari, Sega, Microsoft consoles) it's probably the biggest failure out of those. The way things are right now, at least. I doubt many people will be saying that at the end of it's lifespan.GabeNewellsPie

sorry man, but atari had worst faliures.... i mean just look at the jaguar

Sony lost more money on the PS3 than it ever made with the PS2.That is the very definition of an epic failure.

The fact Sony went from dominating with PS2 to trailing in last place with the PS3 makes their failure this gen all the more apparent.

and that right there is exactly what i'm talking about. People can't seperate the PS3 from the PS2. It will always be a failure relative to th e PS2, but at the end of the gen when it's sold (projected) 50-60 million it won't be a failure. Now if you want to talk about marketshare and stuff like that, there are far more variables you can focus on with that, but as far as pure sales, i'll say it again, NOTHING that sells 50-60 million units can be considered a failure
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#3 sixringz1
Member since 2004 • 1116 Posts

to any objective (non fanboy) person, they would all say that the ps3 has been a success. The people who say it has failed is comparing its sales relative to the PS1 and PS2. So in that manner it's definitely not as successful, but looking at the system on its own it is definitely successful. It's sold over 20 mill in 2.5 years. Which just by those numbers, if you just assume it will keep the same pace (which it won't, it will do better cause of price drops and more games)it will still sell roughly 50 million units. Forget video games, you can't name me one product in the world that if it sells 50 million units can be considered a failure

I am objective. The PS3 is a failure for Sony. Plain and simple. Losing money for the company that made it is not a success. Sure, as a gamer I love it, but its not a success for Sony at all at this point.

so if the ps3 sells 50-60 mill this generation it will be a failure to sony because it is a decrease in sales from the PS2? If you say so, but its hard to say anything that sells that much is a failure. The real question is, if there were no PS1 or PS2 and this was sony's only console and you had nothing to compare it to, would you consider it's sales as of now, as well as it's projected sales, a failure? I just think too many people conciously or not can't seperate the PS3 from the PS1 and PS2. The PS3 will never have the numbers the other 2 had, but as a system on it's own i don't know how, in the end, it can be considered a failure. I just don't see it that way. maybe it's me
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#4 sixringz1
Member since 2004 • 1116 Posts

to any objective (non fanboy) person, they would all say that the ps3 has been a success. The people who say it has failed is comparing its sales relative to the PS1 and PS2. So in that manner it's definitely not as successful, but looking at the system on its own it is definitely successful. It's sold over 20 mill in 2.5 years. Which just by those numbers, if you just assume it will keep the same pace (which it won't, it will do better cause of price drops and more games)it will still sell roughly 50 million units. Forget video games, you can't name me one product in the world that if it sells 50 million units can be considered a failure

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#5 sixringz1
Member since 2004 • 1116 Posts

I was like Zack Morris in high school. I was one of the most popular people in my class. Had the super hot girlfriend, played sports, etc. But let me tell you, i was very nieve to believe that's how it always would be. I graduated high school went to college and was a nobody, and to be honest i never came close to obtaining that status ever again. Now looking back i realize that thus far (i'm 27 now) it was the best years of my life by far. So my lesson to anyone who is "the man" right now. ENJOY IT. Make sure you appreciate it cause it won't be like that forever.

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#6 sixringz1
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Nuaghty Dog has a good enough track record in my book (nearly 15 years on sony consoles) to make quality games. I've never seen them half ass any of their titles and i don't expect it to be any different w/ this one.

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#7 sixringz1
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This won't happen. Why would MS want to go after a year old game. They need to look towards the future. Which brings me to my point. I'm not saying it's going to happen, but i wouldn't be shocked if MS announced that the NEXT Metal Gear will come to the 360. MGSIV is over with. The series will in a way, be starting over again so it wouldn't be out of the realm of possibility that MGSV will be multi plat. I'd still have to see it to believe it, but i'd say there's a lot better chance of that than getting MGSIV imo.

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#8 sixringz1
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i've never seen anything like this. A year later and people are still making posts about this. I honestly have yet to play the game and really haven't had that much desire to since i'm not the biggest MGS fan, but the fact that lemms are so pressed to this day to keep making topics like that, i might just have to go play it to see what all th fuss is about

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#9 sixringz1
Member since 2004 • 1116 Posts

majority of the people on this board do, it's system wars. Every lemming was PRAYING for games like Resistance 2 and KZ2 to flop. And every cow was hoping for games like gears of war 2 to flop. I'm not sure about sheep cause they don't seem to be in direct competition with each other the was PS3 and 360 are. The bottom line is the majority of the people on this board would rather have better games for "their" system, therefore rooting for games on other systems to fail, rather than just rooting for good games to come out from every system. More good games on EVERY system=win for gamers. truth

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#10 sixringz1
Member since 2004 • 1116 Posts
Well they do have a nice ballpark compared to some other newer ones :?X360PS3AMD05
Yeah, smack dab in the middle of south east DC. The area of the city that accounts for the extremely high murder rate. Nobody wants to be walking around at night after a ball game there. All new stadiums in their first year draw good attendance, even if the team sucks. They are LUCKY to get 20k. The title of this thread is dead on. Everything from their management, coaches, majority of their players (they do have a couple good ones) and even the ball park planning commission is a joke.