This whole African-American thing has been done to death. He is a man just like anyone else. Get over it already. i don't care if he is white, black, yellow. I want to know what his policies are, and if you know plaese sound off. People went to the polls like a bunch of brainwashed monons voting for a Rock Star when they have no clue what the man stands for. Curzadsounds like you voted for McCain and you're still mad he lost. It's ok man, let it go.
sixringz1's forum posts
[QUOTE="Cloud_Insurance"][QUOTE="XD4NTESINF3RNOX"]wish manny didn't leave but oh well :*(NetYankEagleWhy would you want that piece of **** on your team? He is as big a disgrace to the game of baseball as Bonds. I don't care how good a hitter he is, his defense is awful, he plays the game for the wrong reasons, does everything half-assed, and attempted to manipulate the game to his advantage. A true piece of dogcrap. that half assed pos single handedly got the Red Sox the 07 ws
single handedly? Josh Beckett and the world series MVP Mike Lowell would like to say hello
Jamal Crawford is one of the biggest inigmas in basketball. This guy has had 2 50 point games in his career and will prob have a few more and he will NEVER sniff an all star game. The reason is he is SO inconsistent. This guy will drop 40 one night and 10 the next night. It boggles me. His problem is he is very frail in his build, he can;t go left to save his life, and most importantly he can't finish at the basket on a consistent basis. That's what seperates him from other elite 2 guards in the league. When his jumper is on, he can score with anyone in the league, but when it's off he's non existant. Where as when players like kobe and wade are having off nights they can get to the hole and live at the line and get their points at the end of the night. If you catch Crawford on a good night he's fun to watch, the problem is you never know when that night is going to beSo called "selfish" Kobe has 20 assists in the last 2 games, hmmmm.
Danny Granger, 40+ in loss to G-State, dude has skills!, Jamaal Crawford is underrated also.
sure buddy. i,ll wait til my issue arrives to verify this. good day.tikki25x
your issue won;t be any different than his. It's gonna have the same information. I see no reason why the guy would just make this up
[QUOTE="sixringz1"]first off you need to read my post. I said the big ten will win a big game EVERY NOW AND THEN BUT THEY WILL BE FEW AND FAR BETWEEN. So of the last 2 years you want to pull out one game to speak about that goes to my point. Now you should talk about all the other games that the big ten gets blown out, and see which list is higher. And as for not knowing what's going on in the big ten that's just laughable. They are on espn and espn2 every saturday at noon and i also get the big ten network so i watch plenty of the big ten. Teams like Michigan St, Iowa and now even Minnesota with their new Offensive coordinator want to play smash mouth i formation football. Now lets look at the two teams most notable for running the spread in that conference, Purdue and Northwestern. I won't pick on northwestern cause they are limited in talent due to their academics, but Purdue runs a pass happy version of the spread that hasn't been truly effective since drew brees was there. Once Rodriguez gets his players in their michigan will set the standard to that conference. You may think that Ohio State, Penn State and even Illinois are running the same type of offenses as the other teams but they are not. There are multiple versions of the spread and the big ten teams run a dumbed down version (not counting michigan), and if you need to ask what the differences are you need to up your "knowledge". And changing with the times isn't just offense, the big ten needs to get more speed on defense as well because they get SMOKED up and down the field when they play out of conference. And as for teams going to udeserved bowl games, what about the preseason out of conf games. The big ten consistantly gets waxed in those games as well. Looking at that Michigan logo in your sig it's obvious you are a fan so i'm probably hurting your heart a bit by being an objective viewer of ALL OF COLLEGE FOOTBALL, but you need to check your ego and realize that the big ten is the LAUGHING STOCK of college football. Sure the ACC and Big East aren't any better, but they are BASKETBALL CONFERENCES and they always will be.sith_acolyte15Interesting statistic for ya, the Big Ten has a similar bowl record as the "vaunted" over the last 5 years. :shock: Great, you name three teams, none of which have been in serious contention for the Big Ten for several years. Nice job. I love how you call the spread in the Big Ten "dumbed down". When you can't make a serious counter, insult. Classic. And once again, Big Ten defenses don't regularly get "smoked". It looks like I need to bring up last seasons Michigan/Florida bowl game. Michigan was tackling Florida's fastest players from BEHIND. What is this "preseason" of which you speak. I need to check MY ego? :lol: I realize that the perception of the Big Ten has been taking a beating the last 3 years now. That isn't news to me. Or anyone else. And I love how the ACC gets a pass now, being that it is a "basketball conference". When, not too long ago it was supposed to be one of the major conferences with the addition of Miami and VaTech to teams like Florida State. Yeah, not so much. And the Big Ten isn't exactly a "below average" basketball conference, either. So, that's not an excuse for being bad in football. Now, please, if you want to see the "laughing stock" go take a look at Notre Dame (or even the Pac-10 minus USC), not the Big Ten. Let me lay things out here. First why do you keep bringing up the Michigan vs Florida game. i acknowledged that was a great performance by michigan but don't you have any other major games to choose from. I mean i can talk about how App State went into Michigan marched up and down the field all day long because Michigan couldn't handle the multi look spread that other schools run, but i didn't. And trust me, that game would be ONE OF MANY EXAMPLES. Like i said, the big ten will win a big out of conference game FROM TIIME TO TIME, but there are WAY MORE big losses than big wins. And when i said preseason i meant pre conference (i.e., Ohio St vs USC this year). Then you say the big ten has a similar record in bowl