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I finished Final Fantasy VII for the first time

Final Fantasy VII

At long last i actually finished FFVII. I never played the game on the PS1 but heard great things about it. So when the game became available on PSN i decided to get it and it wasn't until now that finished the game. After i arrived in the last area i saved the game and basically forgot to finished it while playing other games. This is the worst thing a gamer can do when playing an RPG specially ones like this with heavy story. I was almost completely lost and had to read summary of the story online.

Things i didn't like much

First i want to say that while the game is superb as an RPG and a must play to any RPG fan it have its flaws. The graphics although they may have been impressive back then, today don't hold up too much. I think part of what impressed gamers back them were the CG scenes which where new to games. The characters are block with square heads, deformed hands that are almost floating, this doesn't apply to the battles which look great by PS1 standards and the characters look less blocky and deformed.

Another area i didn't like much is the town controls. Since this game was developed before the Dualshock controllers arrival you move with the Dpad and it feels arkward most of the time. Part of this problem is cause by the way the developers used the Prerendered backgrounds. A good example of this is arriving at an area and when pressing up to go up the character go right or to other direction or walking and suddenly getting stuck by basically an image of something on the floor.

Final thoughts

All in all this is a game RPG aficionados should play at least once. The aspect that hook you the most in FFVII is story involving a greedy Corp. that's destroying the planet and keep growing bigger and better ultimately focussing more on a bigger problem that i won't tell because of spoilers.

I defeated him. What about you?

New stuff an now playing.

Now playing

Right now i am playing Monster Hunter Tri (3) for the Wii. This is the first Monster Hunter game I've ever played. I always wanted to find out what so great about this series that makes Japan go crazy every time a new installment launch. The first think i noticed about the game is that it starts very slow and the controls can fell a bit clunky at first. As the game progress and you start getting used to the controls and in no time you are almost an expert.

As the tittle says you are a Hunter and you find yourself trying to help a little village that serves as the main game Hub were accept quests to help the people in need. At the start most of them are about finding items but after a few hours you begging to receive request to slain monsters.

The graphics are not that impressive but i have heard the bigger monsters are what makes the game look awesome specially the bosses. I can't talk about them cause after hours onthe game i am barely staring. My only and biggest complain on the game are the ugly, tiny and almost non readable fonts. The are so cheap that the e's look like c's.

New Manga

The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time Vol 1

Since i am a big fan of Zelda games my brother was shopping some Mangas and bought this one for me. It is actually very cool from what i have seen. I need to find a great time to read it and then i will by Vol 2.

New Nintendo Power with poster

My newest issue of Nintendo Power arrived and "Woohoo" it came with a Mario poster for subscribers. The cover for subscibers is silver with 8bit characters from different games. The non subscriber version available in stores is all yellow with a raccoon Mario from Mario Bros. 3.




It's been a long time. I've been saving money, of course what i can. I've been dying to get one of those LED Sony or Samsung tvs but i have three obstacles on the way. After finishing College haven't been able to find a job, they cost too much and i have to choose between it or games.:shock:

I have managed to save money by doing school works of others, cleaning cars and so on. One problem i have is that i will have to wait more because i still need almost half the money the TV cost. Right now i am using a 26" Sony Bravia. The tv only does 764p and have a frequenzy of 60Hz. So if i upgrade it even if it doesn't make a big difference i want' it to have 1080p, to be at least 32 or 37 (Its for my room and it is not very big) at least 120HZ (Is better to be prepare maybe future consoles use 120Hz).

On the other hand i am bore and want to get a game or two for the PS3. I am interes in these upcoming games:


1. Castlevania Lords of Shadow

2. Slycooper Collection

3. Call of Duty: Black Ops

4. Granturismo 5


1. Donkey Kong Country: Returns


1. Godel Sun: Dark Dawn

2. Lufia: Curse of the Sinistral.

On top of that capcom just announced a price drop for Monter Hunter 3. It now cost $49.99 with the Wii Controller Pro included, Sony announced more games in the greatests hits line up for $29.99 and Batman: Arkham Asylum is now $29.99. All of them great games i would want to get. Wow this is a tough one. I think i should get some games and wait to see if i get called and employ for work before upgrading TV. What do you think?:?

The mystery of my Wii

Hello everyone! I hope you are all doing right. It's been a long time since i did a blog and i have decided to it about my Wii. Some of you may have heard of it, so i want to let you know that it isn't my intention to bother you and no i am not paranoid i was just worried.

The biggining:

It all began this year after i got my copy of Tatsunoko vs Capcom. This game is awesome but made doubt that my Wii is ok without a problem. Afte i got the game for wathever reason i took a look at the bottom of my Wii games. To my surprise i noticed something strange, my games have develop little lines which i don't consider scratches because they are very superficial and are invisible to the naked eye. Are a lot more noticeable on Smash Bros. Brawl which i used a lot.

