Dirk is having his Kobe Bryant 2010 closeout game tonight. Hope he turns the switch in the 2nd half or maybe jason terry can keep playing like Ron Artest did in game 7 last year, and bail out Dirk the way Ron did Kobe
As someone said, Lebron seemed to be following Wades lead.
Wow. That guy just doesn't get it. Maybe i should go out on the floor in the 4th qtr and mock Lebron. I mean i am more than capable of throwing up bricks
Tony Bruno, on his radio talk show, just slammed Lebron (and Wade for that matter) saying they are garbage, trash, classless...apparently for something they did earlier, before the game, when they mocked Dirk by simulating coughing, insinuating that Dirk wasn't really sick...Bruno bashed them pretty good, never heard him that serious before...not that his opinion matters much.
I'd have to see that to believe it cause i find it real difficult to believe that Lebron James is clowning ANYONE right now, let alone the opponents best player. He is laying an egg night in night out in the 4th qtr in front of millions of people. He should crack jokes on the ball boys let alone Dirk But if it is true, that dude just doesn't get it even more than i thought
Well people will bash, unless the so called "personal issue" comes out and people feel sympathetic for him not concentrating. The Cowherd brought up some good points today about Lebron being more like Wilt who was naturally talented and didn't have to work hard like MJ did (who was cut from his HS basketball team and only averaged 17 points at UNC while Lebron was dropping 20 in the NBA) so he may need to learn to deal with obstacles. He also mentioned how Bird had two games in the Finals where he only scored 8 points and wasn't the MVP. People build up older players to be bigger than they were and can be too hard on newer ones.
The personal issue i "heard" has something to do with his girl creeping with another NBA player and he just found out. That's not proven by any means just something i heard on local sports talk radio siting a "credible source". But i don't know for sure
As for the Larry Bird thing. He was a great player but he doesn't have anywhere near the physical talent that lebron does. Lebron should roll out of bed and score double digits just off of his size. And to be fair, that was Bird's 2nd year when he scored 8 points. This is Lebron's 8th year and second finals appearance. No excuse
[QUOTE="xGho5tx"]Somethin my friend said: I ran into Lebron the other day and asked him for a $1. Instead he gave me 75 cents. I was like WTF? Then Wade tapped me on the shoulder and said "It's okay, he never gives anyone the 4th quarter." funniest thing i have read in a minute
Lebron first points of the 4th comes with 30 sec left in the game. People will say "but he had a triple double". Yea but when it counted he shrunk AGAIN. i don't know how much proof is needed about this dude. And what's ironic is that the best playoff performance i've ever seen is Lebron James of all people, in game 5 against the Pistons in 07. So i know it's in him somewhere, but it comes out VERY few and far between
I see Wade isn't on the court now. Did i miss something? Was there an official announcement that he's out or is he just in the back getting treatment? Hate to see any team lose their star in the playoffs, let alone the finals. hope he can come back
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