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Queen's Blade Anime Impressions. What the?

Hello everyone! As you may already know i am one of those who like Videogames and Anime. Well as i always do when checking the PSN Store each week for updates i also take a look at the video section to know if there's any free Anime episode. Alright! after checking there was a new free episode available. I don't care if it is the first episode what the heck it is free. So i set my PS3 to shutdown after finishing the dowload ( It was late). Aarrgh, the sun has risen it's a brandnew day. After doing my everyday stuff i decided it was time to see the free episode of that unseen Anime.

It only took a few minutes for me to receive a "What the heck" impression. It began by showing a bizzare lady with pony tails in the form of hands covering her boobs. Soon after a little talk between her and another lady a fight got started. The bizzare lady began the fight by moving those piggy tails up and squezzing her boobs making them shoot what looks like acidic milk at the other. The cloths of the other lady (The protagonist) began to dissolve leaving her topless and the camera zoomed in. After that another zoom from a different angle of her uncovered boobs while she was talking.The episode continued showing the protagonist boobs every second and her walking topless.This was very unexpected.

The episode even ended in a very perverted way with a fight between the two. The so called demon lady was squezzing her boobs like crazy with her hand form piggytails and shooting causing mayor explotions in the sorrounding area. At the end the main lady blocked her boobs with a iron chest armor she was using causing the bizzare demon lady's boobs to inflate and blow with a giant explosion.

Although the PS3 is mine and i bought it with my money i am not the only one that uses it. There's someone else's that uses my PS3 in the house and while he doesn't look for my video downloads i can't imaging him seeing this. First i am not a pervert and i am no fan of these kind of Anime but i would like to keep it along with all the free episodes i have dowloaded from the PSN Store. So far the parental controls doesn't work with dowloaded videos only with Blue Rays and DVDs.

Back again after solving a laptop problem plus gaming update

Laptop Problem:

Hello everyone ! At last i am back! After downloading a disc cleaner program trial from It was supposed to clean the discdrive and Internet data and at the same time make the PC keep running fast with improved performance but it may have been the cause of my problem. The trial ended and i proceeded to uninstall the program only to find that after doing so my Laptop began to take forever to shutdown.

I contacted the Sony customer service since using a special program that came with my Vaio. Great service indeed, they told me a number of things to do that i did before and none of them worked. So they recommended me to scan the Laptop for viruses, couldn't activate mines and the online access stoped working in my even with online connection available.:cry:

Well that really sucks but i had no other option but to format my discdrive and reinstall the whole windows 7 from scratch.:cry: At least i didn't lost the small amount of wallpapers and icons i had.:) The worst part, i used a process to formatted the drive that took like 4 hours plus after that i had to wait some more for the re installation of Windows 7. Wile reinstalling i received an error message that for a second scared me but after reading it was wile reinstalling google chorme. Not a big deal and just downloaded it online.

Gaming update:

Its been almost 3 weeks or a month since i have touched a Console. That's right i haven't used my PS3 and Wii for a wile. The only thing i have touched is my DSLite to try to finish Mario and Luigie Bowsers Inside Story and played a bit of Pokemon Soul Silver to try to finish it too. I received Mario and Luigie Bowsers Inside Story as a present last Christmas and its already time for it to be finished.:shock: Maybe i will play a PS3 or Wii game soon but as of right now I've been taking a break.:D

A tem of use violation warning without sense.

Ok so today i received a messagem, thinking it was from someone here i opened my message list and SURPRISE! I received a Gamespot term of use violation warning wich doesn't makes sense.:(

So to put it simple since the unveil of the 3DS a lot of kids in the PSP forums keep arguing and worrying about how many units Sony is selling and what they need to do to sell more. I'm not gonna tell the nickname of the person here but there's this guy who has posted a bunch of time that Sony need to drop the price of the PSP, that they are going to be in trouble, that they should sell it for at least $150. When he's not telling this crap i have found him speculating when Soy will unveil a PSP2 or asking for one.

