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A terrible day and my possible retirement from Nintendo

Today i had a very bad day. The last two game i got for my Wii where New Super Mario Bros. Wii and Tatsunoko vs Capcom but sadly i haven't been able to use them and have fun with them like i should, just because a little problem. It seems my Wii is doing very small lines scratches on my games, they are close to the center where they click into the cases and where the spinning motor of the Disc Drive touch them. I have saw some videos of the drive opened and the only thing that touches it is the spindle motor. All my games work but i not sure using them anymore so i have opted to stop using them

Idecided to beging using it with one of my old GameCube games to see if they develop the small scratches at the center and choose Capcom vs SNK 2. I connect my black GameCube Controller and what a surprise, the start button doesn't works anymore and now its only working if i push it very, very hard.:x I decided to change Capcom vs SNK 2 with Megaman X Collections to see if it was the game and Bang! The game starts but after choosing a tittle the screen turns black with only the background music and it can't be playable.:x

Later in the day Bang! an argument with someone, and i got blamed for nothing.:cry:

After all of this i even tought of smashing myWii at the floor. I'm not ganna pay Nintendo $70.00 plus dollars andi even have to paythe shippingforonly taking a look atmy wii.I thing my days as a Nintendo fan are going to end and i will get retired from them. That means i will miss Monster Hunter 3, Mario Galaxy 2, Metroid other M and the next Zelda tittle.:cry:

Visiting an employment company and having a terrible day

Oh mine! this have been one of my worst days. Like a week ago one of my cousins told my mom about an employment company i should visit and told her she was hired right away for a work by visiting them. I'm having a really terrible time here in Puerto Rico trying to find a job even with a College tittle, there's nowhere with a work for me, the only thing i find are McDonald's and grocery's stores jobs. I don't want to even try working at McDonald's and i hate being in a grocery with the work of packing people's grocery's.:cry: I called there office and took an appointment waiting the best.

I went there and lend them my documents and received a bunch of papers to fill. After that i was called, i went inside the office waiting for the best.:D To my surprise they only told me we are sorry we don't have a job available for you right now, we have only one describe in the paper at the entrance, wait outside and thank you for coming.:x. If didn't qualify for it. At the end of that i took an exam with shocking Math exercises like the following example:

6788 x 457+ 573/ 23 x 76

later thethe same day and had an argument.:(

Final Fantasy XIII first 30 hours impressions

Here is my Final Fantasy XIII impressions. After spending 25 hours with the game i can say this is a great and fun game but nothing special. The first thing you will notice wile playing the game is the graphics, they are not the best out there but are one of the most beautiful to look at, very colorful and pleasant to the view. So far the game is very, very linear compared to other FF titles and many RPGs. Despite getting the illusion of a very deep and big eviroment wile moving the camera you are restricted to go in a direct direction. Basically the game progress by moving from point A to point B battling monsters then a scene play. After the scene the same process repeats.

There are some things about the game i don't like too much. The first one is no villages to visit with Inns and stores, instead of visiting a store to buy items and equipment you do this now with via save points where you can even upgrade weapons. Some of the Eidolons battles, they require a specific fighting methot to win and are more of a trial and error process and Boss battles can take a lot of time to finish.Aside from this the game still is a great and fun experience.:D

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The battle system is fast, fun and keep you engage in battle. At first the battle system will sems simple but wile the game progresses the number of ATB stocks and the variety of attacks and magic increse making the system more deep and open.:D

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Here i am now in Gran Pulse. According to people here and around the web in this area you have more freedom and the game is not very linear but i can't talk about it cause i arrived here and saved the game without exploring it.:shock:

Top ten things that are tempting me on getting a PSP

It's been a long time since i have been tempted on getting a PSP. This may get to a endat anytime if Sony don't announce a PSP2 soon. I really don't now if i can keep waiting for a PSP 2 announcement.I know many people have been complaining about the lack of games but i think that with around 5 great games available at the time of a PSP purchased it should be OK.

Here are the top 10 reasons i amtemptedon getting a PSP:

10. Being able to play FVII, Grandia and others PSN games.

9. Dissgaea

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Since i haven't actually played any dissgaea game and i am interested in getting Dissgaea 2 i think it will be better getting this one first and i should be able to find it very cheap.

8. Dissgaea 2

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For some reason even without having played any of the Dissgaea games this one have grap my attention.

7. Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VIIImage 30

I like RPGs what else should i say?:D

6. Lunal: Silver Star HarmonyImage 2

I have the GBA version and i like it. So this means this version is a lot better.

5. Kingdom Hearths Birth by SleepImage 3

I'm not to sure if i will like this game if i get it because i haven't played any in the series like Dissgaea but it looks cool (Not the Disney characters).:(

4. Monster Hunter Freedom 3Monster Hunter Freedom 3 ScreenshotMonster Hunter Freedom 3 Screenshot

This game looks like a lot of fun wile playing Multipayer. So that means i am interested.:D

3. Fate: Unlimited Codes

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A portable fighter staring a well know Anime. I like fighting games, i like Anime and to complete the cool mix i have heard the game is actually good.::D

2. Valkyria Chronicles 2

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I totally loved the first Varkyria Chronicles game. Since the first was great the second may end being great too.

1. Metal Gear Solid: Peace WalkersImage 8Image 83

Here is my number one reason to get interested in the PSP. The first Metal Gear Solid title i ever played was Metal Gear Solid 4 and it is one of my favorite games of all time. This game will be a true continuation of the Metal Gear saga andso far its shaping up to be and awesome game. I can't wait to at least play it.