These mystery lines are just on the tiny clear plastic around the hole and not on the actual game. In order for you to see them you need a strong light source like looking under a light bulb and reflect to find them looking closely. Under natural day light they are almost and in some case unnoticeable. I don't know maybe it's because my room is using one of those yellowish spiral bulbs.

The investigation

Soon after i began to doubt weather my Wii was ok or not i decide to investigate asking people on, and tech forums. I've received mix reactions and many on gamespot have told me their games have then and two persons from forums have them too.

Trying the last Hope for answer

After the doubt got bigger i tried my last hope for answers, calling Nintendo. I called them like 3 times. One lady didn't understand and began to tell me that the Wii isn't designed with anything that can scratch games and they can only get scratch in the console if i am move it while playing.

I called another day and this time the representative was a guy. this one told me that as long as i am not receiving read errors and i can play the games everything is working. He didn't new for sure what causes what i was talking but told me it could be from taking the games in and out of the cases.

After i got my copy of Mario Galaxy 2 i checked it out under my room light bulb. After that i beggan to play it and the same or 2nd day i took it out of the Wii and checked them again under the light bulb reflection and the little lines are developing.:? I didn't used my wii so much after that and decided to call again. This time another lady that didn't understand. The funny think she was insisting that maybe i wasn't taking good care of my games putting them in the cases or i moved the console with the games inside of it.

At the end since i no longer have warranty they can take a look at my Wii if i pay just $70.00 + $10 and i need to get the box the materials like bubbles to make sure it arrives ok. In my opinion it is not worth the money. More since it can be ok.:cry: Some people this it is just normal wear it will be better for me to leave it like that.:)

thanks for reading

Hurricane Earl will pass over here soon

Hello everyone, so far it seems tomorrow will be a very boring day. The National Hurricane Center has announced that Hurricane Earl will pass near or through the north of my country Puerto Rico. At this moment of writting it's already raining and windy from time to time. The town were i life is located in the north so my are will feel the winds and rain.

Oh well i hope it came and go out fast, i'd already charged my DS Lite in case a boredoom strikes me and my Laptop although with the coming raining the electricity service or online service may go out of service tomorrow.

Life + Gaming + New stuff update

Hello everyone! Hope you're doing fine.


It was about time, at long last i got my Driver's license last weekend.:D I knew how to drive but just to make sure i took a pair of pratices with an instructor. I practiced around the area where the exams take place. Well in the end it was worth the time; i got it.:D There were only one thing that didn't went they way i hoped for. The later will be explained in another Blog. S


Lately i've been playing Super Street Fighter IV. I want to unlock most trophys and clear the arcade mode with every single character to get them (One of them requires this). I'm about to start Dragon Quest IX and i have tried to get the strategy guide but each time i got to my two local Gamestops there's only one and it is either bent in or damaged.:(

New stuff

Actually this may not count as new stuff but i would like to post it. My newest Playstation and Nintendo Magazines has arrived at the same time and the best part is that the one from Nintendo came with a METROID OTHER M POSTER. Pretty cool. Oh and a stupid Lord of the Rings card.

Look is Link from The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword. Cool heh?

Isn't this cool? ::shock:

And here is the other side of it.::D

Dissapointment, Missed opportunity and a funny moment.

Why i hate glossy finihes

It's been a long time since i bought my Sony Bravia HDTV and i haven't cleaned the screen. I've been trying to find a pair of Microfiber Cloths, the ones that aren't very small to clean it but the funny think is no store in my town have then. They just have those Monster Cleaning Kits with only one Cloth inside but they cost $28.99 and with the tax they end costing $31 dollars. Well that's not worth the price so i didn't bought it. I tried ordering a pair of cloths online from amazon and ebay but dang dang dang; the don't ship them to my country.:(

Well i couldn't wait any longer and decided to use the Memorex small Microfiber cloth i use for my DS and sometimes my Laptop. The idea of using a flashlight to shine my screen and see were it needed to be cleaned passed through my mind. Click, i tuned on the flashlight and shined at it. The screen was almost like a frosted donut but when i pointed to the glossy frame a lot of minor scratches were around it. This really pissed me off more since i take good care of it and it costed me $600.00 at the time i bought it.:x

In the end i wasn't able to cleaned the screen perfectly since the cloth is so small and it seems it doesn't do a good job cleaning. I need to rotate my hand like a hundred times just clean a little area and not perfectly. I will try to see if any of my local PC store sells the bigger ones.

