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snwboardn08 Blog

Video Blog and News

I have been trying really hard to put together a good video blog using my pseye and eyecreate. However I still cant find a great converter to turn it into a format that Gamespot will accept without it being 100 megabytes and not loosing so much pixelation. If anyone can please heko me find a free converter that you know works well with the eyecreate videos.

I recently realized my level wasnt going up on gamespot. Now today I realize that im down from 15 to level 2! Whats up with that lol. I think a lot of people are having the problem. Gamespots has a lot of quirks to work out.

Other than that Merry Christmas and Have a Great New Year!

Controversy and All It's Glory

Get ready for another blog about you guessed it (psssss i think its Jeff) Jeff Gertsmen (did i spell his last name wrong?). Anyway we all know he got fired. Boom, done, zilch, zada, zip, nado, nuttin, gone, going, out, dead, axed, kaput, etc. etc. Sad he really didnt beat around the bush when it came to reviews either... No matter how different they were he called em like he saw em and thats what matters! Well keep your good soul with us Jeff *sniffle tear*.

Other than that my much larger focus is on something most of you might not of expected. However this is controversy in its entirety and thats why Im touching down on the subject of Jade Raymond ("woah shes hot" "dude i dont know")

We have all had our views on assassasins creed and weather its a flop or not. But im passed that and now the controversy lies on its main game designer, Jade Raymond. We have all seen the pictures and video of Jade and we have all had our views on her "either devilish good looks" or her "bubbly cute personality". However one comic surfaced which featured Jade preforming unfit acts (use your imagination) on fictional characters as an advertisment for Assassins Creed.

Ubisoft would not stand for this and requested the websites holder take the pornographic images down imediatly. With a lawsuit burning down their back the website took the image down and even has looked into deleting the entire site. However I feel as though the damage had been done and poor ol' Jade was caught right in the middle.

Interviewers have stayed well clear of the issue when talking with Jade and all seems well now but it gets ya wonderin what her view on all of this maddness is. While she does acknowlege her looks she tends to steer clear of the subject. Many speculators say Ubisoft purposley used Jades looks to get people to buy the game. Pictures posted of the company focus on jade and she is pictured much more detailed in color.

Did ubisoft try to use Jade or are they really standing up for her. In the end nobody will now and that is why this is all in all just another controversy. You decide for yourself!

Well that was a good waste of time and now I feel satisfied with my blog post! Hope you enjoyed.

~Ryan ~Firelad43 ~Snwboardn08

Video Blog # 2 Is Up!

But get ready because the collection is already out of date and i have more stuff to talk about since it took so long to upload this one. (thank goodness they got it working!)


Video Blog # 2 Problems

Well for some reason gamespot is not uploading my second video blog. Its been done for a whole week now. Ive tried deleting it and re-uploading it 3 times and still nothing. Any ideas as to why the video wont go out of my review queue?

Thanks ~ Ryan


Well we all know what today is. A day for feast family and friends. Watching football and relaxing. Catching up with those few people that you "havent seen in years". Yes thats what Thanksgiving is all about. The great times. I wish you all a happy Thanksgiving and get ready, because Christmas is only a short ways away.

Have A Great Day Everyone!


My COD4 Review Is Up

Check out my review of COD4 and tell me what you think. I am planing on doing a video review soon so be on the lookout for that. Dang, what great game. If you dont own it. PICK IT UP NOW!

On The Fence

So I've been really looking into Assassins Creed. I kind of like where they went with you the story and being able to look into your mind and I really think they can expand on it with future installments.

But there have been many mixed reviews. IGN and 1UP gave it an ok score I think of like 7.5 and Gamespot gives it a nine with an editors choice award.

Normally I think Gamespots reviews are a little harsh. Nothing against them I almost like how they tell you the full truth. And IGN normally give really great scores easily. Thats why im so on the fence as to if I should get this game. Is the re-play value all that great? Will it really be something that I gawk and awe at and show off to my friends?

Somebody please help me out because Im dying to figure it out.

Anyway besides that I was wondering what you all think should be my gaming christmas list seeing as how im getting a Samsung Hd Lcd for christmas. I want your opinoins on the greats of the holiday so feel free to comment.


Logans Shadow

If you own a psp. Please pick up this game. Its so much fun. One of my favortie shooters on the ps3 to date. I even think this has the best control scheme possible for the psp seeing as how theres no second joystick. Absolute fun and a must-buy.