@buginthesystem: that is not true....PS3 was better hardware wise then 360 was.......OG xbox was better then PS2.....it keeps flip flopping......the better hardware was always the later released system......what i find funny is MS going right for the high end with the next console from them.......
@blitzking: a 4gb 770 got 60 frames in BF1 beta and ran witcher 3 at all high settings as i said 4 to5 year old video card........and i did not say anything about spending money.......i said a 2 grand PC from 2006 could not run crysis in 2007.........my last computer with a i5, GTX 970, 256gb ssd drive and 1 tb storage drive cost about 550 to build.......did you know a 400 dollar console with 5 years of online will cost you a total of 750???
@Vizard666: 2 or 3 years if they keep up the hardware jumps.....the leap from the 9 series to the 10 series was CRAZY and we never had a true hardware jump like that before......the level of performance out of the new cards is a level or 2 up from the old cards.........
@Rovelius: oh dude i dont get console gamers at all......i have posted a few times about the real cost of console gaming as if you were to think about it in 5 year chunks......if you got a 400 dollar console and its 50 bucks a year for online the real world cost would be 750 for the console with 5 years of online.......i get a tons of morons saying most people dont have online and its not a real cost factor but truth be told 3 quarters of all PS4 owners have online for it and 48 million people were active members of live with online game play even if a ton of them were on 360's as of Jan of this year.....if new consoles are coming every 3 years its going to be cheaper to game on PC then it is now.......
@ojmstr: they think a new console from sony is coming in 2017......first guy called PS4 pro2 and said it would come out when scropio hit........go back up and read.....
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