To make the temptation of getting the PSP more epic Sony have reveal a Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walkers Bundle that comes with the game (obviously) a a 2GB Memory Stick. As you can imagine, the temptation level is augmenting in an epic proportion way. The bad thing, i will need to decide for sure and start saving.

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Wich one? Wich one?

This is what I've been asking myself since i started playing Pokemon Soul Silver days ago.:( I've been struggling to decide choosing between one of these starters:

1. Totodile

2. Cindaquil

Back in the days of the originals Gold and Silver versions I'd choose Totodile as my starter and was thinking of choosing a different one this time around. After choosing Cindaquil and spending 1 hour and 40 minutes i thing it will be better staying with the Cindaquil and getting the other later by trade or I'll be wasting another hour and 40 minutes. I haven't even got the first Badge of eight. So i think i will keep on adventuring with the fire type Cindaquil. :D

Struggling with Space

After getting my last two games I've found myself with a little problem, space it's name. I'd had some GameCube games stored separately to have extra space for newer games in my collection holder and now that i decided to reorganize the thing not all of them fit.:shock:

I'd only had like four games that wheren't in the holder but now more of them don't fit, the thing is full. I think the games where put more thicktly. All in all this is a headache, i think i will need to take a lot of my GameCube games somewher else in the house to put the newer ones or will need to get a new bigger Holder.:(

The worst part is that my room is very small and i will need to reorganize the entire room for the new Holder to fit in it.

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Here's the holder to it's fullest. All Spongebob movies are from my Bro., the second line that's filled with DS games and the GameCube games from the thirdone is from my Bro. too. Now i think that for the moment i will need to take out some of the GameCube games out ot it to fit this:

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What a problem.:(

My Pokemon Soul Silver and Gold Hearth lunch experience (UPDATED)

Hellow everyone, i hope you're doing great. Yesterday I'd received a called from Gamestop telling me that Pokemon Soul Silver and Gold Hearth will be availlable the next day and the store was gonna open earlier at 9:00 a.m.

Lately I've been loosing my interest in the Pokemon RPG series but since for me the Gold and Silver versions where the best games in the series and these titles bring me back memerie from back then i decided to get. I know these games aren't just for kids specially since the have a lot of complicated thinks kids don't understand and know like the Eve Training ( for more information google it) but this lunch at my local Gamestop made me fell unconfortable at the store.There i was arriving at the mall's entrance wich wasfullwith a lot ofpeople more than what i expected, the store was even closed. They didn't opened until 11:00 a.m.

The worst part, i was the only person that looked normal. With all respect to any of you that may fell bad, almost everyone looked weird and a lot of them were kids. Some of them where even playing earlier vesions wile waiting and takingSh_t (Pokemon related) non stop. Many of themlooked like they where waking up from sleep, their hair looked like if they haven't visited a barbershop in a long time, some using ugly sandals instead of shoes and very badly dressed. They seemed they didn't care about their apperiance but cared more forthese games.:shock:

I don't know but I'm not a kid, i like videogames and all but before a game taking care of myselft and looking the best i can is first and games are last. All in all next time if i get another Pokemon game i will go to the store later not at the lunch. Of couse that's if i continue buying these games, I'm actually thinking of retiring from these Pokemon RPG's. I is not because of the kids or the luch but because they are getting repetitive, version after version they keep giving 100 plus new sprites charaters and everything else the same.

Pokemon Soul Silver Version box

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The box of the game is sparkling and beutifully designed. Inside it have the standard DS game casing with the game inde and the Poketch accesorie to stransfer characters and give them experience points will walking in real live.

Lugia Figurine Box

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Just a regular tiny box wich contains the Figurine.

Later today i will put the image of the Poketch and the Figurine outside the box. See ya later.

Lugia Figurine

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This is actual Figurine outside the box. Looks very cool and it's very small.


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Here's the tiny Poketch to store Pokemons and give them experience wile walking. Comos with a clip part you can connect at the back.

My copy of Final Fantasy XIII arrived

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It only took tree days to arrive, i wasn't expecting it to arrive today. Now i have my hands on the game but haven't tried it out yet. Before staring it i will go fight Sephiroth and finish Final Fantasy VII. Just hope i like it.

After takinga pic of the game with the camerai noticed the the case plastic have aline mark on the middle, anyway it's only a bit visible when light is reflecting at it, i think it was caused wile unwrapping the thing cause half of the plastic came off easily and the other not so easy to take off.:cry:

Anyway what matter most is the game. Later today after finishing FFVII a will beging to play it. Later i will give my impressions on the game. See you later and take care.:D

Got a Mini Guide and made some reservations.

Hello everyone! Hope you are allright. Today i went to Gamestop reseved Final Fantasy XIII and Pokemon Soul Silver. Upon leaving i ask the cashier if they had those Final Fantasy XIII Mini Guides and i got the last one availlable. Lucky me i guess. Anyway I'm gonna order it today at amazon and move the reservation money to Pokemon Soul Silver.:D

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It only catains 32 sanple pages of the real the Real thing, isn't high quuality either but is cool and was free. You can't espect high queality from something free "I wasn't".

New Gaming Stuff

Today i went to my local GameStop in search of the Monster Hunter Wii Demo Disc and to my luck they had them. I'd heard online they were free but a friend of minew that works there told my i needed to reseve the thing. Well i'd deposit $5.00 dollars and got the disc.

Monster Hunter 3 Demo Disc

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Pokemon Diamond and Pearl Jirachi

Before leaving the storeI'd downloaded Jirachi to my Pokemon Diamond Card. Don't forget to get it before March 14.