The guy got on my nerves and is told him this:

Yeah they keep realising more expensive versions because in the case of the PSP they have been upgrading it. New screens with better colors and contrast, Integrated Mic, Slimer design and so on. As for the prce you sound so childish as if Sony were your corporation. They don't have to lower the price because you say so. What's the nonsence of all of you getting worry about a product sale and the price. If you (I'm refering to everyone posting the same thing) don't have one save some money and buy it but please stop this ridiculous worrys. The PS1 was the same price as the N64 and in the end the N64 sold less and was superior.

If you have a PSP and don't like it anymore trow it in the garbage can or give it to someone elses. If you use the mind a lower price will not change in reality the cost. Let say the lower the price to $130 you will till have to get a Memory Stick wich cost $38 for one of 4GB on amazon and let say you get the upcoming Kingdom Hearths or the available now Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker wich cost $40, the total cost will be $208. THATS MORE THAN GETTING THE UPCOMING KINGDOM HEARTS BUNDLE AND YOU STILL NOT GET THE FREE MOVIE.

Then an ignorant got mad and told me: Hey a for 4GB Memory Stick cost15 to 20 dollarson Ebay. The 3DS is a next gen handheld and next gen alway triumph Current gen.:? It's clearly the dude is not realising that most peple when buy the system at lets say GameStop the buy the accessories they need at the same moment.

So what do you guys think about this? Should i got a moderation warning for this?

Receiving new game wile finshing Super Mario Bros. Wii

It was about time, i've beenbored for a long time and decided to finish New Super Mario Bros. Wii wile waiting for my copyof Mario Galaxy 2 to arrive from amazon. Instead of finishing my first game i decided to start from scratch. At long last i defeated all 7 koopalings and the king of koopas Bowser and decided to search for all the Star Coins. I will find all the secret coins gather around stages and finish the game 100% before staring Super Mario Galaxy 2.

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I received my copy of Super Maro Galaxy 2 before finishing Super Mario Bros. Wii and i just openned it but haven't started playing yet. First i will finish the later becase if i start playing Mario Galaxy 2 i may not finish Super Mario Bros. Wii 100% in a long time. I can't wait to start playing it.:D

5.8 Magnitud Earthquake gave me a scrary experience

Wowthis saturdaywas a very scary night for me.:shock: As usual and like almost every saturda night i was in the livingroom of my house watching Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood. I was with my laptop in the sofa and at 12:30 a.m the show finished. I opened my Laptop and was in the internet, everything was normal until like 1:10 a.m. At that time i felt a little vibration in the floor then in a matter of seconds that vibration became a lot more powerful. I took a fast look around me and the tables were shacking and the sofa were i was sit began shancking with me on it.:shock: I don't know how but i reated very fast and didn't waitparalized in shock;the first thing that passed through my mind was "hurry up find a safe pot".

I made a little stop at the livingroom entrance wich is strong and in case of a colapse of the roof i will have more security and may save myself.:(My foots didn't lasted two seconds on the entrance after i realise that my parents were sleeping and my bro and i began to call them fast after not receiving a response i ran to my parents bedroom opened the door called them an ran to my room to get out wakeup and get my bro out of my bedroom to a safe place.:shock: I'm glad the shake ended and nothing mayor happened more since the only one that reacted fast was me wile my mom was paralized in shock, my parent was sit on the bed without reacting fast and my bro was shocked and didn't reacted util i told him very loud jump to the floor and eathquake is happening.

This was a very scary situation i wasn't expecting, it was so fast and took me by surprise. I glad nothing mayor happend in my country and me and my family are okay. The earthquake was of a 5.8 magnitute and there were no mayor casualtys reported in the news only cracks in some houses, and old wood house was destroy in a different town without any of the owners getting hurt and cracks in some rodes in a different town.:D

Playing Doctor

In the last few weeks i have played doctor with two patients. Who they are:question: Here are their profiles:

1. Patien Number 1

Name: Black GameCube Controller

Symptoms: Nonresponsive strart button that needs to be pressed really hard to work.

Status: Waiting to be opened for the second time and receive a button connector clean.

2. Patient Number 2

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Name: MadCatz SFIV tornament edition Fight Stick

Symptoms: Bent top at the right side.

Status: Waiting for a top and red plastic border transplant and a rusted screws replacement.

I opened the GameCube controller and cleaned everything inside of it in hopes the start button was going to function properly again. After assembling it the problem haven't dissappeared. I thing i should clean the button contact and try again.

