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spidermonkey11 Blog

Long time no see...

Over the weekend I went down to Eugene to see a friend I haven't seen for quite a while. He is moving down to LA, CA and probably will not see him again for a long time. Pretty much drank and hung out all weekend.

I am going back to college this fall and some what nervous about it. Haven't been in a classroom enviroment for about 3 years. But to get out of my crappy job I have now it has to be done.

Music I am digging right now would be Mono, Red Sparowes, Built to Spill, Battle of Mice, and a lot of others.

I picked up Folklore for the PS3 and also borrowed the first Metal Gear Solid game. I want to play all three before I pick up MG4. Folklore is alright, I do love the story so far and keeps me involved for the most part. I just don't really like the battle system. Still very worth the $30 I spent.

I plan on picking up Disgaea 3 sometime this week. Finally a true RPG for the PS3 and my favorite genre the strategy RPG. Should be good for atleast a month or two with this one.

Alright then.

Iced Earth!!

Definately my favorite metal band and I found out today they will be coming to Portland, OR on October 22nd. This will be my first chance to go see them live and maybe my last. I will be buying my ticket on August 4th!!

I am really stoked! If you don't like or hate this band you can go **** yourself.


I helped my brother move into his new condo which was alright. I have had worse help moving days. He let me borrow Uncharted for the PS3 and I let him borrow Devil May Cry 4. It is really cool that we both own the Playstation 3 because we don't have to much in common. But with games we definately bond.

I recently bought my first MP3 player. A 30gb phillips-nike that is actually pretty freakin sweet, cost was $130 on Ebay. Works perfectly and definately worth the money. I also picked up Tales of Symphonia for the GC in wake of the new one coming out in November. I played and beat it when it first came out, wish I kept it but oh well I am getting it back again.

I am so happy I make blog posts for 2 people who actually read it...oh well

My game list of 2008 and Early 2009

This will subject to change if I hear about some games getting concrete release dates but for now here is my list. I have a PS3, Wii, and DS. Let me know if you have any games your stoked for that will be released by the end of '08 and maybe you will convince me to put it on the list.

Games Out

( 1 = Must Have, 2 = Must Have but not immediately upon release, 3 = Eventually buy, TBD = Maybe )

Game Title Platform Release Date Price Priority

1. Folklore Playstation 3 Out Now $25-$35 1.5

2. Elder Scrolls IV Playstation 3 Out Now $25-$35 2

3. Grid Playstation 3 Out Now $35-$45 3

4. Okami Nintendo Wii Out Now $20-$35 2.5

5. Final Fantasy Tactic Nintendo DS Out Now $30-$35 2

6. World End's With You Nintendo DS Out Now $30-$35 2.5



2008 Releases!!

Game Title Platform Release Date Price Priority

1. Soulcailbur IV Playstation 3 July 29th 2008 $59.99 2.5

2. Disgaea 3 Playstation 3 August 26th 2008 $59.99 1

3. Dragon Quest IV Nintendo DS September 16th $39.99 1

4. Star Wars: Unleashed Playstation 3 September 16th 2008 $59.99 1.5

5. Tom Clancy's HAWX Playstation 3 September 23rd 2008 $59.99 1.5

6. Fallout 3 Playstation 3 October 2008 $59.99 TBD

7. BioShock Playstation 3 November 2008 $59.99 2

8. Valkyria Chronicles Playstation 3 November 2008 $59.99 1.5

9. Prince of Persia Playstation 3 November 2008 $59.99 2

10. Sonic Unleashed Playstation 3 November 2008 $59.99 3/TBD

11. Mirror's Edge Playstation 3 Nocember 2008 $59.99 TBD

11. Tales of Symphonia 2 Nintendo Wii November 2008 $39.99 1

12. Disgaea DS Nintendo DS TBA 2008 $29.99 2.5

13. Dragon Quest IX Nintendo DS TBA 2008 $39.99 1.5

14. Castlevania III Nintendo DS TBA 2008 $29.99 3

15. Chrono Trigger Nintendo DS Q4 2008 $39.99 2



Q1 2009 Releases

Game Title Platform Release Date Price Priority

1. The Conduit Nintendo Wii Q1 2009 $49.99 3

2. Mad World Nintendo Wii Q1 2009 $49.99 2

3. Resident Evil 5 Playstation 3 Q1 2009 49.99 1.5

I come from a brokem home

Today I got a call from my brother saying that my dad left my mom today after 30 years of marriage. It isn't one of those nasty should of happened five years ago divorces. My dad just up and left to live in the Phillipenes (we live in Portland, OR). He suffers from depression as do I and I think at the age of 62 with no job he wanted to do something meaningfull. He plans to as far as I know teach English over there.

