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snwboardn08 Blog

Updated Profile Style + Life Update

Hope you enjoy the new Iron man theme. You will be able to see my 10th video blog this thursday. So long as I remember to upload it haha. Someone shouuld leave a comment to remind me :lol:

And please dont laugh at my horrible photoshop skills. Im too lazy to get real photoshop and I use n extremley good alternative that I dont even know the name of haha. Anyway I should have textured the text a little better and sharpened it but it will do for now.

Sorry I have not been online to contribute a lot. I have a lot of stuff going on. I have school (Junior Year aka Hell Year), work which is actually a lot of fun because I love my job (Courtesy Clerk) and I just have a fun time making money but it is time consuming, and football which really keeps me tied down.

So once again sorry and I will try to be on more often but I do have a life outside gamespot and its just sad because I get barley any free time. Oh well enough sulking, I need to go and (insert your own big huge word for prepare because I couldnt find one on my own to sound smart lol) for the PSAT's tomorrow.

Later ~ RJ


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Giant Bomb is Live

If you are one of the many that are getting a Giant Bomb profile, go ahead and add me. My user name is Firelad43. I will still be on Gamespot a lot because the forums and community is great, but I do hope GB takes off.


COD4 Montage

So I just got my new video editing software. Its called Adobe Premiere Pro CS3. I got it in ways that relate to Navigata :lol:. So I decided to mess around with it in editing.

The montage isnt a great preformance and some of the text appears to early in the second round so I did have a few mistakes lol. Hope you enjoy.

New Phone!

So finally after having my first generation chocolate for 2 years I have been upgraded to the luxury phone of verizon you could say. The normally 250$ phone was bought for a mere 100$ with a free 8 gig mem card because my mother and I have been "Such loyal customers :lol:" While the phone is being ranked up with the iphone, It's not really coming out to be a clone.

The Phone:


Yes its the new LG Dare from verizon wireless. I love this phone. Its already tricked out with a custom Socom Confrontation background and a whole bunch of ringtones ranging from SUPERBAD the movie to NFL ringtones like "Playoffs? You talkin about the playoffs? I just hope we can win a game!" as well as the monday night football theme song.

The phone has a ton of great features. While i did not get GPS for an extra 10$ a month, because I already have one and its stupid that they charge that much lol, they did upgrade me for Vcast Videos for a whole year for free. Which means I get a ton a free movies on demand in really good quality whenever. They also gave me free unlimited data instead of 10 megabytes a month. The salesman was really nice to us.

Overall the touch is great and games are phenomonal. Verizon said by next month they would support third party apps for the first time so now I can get a new browser and tons of free apps for it as well. I am looking forward to it

Ok im done that was a lot of typing. I am just really happy because my new phone is sick. Thanks for reading :). [/spoiler]

Blogging .. -. / -- --- .-. ... . / -.-. --- -.. .

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Not Dead.............

Im not dead.... I will return..... Soon...........

Looking Forward to it......


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