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#2 sixringz1
Member since 2004 • 1116 Posts

Please reread my post. Whether or not these number are legit AS OF NOW, is irrelevant to me because it is like i am watching history repeat itself. IT IS THE SAME EXACT THING THAT HAPPENED WITH THE PS2. Maybe this is the wrong topic to discuss this because it is focused on these particular numbers, and obviously with your last reply you are too, and that's my mistake


If history repeated itself in such a fassion, we'd still only have ATARI as the sole console maker.

you are stretching that one a bit. let me guess you are an anti ps3 person like the majority of people on this board. I understand what you are saying. History only repeats itself until someone comes around and disrupts it....and so on. I get that. But you gotta admit just looking at the way things currently are, it sure feels like 2001 all over again.

No, I am not. if you are going to resort to insults, this exchange is over. :|

hold up man i'm not some immature kid on here. I'm a grown man. I don't insult anybody. I respect everyone's opinion whether i agree with it or not. Please show me where i insulted you, and if i did i apologize.

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#3 sixringz1
Member since 2004 • 1116 Posts

Please reread my post. Whether or not these number are legit AS OF NOW, is irrelevant to me because it is like i am watching history repeat itself. IT IS THE SAME EXACT THING THAT HAPPENED WITH THE PS2. Maybe this is the wrong topic to discuss this because it is focused on these particular numbers, and obviously with your last reply you are too, and that's my mistake


If history repeated itself in such a fassion, we'd still only have ATARI as the sole console maker.

you are stretching that one a bit. let me guess you are an anti ps3 person like the majority of people on this board. I understand what you are saying. History only repeats itself until someone comes around and disrupts it....and so on. I get that. But you gotta admit just looking at the way things currently are, it sure feels like 2001 all over again.

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#4 sixringz1
Member since 2004 • 1116 Posts

[QUOTE="sixringz1"]I continue to just be shocked at this forum. It's like everyone in here has some stock options in the 360 or something. I don't know why this is a shock. The ps2 did the SAME EXACT THING. It's first year it was getting HAMMERED by the dreamcast and a lot of its early sales was a result of it being a dvd player. Then after a year or so the games came out and it was history from there. Here we are 7 years later and the same thing is happening. Being the only system that has a blu ray player is once again helping the system sales just like the dvd did the ps2, and it is having steady sales until the systems biggest games come out over the next couple years and then the sales will only increase just like the ps2. Take your fanboy helmets off and just get over the fact that this is sony's pattern of SUCCESS. Deal with it cause it's only gonna get better for sony. And the funny thing is i'm not even a sony fanboy cause i don't even have a ps3, but i am smart enough to know how things workVerge_6

Not saying you're not smart enough, but you clearly just don't know. Read the last three pages of this thread.

i know the topic is talking about increased sales numbers that may OR may not be legit, but i was more or less using this topic to establish a pattern of history. Whether or not these numbers are legit or not, the bottom line is that it is inevitable that sony will take over the 360 sales because this is the pattern of success they use. That was the point i was trying to get accross. I may have stretched the topic a bit but i felt it needed to be said

Why? Because retailers bought more PS3s than 360?

Please reread my post. Whether or not these number are legit AS OF NOW, is irrelevant to me because it is like i am watching history repeat itself. IT IS THE SAME EXACT THING THAT HAPPENED WITH THE PS2. Maybe this is the wrong topic to discuss this because it is focused on these particular numbers, and obviously with your last reply you are too, and that's my mistake

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#5 sixringz1
Member since 2004 • 1116 Posts

[QUOTE="sixringz1"]I continue to just be shocked at this forum. It's like everyone in here has some stock options in the 360 or something. I don't know why this is a shock. The ps2 did the SAME EXACT THING. It's first year it was getting HAMMERED by the dreamcast and a lot of its early sales was a result of it being a dvd player. Then after a year or so the games came out and it was history from there. Here we are 7 years later and the same thing is happening. Being the only system that has a blu ray player is once again helping the system sales just like the dvd did the ps2, and it is having steady sales until the systems biggest games come out over the next couple years and then the sales will only increase just like the ps2. Take your fanboy helmets off and just get over the fact that this is sony's pattern of SUCCESS. Deal with it cause it's only gonna get better for sony. And the funny thing is i'm not even a sony fanboy cause i don't even have a ps3, but i am smart enough to know how things workVerge_6

Not saying you're not smart enough, but you clearly just don't know. Read the last three pages of this thread.

i know the topic is talking about increased sales numbers that may OR may not be legit, but i was more or less using this topic to establish a pattern of history. Whether or not these numbers are legit or not, the bottom line is that it is inevitable that sony will take over the 360 sales because this is the pattern of success they use. That was the point i was trying to get accross. I may have stretched the topic a bit but i felt it needed to be said

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#6 sixringz1
Member since 2004 • 1116 Posts
I continue to just be shocked at this forum. It's like everyone in here has some stock options in the 360 or something. I don't know why this is a shock. The ps2 did the SAME EXACT THING. It's first year it was getting HAMMERED by the dreamcast and a lot of its early sales was a result of it being a dvd player. Then after a year or so the games came out and it was history from there. Here we are 7 years later and the same thing is happening. Being the only system that has a blu ray player is once again helping the system sales just like the dvd did the ps2, and it is having steady sales until the systems biggest games come out over the next couple years and then the sales will only increase just like the ps2. Take your fanboy helmets off and just get over the fact that this is sony's pattern of SUCCESS. Deal with it cause it's only gonna get better for sony. And the funny thing is i'm not even a sony fanboy cause i don't even have a ps3, but i am smart enough to know how things work
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#7 sixringz1
Member since 2004 • 1116 Posts
i think i got this one. I was at cal ripken's game where he broke lou gehrig's record. although i was only 13, it is still one of, if not the most, memorable moment of my life.
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#8 sixringz1
Member since 2004 • 1116 Posts
gamespot has become VERY suspect to me w/ their ps3 reviews and the firing of certain reviewers so i definitely don't take them serious. However i never listened to just one review. i think that's dumb. I like places like gamerankings or gamestats because it gives me a collection of scores and then you can figure out the average. That gives you a more accurate review scale
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#9 sixringz1
Member since 2004 • 1116 Posts
I was wondering if anyone on here has beaten uncharted 100%. Meaning getting all the treasures, medals and beating it on the hardest levels? If so what kind of rewards do you get? i heard something about a special movie or something that you get if you get all the way done. I'm playing it for the second time to get all the treasures and stuff but i just want to make sure it's worth it. any help would be appreciated
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#10 sixringz1
Member since 2004 • 1116 Posts
this is like what came first the chicken or the egg. both sides are making valid points supporting their argument. the bottom line is that both sides are right to an extent. I for one am one of those people who had a ps1, ps2, and waited the extra year for a ps3. So by definition, despite the system not being on the shelves, it was already purchased in my mind, and therefore affected microsofts sales by one consumer. And then on the other hand, for the people who are casual gamers, or first time gamers, who have no brand loyalty, but rather just want to play the latest and greatest in video games, in that case the 360 didn't have any next gen competition simply because when you walked in the store to find a next gen video game system, it was the only one available. So once again both sides make valid points, but the bottom line is that the 360 did have a head start, HOWEVER the numbers don't reflect it as accurately as they should because of people like me who were predetermined to buy another system. I do believe however that there were far more people out there who bought the 360 simply because it was the only one available at the time compared to the people who decided to wait for the ps3 or wii. just my opinion.