Free prize

The most ridiculous think happened to me this week. After registering my copy of Dragon Quest IX i decided to Oder my elite status prize from Club Nintendo but i missed the last day to order it. Now this is sad.:(

Funny moment at McDonalds

I usually don't go to McDonalds and don't like their food much but this week went to one with my bro. Well he began to order carefully because the floor was wet by water that was drooping from the a part of the roof. While he was ordering i was watching the employees at the back and guess what? One of them had one hand with a glove and the other without one but he was touching the paper of the burgers with the covered one and touching the food with the uncover hand. Pretty gross eh? A moment later he began to put cooked burgers meat with the uncover hand inside a plastic stray and to end the grossness he opened a BigMac and moved the meat and the cheese with the uncover hand again.

This was pretty grose and i will never buy at that restaurant again. I'm glad my ordered was not touched like that. Now the funniest moment arrives. My bros order was arriving wile a customer was ordering when all of a sudden BANG the area of the roof that was dropping warter came down. I'm glad no one was under it. I will never again buy from that McDonalds again.

Looking for great Anime and advice

Hello everyone! As the tittle suggest i need help from everyone willing to help me. Lately i have been thinking of slowing down on getting more videogames and buy one or two Anime boxsets. I really like Anime in phisical form more on boxsets that i can put on my room DVD holder to display it. I find that really cool.

Although i really like Anime i still have a little problem that most people i know says i should stop worrying about it. This problem is called "Age Dilema". I keep getting stuck wondering if i am too old buy Anime because i am not a kid. This dilema has been keeping stuck on getting things like Anime series. Aside from this i really enjoy watching Anime and i have a good time doing so. I used to watched some on AdulSwim but lately they've been just reapeating crapy ones.

Another problem i have is all that crap about Shonen and so on. Some people online says that Anime based on Shonen Manga is for kids but in my personal opionion i think this is like saying a PG13 movie is for kids. What's your take on this? After doing some research i have found that some of the series i am interested in are based on Shonen Manga. I enjoy Mecha, Fighting and Action Anime a lot.Here are some Anime Series that are available on boxsets and have capture my curiosity. Give me your opinion on them if you can. If you know of any good Anime series plese feel free to tell me about it.:D

1. Soul Eater

I've hear good thinks about this series and i don't know if it is the art ****but i have became interested in this. I'm on the fence of buying it.

2. Black Lagoon

I saw some video clips of this series and it looks action packed. Anyone know if it is really good?

3. Gureen Laggan

Here's another series i keep hering good things about it. Arrg but again i don't know if i am too old for it. Hey is that a Mech? Yes so i am interested.

4. Cowboy Bebop

This one is one of the oldest series that i haven't seen entirely. Only some episodes on AdultSwim, i liked most of them and is looks like it is filled with action so i am interested.

5. Samurai Shamploo

I watched some episodes and they were cool and funny at times.

I want you all to know that i don't buy much Anime and i am not gonna get everything i have listed here i just want to find some great series to look forward (Online and TV) possibly i will get the Soul Eater series soon if it is any good or any other.

New game plus cool nintendo power special subscribers magazine.

Hello everyone! I haven't been into many things lately. I've been playing Mario and Luigie Bowser's Inside Story at times but not too much and my latest game arrived from amazon. My new game is Dragon Quest wich only costed me $19.97 using a disscount. Actually this is my very first Dragon Quest game and i really hope to like it. I've heard the game is very deep and long but haven't played it yet because i was finishing Mario and Luigie Bowser's Inside Story.

Now that i finished Mario and Luigie Bowser's Inside Story i plan on taking a rest from it and finally start Dragon Quest IX. The strategy guide of this game took my attention and sadly i haven't had the change to get. The last time i did visited my local GameStop they only had one but was damaged.

The book looks really cool with lots of arts from the areas, characters and monsters plus all the weapons from the game. This book is quite big almost 500 pages. Oh and i forgot to mention that i received my latest issue from Nintendo Power and it have a very unusual subscriber art in the front and back of it.

Thanks for reading.:D

I got my Diploma.

Hello everyone! At long last i got my Information Technology Diploma. I'm happy i got this and have Prof that i went to college. The bad part is that here were i live its getting so hard to find a job and is even more difficult finding one related to Information Technology.Anyway i am deciding to go back to college to study something else beside this.:D

The only problem is that the things i have available to study are not things i like much or know very much. Aside from this i thing it will be best to go back and take the risk of choosing what's available since at least after finishing it will give me more knowledge, opportunity of finding a job and something to do instead of being bored. :(

After all "LIFE IS FULL WITH CHALLENGES AND RISKS" and having more degrees may open more opportunities to me and if i find a job i can start earning money that i can use to study something different and move on. Unlike right know that i am not earning so much from doing others people homework and proyects at home and saving what i can.


The image is not of the best quality and doesn't show how great it looks from the outside. I'm not showing the inside because i don't want to show personal information.:P