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spidermonkey11 Blog

Going old school

I am upping my old school collection from the NES to PS2 era. Any suggestions on games would be greatly appreciated. At the moment I am thinking of picking up most of the Shin Megami Tensai games. I have P3 and P4 of those and probably will try to find Digital Devil Saga and Nocturne. Besides that I have no clue as to great games from NES, SNES, N64, PS1, and PS2 besides the well known gems.

Life is going well for the most part. Working during the week and enjoying my weekends. I plan on going to go see Harry Potter this weekend. Not much else to add.


Into the wild

Well for the 4th of July weekend I am going into the wild and getting in touch with nature. I hope I survive and don't come home with a disease from eating squirrels. Should be fun and different from my usual weekend of drinking and playing video games.

I'm 20 hours into Persona 4 and it is indeed a lot of fun. Still trying to get used to the differences of Persona 3 as I just beat the game and still fresh in mind of where everything is in P3.

Work is going well and it is still fun having sexual relations with my wife.


Persona 4 and Metal Gear Solid 4

Bought P4 and MGS 4 today. Funny thing though I went to gamestop since they were having a 2 for 3 sale and they had Persona 4. Couldn't find the case but I asked and they had one copy. I went to look for some more games and found the two that I wanted and went to the register. Another customer had the case and bought the game in front of me. I totally got shafted. I had them call another store and was able to pick it up. Took a little running around. Tomorrow morning will be devoted to some P4!

Not much else to add.


Was able to finally get a job three weeks ago. Getting paid enough to pay bills and have a little extra. I'm happy enough with the job for now. I still plan on getting back into college this fall.

I have been addicted to Persona 3 the last two weeks. So far I have plugged in 68 hours and I believe only have the last month to complete. I'm up to level 68 and kicking some shadow ass.

My next game purchase is definately Persona 4 along with Bioshock, Tales of Symphonia 2, and inFamous.

Life is well


Got laid off my job. Had to drop out of school to collect unemployement. Feeling really depressed looking for work. Overall been a really crappy two weeks.

Played and beat Zelda Twilight Princess for the 2nd time. Yah I noticed the fact that this game is really easy. Fun but easy. Been playing Killzone 2 some and having a blast.

This is stupid and I don't feel like writing anymore

Killzone 2 and Prince of Persia for PS3 / Foot notes of my life

Bought them online yesterday, hopefully I will have them in my hands on Monday. I kinda put down the PS2 remote for a little bit and wanted some new action on my PS3. Right now I have been playing Uncharted and Resistance 2 on Hard difficulty.

In other news my wife and I are moving into a sweet brand new condo April 25th. 2 bedroom 2 1/2 bath with around 1,300 Sqft. The kicker is that my brother bought one of these (a nicer one) about 8 months ago and now I will be living across the street from him.

I finished winter term for college

I hate my job and have been applying non stop for numerous jobs this last week. Around 30-35, but not much happens when not a single one calls you. Friggin economic climate and your hatred towards me.

I have been watching House on dvd through netflix lately. Very addictive show and can't seem to watch much else lately.

I want pizza for dinner

The games I missed

I recently bought a PS2 and the games I have been dieing to play since I kinda missed the boat last gen with the PS2 and all it's gems. So far I have Persona 3, God of War, Ratchet and Clank Up Your Arsenal, Dark Cloud II, Disgaea I, Devil May Cry 1 and 3.

This weekend I was able to punch in my first alouted time into Persona 3 and I am absolutely loving it. Definately a game I will be putting as much time as I can into. Probably be the only game I will be playing until it is beaten, maybe throw in some R&C also as I loved the PS3 Future Tools.

I definately made a wise choice to pick the PS2 up again as I am more in tuned with gaming as I have ever been.

I also picked up Chip and Dale Rescue Rangers for the NES and beat it today. I didn't realize it was that easy, back when I was a kid I thought this game was hard. Maybe I am thinking Duck Tales.


PS2 again?

Yes thats right I bought another Playstation 2 today for $60. Not a bad deal and it was either this or another PS3 game. I decided on springing for the PS2 and DMC 3. Now to buy Persona 3. Also catch up on all the R&C games and GoW games I missed.

No more video games for me for a while!!

I can't purchase anymore video games except maybe one or two until probably June or so. Doesn't matter since I have plenty I still need to catch up on and actually conquer.

The reason is I am saving every last dime I can spare to go to New York in May for around 4 days. The reason why is to see my favorite band and the greatest band on the planet. Mono! They are a post-rock band from Japan and are playing their 10th anniversary concert May 8th in New York City.

This will be a LEGENDARY concert that I just can't miss. Sacrifices are needed for the greater good of mankind. For me to see this concert will be a godsend and will help the earth be fruitfull and merry.

That is my plans for the now until then to save mucho money.


I haven't blogged in a while. I think I attempted a few times but never really felt like actually typing any words down. I had a great Christmas. Received the two games I wanted Uncharted and Dragonball Origins for the DS. Also my sister gave me Sonic the Hedgehog for the PS3 since she didn't have any money and figured buying me a cheap crappy game would benefit me. Haha it's all good I will attempt to play it and maybe have some fun. I am really greatfull that she atleast thinks of me.

New Years got a little drunk and hung out with my brother for a bit. I'm not to much of a fan of going out for New Years. To many stupid people leave their houses.

I went up snowboarding twice and had a great time!! So fun being up on the mountain. I want to go up plenty more times before the season is up.

Really just hanging out lately and having a good time.


Uncharted 2

Uncharted was my first PS3 game the first game that really got me juiced for this generation of gaming! I was late to the show and purchased my PS3 only 6 months ago. Very pleased to hear about the OFFICIAL announcement. Hopefully this game if ready of course comes out Q3 or Q4 of 2009!!