He just has done it in such a way that is almost unforgivable. My dad leaves without saying a word and leaves a f'ing note for my Mother. I still don't know all the details but it seems to me that he plans to stay there a long while and my Mom has been talking to me about selling the house and getting the F! out of there.

I can understand why my Dad wanted to do this but the way he did it was very evil.

Funny that my Dad has been on me since I was 14 to get my life together and get clean off of substances, live a better life. I am now 23 and finally achieved that and having probably the best relationship so far with my him. Then he leaves.


I went into Gamestop today to pick up a new PS3 game and I had a game to trade in. I look around for a little bit then found the game I wanted and went to the counter to trade in my game. The purchase went through and then I saw that the gamestop clerk put my game into the bag along with the game I traded in. I notice right away and decide not to say anything. I walk to my car and drive away.

Now I feel a little guilty about the situation. I am thinking about going into gamestop tomorrow and returning the game I traded in. Not because I love the almighty gamestop but I don't want the clerk to get written up or worse. I am not sure how stern gamestop is about these type of mistakes.


Picked up my PS3 today and played some Devil May Cry 4. Not to bad a little cut-scene heavy but I just started. Tomarrow I am going to try and get it connected to the internet using wireless. Since my computer is in another room it would be a pain to hook up an ethernet cable.

I guess that is it....

what the...

I am already done with my work week and now it is the weekend. When did that happen?

Anyways I am buying my PS3 on either tuesday or wednesday. My wife is going to flip out at me for buying then and not waiting until my next pay check but whatever. I am working my butt off to achieve a lot of overtime hours and making the most money I can possible make at my job.

I don't care I got some GTAIV, Devil May Cry 4, Heavenly Sword, Ratchet and Clank, and last but not least Uncharted TO PLAY!!!!!!!!!!


Besides that my weekend looks like this. Going to a concert tonight and probably doing nothing after that. Working some overtime saturday and maybe go out for a few drinks afterwords. Sunday I need to see my dad since he is leaving to the phillipenes (spelled it wrong probably) for nine months to teach English.

Oh noes the soda drank me!!

Friday was succesful

Went to work for OT and came home. Drank some whiskey/cokes and watched the first missions of NASA on discovery channel. I am surprised how much footage they had of all the mercury/gemini missions. I guess I shouldn't be because all of them were historic and there were video cameras bacl then.

ARGGH I am at %99.58 until I finally hit level 21, oh well what is one more day. I guess I shouldn't be bad because Metal Slime's are the awesome!!!

My weekend as it is...

Right now I am at work it is 4:45am and I get off at 6:00am then I have to be back here at 3:00pm for some overtime work. I don't know why I volunteered but I want my PS3 money. After all that jazz I am going home to my wife and getting loaded on some fine Irish whiskey and watching the documentary about the first Nasa missions on discovery channel.

Then after my wife goes to bed I am finishing up the series Californication on showtime. Four episodes left on my tivo. By then I will be pretty happy buzzin on alcohol. Maybe I will play some video games, still need to be Metroid Prime 3 almost done though.

Then Saturday I am going to a local show at a bar. They play folk indie music which is my favorite at the moment. My wife works with the lead singer. She is a hot chick wahoo! I will flirt with her a little bit after the show hahaha. Her boyfriend is pretty cute as well so I might mack on him for a while also.

That is my weekend as it is and something else could happen...

At the moment I am listining to Grandaddy my all-time favorite band well top three atleast. Pick up there albums or die trying. Oh you could probably download them because they did break up...

PS3 and Ender's Game

Going to save up for a PS3. Working overtime this week and some next week. Hopefully I can get the $400 and not be an idiot about it. It is very hard for me to save up large sums of money a little at a time.

Anyways what is also cool is that my brother already has one and three of the best games for the system. I get to play em and not have to pay a cent!


Life is going alright the last few days and since my wife has been home from work the last few days I have been seeing her more which is always nice.

Oh and I read Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card. I thought i was pretty good and I really liked the ending. Definately going to pick up the next book int the series and from the looks of it i think I will like it even more.

If you have any book recommendations feel free to leave me a message and I will get back to you as soon as I beep...............