Final Fantasy VII
At long last i actually finished FFVII. I never played the game on the PS1 but heard great things about it. So when the game became available on PSN i decided to get it and it wasn't until now that finished the game. After i arrived in the last area i saved the game and basically forgot to finished it while playing other games. This is the worst thing a gamer can do when playing an RPG specially ones like this with heavy story. I was almost completely lost and had to read summary of the story online.
Things i didn't like much
First i want to say that while the game is superb as an RPG and a must play to any RPG fan it have its flaws. The graphics although they may have been impressive back then, today don't hold up too much. I think part of what impressed gamers back them were the CG scenes which where new to games. The characters are block with square heads, deformed hands that are almost floating, this doesn't apply to the battles which look great by PS1 standards and the characters look less blocky and deformed.
Another area i didn't like much is the town controls. Since this game was developed before the Dualshock controllers arrival you move with the Dpad and it feels arkward most of the time. Part of this problem is cause by the way the developers used the Prerendered backgrounds. A good example of this is arriving at an area and when pressing up to go up the character go right or to other direction or walking and suddenly getting stuck by basically an image of something on the floor.
Final thoughts
All in all this is a game RPG aficionados should play at least once. The aspect that hook you the most in FFVII is story involving a greedy Corp. that's destroying the planet and keep growing bigger and better ultimately focussing more on a bigger problem that i won't tell because of spoilers.
I defeated him. What about you?
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