games to the "vaunted". PLEASE GIVE ME A SOURCE TO THAT cause i'm not buying it. And no i'm not talking about the 5th ranked big ten team vs the 5th ranked big 12 team or something like that. I'm talking elite level teams from that conference vs the elite teams of other conferences HEAD TO HEAD. And if you want to count the lower teams lets just look at this year, if i'm not mistaken the big ten is 1-5 in bowl games. And to your next point, nobody is giving a pass to the ACC or Big East, they are BCS schools, BUT not as much is expected from them on a consistant basis, and if you think i'm wrong why do you think the big ten always gets bashed more than those conferences. They are all equally bad in my eyes, in fact the Big East and ACC are prob a little worse because they don't have one team they hang their hat on as a championship contender year in and year out. but if they were all perceived to be on the same level all the time, they would be bashed just as much. And i never said the big ten doesn't have any good bball teams but if you were to ask random people on the street what sport each conference is known for you and i both know what the answers would be to all those conferences, and that's why the big ten gets the heat it does over the ACC and Big East. I'm not saying it's fair, it's just reality
I live in Maryland and graduated from the University of Maryland, and i was there when they went to the Orange Bowl (only to get waxed by Florida,lol) and i also remember the bball team going to the final four that year (losing to duke, then winning it all the next yr) and it was night and day from the coverage and attention that the bball team got over the football team. Another example, no matter how good Miami and Fl State are, it will never get the same level of attention that UNC vs Duke gets in bball. The same way no matter how good any bball teams may be in the big ten, it will never get the coverage that Mich vs Oh St gets or when other big ten teams have outstanding years. I mean think about it, with the exception of Michigan State and Indiana, name me another team in the Big Ten that is without a doubt known for their bball program over their football program. There isn't any. Look man you are defending the big ten because you are a fan and i understand that, i'm just trying to come at it from more of an objective side. Like i said i went to an ACC school and have lived in ACC country all my life and i will tell you now, THE FOOTBALL CONF SUCKS. I have no problem admiting that. And as an objective fan, i can also admit the Big Ten conference sucks too.
[QUOTE="sixringz1"]i hate to break it to you, but THEY ARE as bad as everyone says. This is a conference that is not adjusting to the times. There is too much speed and athleticism in other conferences and playing that big bruising type of style that the big ten plays doesn't work in today's game.sith_acolyte15That must be why Michigan was decimated by Florida in the bowl game last season...oh wait....If it wasn't for bad, unforced, turnovers at the goal line, the game isn't even close in the fourth quarter. The Big Ten's problem right now is that some of the teams are getting into bigger bowls than they really deserve to play in. That's forcing all the other teams in the conference to have to play up, and it's hurting everyone. If the Rose Bowl didn't have to have it's "Big Ten/Pac 10" match-up still. If all the bowls were picked on a competitive basis, the Big Ten would fair much better. Illinois likely wouldn't have made it to the BCS last year, and if they did it probably would've been against the ACC or Hawaii. And don't come at me with this "the Big Ten isn't adjusting to the times". Do you know how many teams in the conference are running some form of the spread? I'm guessing not with your apparent lack of any knowledge of the conference. first off you need to read my post. I said the big ten will win a big game EVERY NOW AND THEN BUT THEY WILL BE FEW AND FAR BETWEEN. So of the last 2 years you want to pull out one game to speak about that goes to my point. Now you should talk about all the other games that the big ten gets blown out, and see which list is higher. And as for not knowing what's going on in the big ten that's just laughable. They are on espn and espn2 every saturday at noon and i also get the big ten network so i watch plenty of the big ten. Teams like Michigan St, Iowa and now even Minnesota with their new Offensive coordinator want to play smash mouth i formation football. Now lets look at the two teams most notable for running the spread in that conference, Purdue and Northwestern. I won't pick on northwestern cause they are limited in talent due to their academics, but Purdue runs a pass happy version of the spread that hasn't been truly effective since drew brees was there. Once Rodriguez gets his players in their michigan will set the standard to that conference. You may think that Ohio State, Penn State and even Illinois are running the same type of offenses as the other teams but they are not. There are multiple versions of the spread and the big ten teams run a dumbed down version (not counting michigan), and if you need to ask what the differences are you need to up your "knowledge". And changing with the times isn't just offense, the big ten needs to get more speed on defense as well because they get SMOKED up and down the field when they play out of conference. And as for teams going to udeserved bowl games, what about the preseason out of conf games. The big ten consistantly gets waxed in those games as well. Looking at that Michigan logo in your sig it's obvious you are a fan so i'm probably hurting your heart a bit by being an objective viewer of ALL OF COLLEGE FOOTBALL, but you need to check your ego and realize that the big ten is the LAUGHING STOCK of college football. Sure the ACC and Big East aren't any better, but they are BASKETBALL CONFERENCES and they always will be.
glad you read my post. lol. just messing w/ youOkay look if Florida kills Oklahoma it shows that the Big 12 was the biggest fraud I have ever seen!
Texas Tech loses to ole Miss.
Texas barely beats OSU. A team that was killed by USC, and USC killed the team that beat OSU which would be penn state.
And Florida kills Oklahoma.
And would prove that I was right all along, and the Big 12 was a joke.
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