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snwboardn08 Blog

Eff My Life

Well a hard fought game with an outcome that no one expected was acctually a great source of entertainment for this afternoon. The Giants pull the upset of the year leaving the Patriots with the unexpected number 1 in the losing column. While I was pullin' for a Perfect Pats Season, I am also pleased to see the other Manning get his time and glory.

Not only was a great game watched, but a great gift was recieved. My Grandparents are going out of town on a month long trip. My birthday was right inbetween there time away. They decided to surprise me and give me my gift early. Ahd video camcorder was just what the doctor ordered. I was also able to capture all of the second half of the game using the camera as a DVR and the 2 gig sd card they gave to me with the camera.

It was a fun day and a "giant" SuperBowl. It is one I wont soon forget. ~ Ryan

A Change Of Heart

And so I sat there... Watching in awe as my heart beat at a steady and at a somewhat slow pace. A peanut butter and jelly sandwhich filled my stomach as the couch occupied most of my afternoon. ESPN brought me glorious things I could barely comprehend. A marathon of almost all the SuperBowl games of previous years filled my brain.

Being born only 16 years ago, I was never able to witness such great emotions in football at such a young age. Today was the day that voide in my brain was filled. I had a nice empty slot reserved for football and the knowledge I learned from re-run after re-run of SuperBowl games filled that slot nicely.

I sat there for a good 9 hours. Taking an hour off to do something better with my life every once and a while. However most of the day was spent right there. Snug in the soft comforting couch. I now have time to write this little blog because SuperBowl XL was on and we all know what happened there. Im a Seahawks fan and this was one re-run I knew all to well.

With all this knowledge nesseled in my brain, I started to ponder the game I would see the next day. My brain had ideas on what would happen, but my heart was looking otherwise. I have always rooted for the underdog. Always. My heart had allready decided I would chear for the Giants.

Then I took a deep look into previous years. I have never been a Giants Fan. I have never been a Yankees fan. I have always been a Boston fan. I then looked at Tom Brady and Bill Belichick. Whith Brady shows class and posture in everything he does, and good ole' Bill showing he knows what he wants with his nicely cut sweatshirts. I started to think of how much I truley loved New England.

While in my previous video blog I state I am good and ready to chear on the Giants, I sit here today to tell you my heart has changed. Tomorrow, My father, and I, will sit and chear on the 18 and 0 Patriots. I will sport my Hawks jersey because I will always love em. But my screams will be for the now infamous Brady and Co.

Enjoy the SuperBowl Everbody ~ Ryan

New Eye Create Tutorial For You!

I was aked to help someone with making videos from eye create easy to upload for gamespot. I thought about it and decided to make a video tutorial. So dust off the old playstation eye and try out my easy tutorial if you are trying to get your videos on gamespot. Hope it helps!

Playoff Sorrows, A New Vblog, And MGS4 DEMO!

So now that the Greenbay packers have lost here are my new and improved playoff predictions!


--------Patriots winning the Super Bowl


However I would like to see the Giants win because I would like to see the Manning bros go superbowl champs back to back.

You can check out my new video blog number 4 which should be up within the next two hours. I talk about the playoffs and I talk about the new setup as well as some games comming up.

I am also excited about the announced MGS4 demo which is said to be comming out in Febuary! So pumped!


My New Setup is Disruptive Posting?

So after having no power today and being sick at the same time (really bad timing to be sick), I went to see how my post on my new stup was doing. Only to find out that it was moderated for "disruptive posting"...

All I know is that almost every message I read was of people saying it was nice and posting their own setup... It also recieved 59 messages making it a hot topic.

I know there have been other post your setup threads but was that really necesary? I hate those mega threads because they have like 50 pages to them and no one really sees them.

Oh well.. All it was was a warning but still got me a little ticked just because Im sick and had no power until now...

Oh well.... Life goes on...


A New Game, A New Playoff Hopeful, And a New Video Blog!

Just as a quick note, my third video blog is up and is ready for viewing on my videos page of my profile. Check it out!

Well as we all know (or at least most of us), Resistance 2 was announced and I can not tell you how excited I am. I like how they went with 60 player games but then you can have smaller based "Squad" games which sounds like it will have a lot of depth. I am very excited to play accross the US and fight the chimera once more!

I am also sad to say my Seattle Seahawks lost. It wasnt a pretty game but it was a good season none the less. Here are my picks for the rest of the playoffs:

New York---

--------------------Green Bay

Green Bay---

---------------Greenbay winning The Superbowl




Video Blog 2 Has Landed

After numurous tries at uploading and numurous failed attempts. This video finally made it through and is now avaible for you viewing pleasure. I show off my Christmas payout as well as talk about the great new year! Blogs will be comming more frequent now because I have figured out my exact plan for a successful upload.

Hope you all have a wonderful 2008!

NOTE: Video uploaded many days late so sorry if you feel like your in the past (last year) lol. I will also be showing off my setup in higher rez pictures in my next typed blog so you can truley see the beauty of it!

Video Blog # 1???

So I decided to kill my first two video blogs because of how bad they were. Bad as in conversion, pixelation, and just stupid in general. I decided to make a new blog series starting fresh with a new converter thanks to Rogan on gamesot.

You can check the new blog out now and check out how nice my hair looks because I just woke up as well!