@Queuingreturns I understand the needs of kids, because if they don't get someone to read them bedtime stories, what can they do about it, right? There's no way around, they can't read. But some of us learn how to read as we age, that way we don't need others to read stories for us anymore. Ain't that great? You should try! ^_^
@Defender1978 I believe this voice acting of everything is bringing us, gamers, more bad things than good ones. Yeah, you can be lazier when playing games with voice overs, but production values increase A LOT, game development gets slower, developers get more risk averse... It's just not worth it.
Just take a look at Bioware's solution for dialogues in RPGs. Instead of the great, complex and filled with options dialogue trees of Baldur's Gate or Torment, we get a simple dialogue wheel, with clear cut (and less) options, just to reduce the amount of voice acting they need to pay for.
Nah! I say less voice acted games and more text based ones. It's not like I'm a kid who *needs* someone to read him a story because he can't do so himself.
@Gelugon_baat @chipwithdip Then you should remember that's only your way to look at things, there are many others who'll regard scores on varying degrees of relevance, from "none at all" (your take) to "of utmost importance". So, let the guys who care about scores talk about what's relevant to then, ok?
I loved the first Assassin's Creed setting and mechanics and graphics... but I never actually completed it. After some hours spent in the game, everything became so repetitive that the whole experienced slowly turned from the initial awesomeness to just boredom. And I never returned to the series since then. I won't say Danny don't make some good points here, but Black Flag is the only AC that managed to get my attention since the first one. I have no idea if it'll be a good game or not, but at least I'm interested to see how it'll turn out.
@SciFiCat I should be tired of saying this, but here I go again: you can plug and use USB external storage devices on Wii U, meaning all the complaints about it's storage capacity are just not proportional to the problem.
USB storage is really cheap nowadays and you can just use a PC external HDD, meaning you won't need to pay for overpriced proprietary storage, unlike the Xbox 360 or the PS Vita.
@dpclark @ALLIAMOS Why would he trade a platform where he can consistently get great games for U$10 or U$15 for one which will cost him U$60 or U$ 50 per game?
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