sixringz1's forum posts
can someone give me the exact rundown on how the bc is going to work with the 80gb version of the ps3 compared to the 60gb. I heard that the 80gb will use an emulator. Does this mean that the ONLY way to play ps1 and ps2 games on the 80 gb is through emulation and that it WON'T play the actual older games themselves? And therefore the only way to use the actual ps1 and ps2 discs is to buy a 60gb system? Hope that made sense. Thanks for the help
hell yeah i had a few of them. Ninja Gaiden and Double Dragon II. As well as a football game. I wanna say tecmo bowl but i'm not sure. They were alright but when you are like ten years old and you see the title Double Dragon on the game after you have played it for the NES, you naturally are expecting a whole lot more. I didn't really comprehend the whole transition to a major console, to a dinky off market handheld. I thought it was the same thing so i was somewhat dissapointed. My biggest issue was that they had no silent mode. I always tried to take them to school but kept getting caught playing in class with the chirping sound effects. Oh those were the days.
Oh yeah i had Jordan vs Bird too
^ well as far as gc not winning last gen and comparing that to the wii is unfair. We have technically been in this gen for 9 months. It's hard to proclaim anybody a winner of a competition that generally last 5 years before the first year is even done. The wii got a hell of a head start w/ it's price and gimmick controller but you really have to wait at least a couple more years to truly judge who will win and who won't. If the wii doesn't get their games right (which i think games like mario will help), that popularity they may have now will soon deminish
I love how people talk more about this than the actual game itself!
But anyway, how can I post in a thread like this without saying what I've been saying for a while! MGS has NOT ever been a Sony Exclusive. In fact, the only MGS game not to appear on another console is 3, which was the least popular entry. To act like it has no chance of coming to another platform is misguided. However, it will most likely be a rerelease with extra content.
Also, it doesn't matter what Kojimma says. What matters is what the board of directors or CEO of Konami says. Once the corporate part of the company says it is PS3 exclusive and will never be on another platform, then all the PS3 owners' purchases will be validated!
i don't necessarily agree with that. I understand what you're saying w/ substance and twin snakes but i look at it this way. Twin Snakes is a remake of a 7 year old game with updated graphics and features, as well as a completely different title, than Metal Gear Solid for PS1. Also MGS2 substance is just an add on game, so by definition can'treally be looked at as the same astheoriginal. So technically yes there are Metal Gear games on other systems, but not originals. I'll try to explain better by using San ANdreas as an example. Despite it coming out on xbox a year after the ps2 version, it was still the same game with same title, same everything. The metal gear games that came out for other systems were like hip hop songs in the 90's. You have the originals (playstation versions) and remixes (versions on other consoles). Like i said, they may be on other systems but they aren't exactly the same therefore not TRUE originals, more like replicas. hope that made sense. sounded easier to say in my head
2 reasons
-it's a novelty because of it's gimmicky controller. Therefore getting people excited to play games a different way.
-The price. It's the cheapest of them all.
The problem is that if it's gonna rely on games like wii sports and wii fit to sell there system then people on this board won't understand because people on here are gamers, where the people who buy the cheap novalty system and the before mentioned games, aren't as hardcore of gamers as the people on this board. Hopefully for Nintendo's sake Mario, Metroid, potentially Mario Kart down the line, etc. will help their system. Cause as an objective party, the wii sold so well this past year for the initial 2 reasons i mentioned, but in order to withstand that, the games are going to have to be there. In this industry software ALWAYS beats hardware.
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