A loser cannot be a top whatever.
Stats mean nothing. Marino can have 600350350350320532964326 touchdown passes in ONE GAME and yet he is still a loser. Yeah, Marino, "Greatest quarterback ever... but he's a loser." Doesn't sound right.
Someone mentioned they'd rather take Jim Kelly over Trent Dilfer - well guess what- that's dumb. Why take a loser quarterback like Kelly over Dilfer? "Oh... Dilfer got lucky the Ravens defense was da bomb!" Well Dilfer did throw for a touchdown and had no interceptions. I'd rather take a winner like Dilfer over Jim "Went to 4 Straight Super Bowls AND LOST ALL OF THEM!" Kelly any day.
Wins matter. Trophies matter. Not stats. You should at least win ONE before you can be talked about as one of the greatest. You don't need to win 5 or 6 just one at least.
Marino isn't a top 10 and neither is Kelly due to their lack of rings.
without a doubt one of the dumbest things i've ever read. Football isn't like every other sport. It is the most TEAM oriented sport of them all. You mean to tell me if Dan Marino was in a super bowl and went 30-30 for 500 yards and 6 touchdowns and no int's but his defense gives up 7 touchdowns then that makes HIM a loser. Your logic is just rediculous, especially with your jim kelly argument. You make it sound that if jim kelly was the qb of the ravens then they wouldn't have won. Why did the ravens win the super bowl, not cause of their qb, it was cause their defense. And last time i checked ALL OF THOSE QUARTERBACKS YOU NAMED DON'T PLAY DEFENSE. If you want to make that case for a sport like basketball or hockey i'll ride with you til the end, but not football. I distinctively remember Jordan against Utah in 98 making a layup, then going on defense and stealing the ball from malone, then making the last shot. You can impact both parts of the game in that sport, you can't do it in football. According to your logic if terrel davis was never born, john elway would not be a great quarterback. It is absurd that you actually believe what you said
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