My SFIV Fight Stick is out of warranty but since long ago i noticed the top right side of it was more up and bent compare to the other sides but since i wasn't using it for a long time and was inside it's box i didn't cared a bit. Now i ask MadCatz through a e-mail and they told me it could be the top art or metal being bent. They told me to unscrewed the top to see if that was the problem and if it was the art they will send me a brand new one for free. Lucky me huh.:D

I opened the thing and doing this created a mess. The art plastic sticker is not well put, is bent at the side i said plus the metal plate seems to be bent ( Not 100% if the metal is really bent but looks like it). To make things worst colsing it again was a pain.:cry: The cables connected to the buttons where holding the top at the right side and wile i was trying to accomodate them and the top to see how to close it without damaging anything the red plastic border got scratches and the part that have the home and turbo button too around it.:cry: I thought this plastic was of higher quality and wasn't going to get scratched so easily by the edge of themetal top now i have found that it is cheaper thant the standar edition of the controller.:?

After telling the representative all this and that i was willing to pay for the boder and metal top here's what he replied:

I currently have all the parts you are requesting. If you let me know your shipping address and phone number I will have them shipped out. I understand that you were avoiding Mad Catz products as much as possible. We are here to help change your mind about our products. The problems you are having are not common with the TE FightSticks. This is actually the first time I have had to send out a metal top panel plate because of it being bent. I apologize for this happening and will help fix this problem. Also, would you like me to apply the artwork to the metal plate before I send it out? I will make sure it is on nice and straight before it gets shipped. Let me know if that works for you. I will also send you one of our TE FightStick Key chains that includes a hidden 3mm hex wrench inside. I have attached a couple pictures (not the best quality of picture) for you to look at. Thank you for your time and patience! Lucky me hah:question::D

The PS3 and the ridiculous trend of price drop rumors

Since the lunch of the PS3 almost everyone in the web has been like crazy waiting for price drops and speading rumors of them. This in my opinion have affected the sales of it and they arent' taking into account that the more they wait the closer they are to see a the next successor without playing many of the games available like the early adopters. An example of this is my own experience, wile i was playing Metal Gear Solid 4, Uncharted, Soulcalibur IV and many other games what where they doing? Waiting with a deadly desire to play these games. May of them waited almost 3 years to get the dam thing at a price drop wile they had the money to buy overpriced Ipods, Iphones,Netbooks and other things.:?

Without knowing after the lunch of the PS3 Slim model many of these people where like ignorants in every forum possible so happy telling the wole world: I got a PS3 Slim at half the price of the origina and this one is superior.:lol: For me these people are so hilarious and funny becase they talk without knowing a thing about the original model. They payed less and have less, the Slim unit exterior is not the highquality of the first one with a metallic top, they don'thave touch pannel buttons for on and off. they don't have the power swich at the back, they don't have 2 USBs, have lost all the SD card slots and the full PS2 bc. How in the word they think they have something superior?:?

People use to thing that when a console drop the price they only difference is the GPU and CPU size and cost but in reality they keep getting cheaper in every way plus sometimes this brings less reliability. I had one of the early non bc 80GB models and i can tell this is the truth by my experience, i remember the disc drive slot was like the ones from early Wiis where you began to inser the games in and they get suck staight and fast like if there were some kind of detector inside of it but now with the Slim model they enter into it at a slower space and rotating.

Here we are in almost four years after the lunch of the PS3 and new rumors of a price drop are spreading in the web. This has became an addiction this gen and i thing it need to be stop. I personally don't see the PS3 getting below the price of $200 after the arrival of a successor and if this were true it may end being less reliable. Last gen systems like the GameCube where lunched at $200 and in the end of them they were lowered at just $100 and they werent able to do all the things this gen consoles do, movies DVD and Blueray, downloads, updates etc. If this trend continues we may end cutting the lifespan of the curren gen by half and killing them faster than ever. When people in the web aren't talking about a price drop of the PS3 they are talking about how much they cost to produce and how much Sony is gaining. This is like saying: I am not gonna buy a game or anime art book because they only cost the manufacturer 5 to 10 dollar to make. Do you have the millions of dollars for the equipment to create them?:shock:

