@Terminator95: mind blowing fact........in 2012 344 million GPU's were sold world wide......out of them 142 million were gaming able meaning a nvidia gtx 650 or a AMD 7750 or above..........will sony ever sell a 100 million playstations in just one year to come close to the numbers PC does every year??? play station will never sell that many home consoles in 5 years.....
@djwood84: its not about being a turd its about finding something you can live with....a lot of factors can force you in to places.....not much money....one console......lots of money but cant build a computer both consoles......when you have to chose you have to look at all the facts......want good online and sports games?? your only real option is Xbone and live........want great first person shooters but know how to use a screw driver.....everything is a option from modding PS4 with bigger harddrives to building super computer to rape people at a 120hz on high tick servers..........money is the first factor and having the brains to put something together is other......at the end of the day it should be about games but money will always be first....
@Terminator95: HAHAHAHA.....NO......all systems added together to be counted by company nintendo made 689 million consoles, hand held and home put together VS sony's 399 million units with everything from PS1 2 3 4 and vita's included.........whats even sadder is i found this on the wiki page you spoke about like you had read it........out of the 15 best selling consoles in history hand held and home nintendo has 8 of these top 15 spots........out of the top 10 they have 5 spots.......if your going to quote stuff at least read it.........then you will know your pony is showing.......
@xbhonner: wow.....sega ended because the president of the company had a heart attack and died throwing the rest of the group in to a tail spin........and to be blunt buying in to the Scorpio just means the first gen ONE was garbage hardware wise.....just like sony.......
@Terminator95: your pony is showing......and i dont see it costing much more.....the power gap from PS4 to pro is double the horse power......but they are the same price day one.........knowing this and the level of PC hardware right now a 5.6tf video card can be had for 200 dollars today at retail prices.....making just the chip with out voltage controllers, memory or its own PCB board it cant cost more then a 100 bucks to put it in a console.......the CPU, memory, 1tb harddrive, power supply, case and SINGLE motherboard to hold it all cant cost more then 400 bucks.......so im going with 500 for the Scorpio......i still cant believe the pro was only 400.......with MS charging that for a new slim with a 2tb harddrive is nuts......
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