@RSM-HQ: No worries, I was just curious cos you used the name "Biohazard".
Back to gaming and in terms of football games, I'd say it's a mixed bag. To explain, I have always felt Fifa 12 was the biggest jump for that particular franchise. it took years of slow evolution through the PS2 age and finally combined it al lfor the PS3 (graphics, gameplay, precision, quantity of licensed teams, presentation, online and offline play and so on). Since then, from last gen to now, Fifa has gone back to being a slow evolution rather than a full blown culmination of everything we'd want.
Fifa 17 for instance is the best Fifa in years and teh graphics are genuine arrival into the modern age, on par with American sports titles. The big problem is that the fluidity of gameplay seen in Fifa 12 is nowhere to be found. I think the same story applies to PES, however the KOnami games has fallen so far behind in terms of presentation, teams, players and so on, that it is almost impossible to recomend it anymore. Plus, the tables have turned and Fifa has become more simulation while PES is more arcadey.
However, if you have not bought a football game in a while, then picking up Fifa 17 on the cheap would suit you OR maybe waiting till Fifa 18.
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