How many overpriced products we buy every year? and we don't stay waiting and waiting for price cuts and rumors. I you're a gamer and want a system like the PS3plus have the money go out there to your local stores and get one, start having fun with it the most you can before hearing the announce ment of a successor. Have fun and happy gaming.:P

Fighting is a Beautiful thing

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I'm retuning to a life filled with fights, and i am talking about a lot of them. My copy of SSFIV have arrived from amazon and it was worth getting it, only costed me $25.99 and i received the a ingame costume pack free. This game have a lot of new content that simply wasn't possible as DLC. The game offers much more than 10 brand new characters like many people thing, it have brand new menus, art, scenes, music, offline and online modes and brand new stages ( Five). Adon and Juri are becoming two of my favorite characters in the game.

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Of course i will be using my weapon of choice in the upcoming fights; my SFIV Tornament Edition Fight Stick. I have taken it out of thesleeping coffin and i amhaving a blast againg using it. I'm so use to play fighting games with Fight Sticks that if i get back to normal controllers i will need to start practicing. For me this is the best way to play fighting games, without one you won't be getting the real experience. See ya later! a fighter is challenging me.

Wii problem status

For anyone that haven't read one of my earliest blogs i have been having a little problem with my Wii. The thing is that after taking a look and the bottom of my game discs i have noticed they have developed some little line marks that radiate on the center of the plastic hub, around the hole and the part that touches the cases. To really notice them you need to get very close to them and cause reflection by moving them under a light ( Preferably under a bulb). I wasn't using my Wii that much afraid of them getting damage. I know sometimes i am a bit maniatic and that i may sound childish but i decided to called Nintendoand try to find out if this was a problem with my unit specially since games are expensive and i have payed full price for almost all my games.

I have made three calls to Nintendo so far.Here is what they have told me:

First call

What you are talking about is on the area that doesn't have data , as long as the games work properly there's not a problem and if the Wii where causing scratches the firs thing you will notice is a weird grinding noise plus the scratches will be around the disc where it have data and will be very noticeable.

Second call

The person that took my second call was a woman and this one didn't knew what to say she put me on hold wile she went to ask someone and after that told me if the Wii scratches the games it will be around them, i asked her if this may be from the use and the taking out an in and outthe case and she told, i don't know but if your Wii scratch your games call us again.

Third call

If the Wii is scratching games the scratches will be round around the game disc. Maybe that's caused by taking out and in from the cases but i am not sure. As long as games a playing fine it is okay.

After this i haveaskemany people here at Gamespot and a lot of them doesn't understand what i am talking about too much. Some of them have told me my games are perfectly okay and doesn't have a scratch wile two of them have understand, one told me i know what you are talking about and after looking at my games the ones i have played the most have those lines, i don't know the cause but the Nintendo Representative is right if the Wii scratch a game it will be noticeable and perfectly circular around the area that have data and it will make a ugly grinding noise. Your Wii sounds okay to me, just keep on playing unless you hear a grinding noise.:?

I even asked a friend of mines that works at GameStop and he told me to not get worry about it. He even told me that 360 and Wii cases tend mark that part if you take them out and in a lot. I think i will have to continue using my Wii ad forget about this unless it damage a game, at least if something like this happens Nintendo replaces or the games made by them with new ones. It will be a waste of money to sent my Wii to Nintendo and pay $70.00 plus shipping so they can take a look at.:)

Now playing and New Orders.

Henshin a go go Baby!

Lately i have not been playing videogames to much and haven't finished Final Fantasy XIII. I don't know why but i have stoped near the end of FFXIII and currently I'm playing Viewtiful Joe for GameCube. The game is pretty good and veryfun, currently i am near the end. Too bad many people have overlooked this game.:(

Super Street Fighter IV

Super Street Fighter IV

I'm waiting for my copy of SSFIV to arrive from amazon. Right now it is on its way and the best part it only costed me $26.99 after using a discount coupon. With it comes a triwing screwdriver to open and check my Black GameCube controller. I hope i can repair the start button of the GC controller since it isn't working right and need to be pressed really hard and i can't way for SSFIV. :D

If anyone reading this gets SSFIV for PS3 don't forget to send me your PSN ID.:D