@alrepairs @stan_boyd condones microsoft, have you been watching the gamespot news where they keep making fun of xbone? if you hate this site why are you here and why should I leave.
@NTM23 @wavelength121 you didn't think enemy AI ignoring your partners AI was was off? or that them talking while an enemy is 2 feet away from you and they still don't hear you is strange? or that guards will just walk past their dead friends bodies and not even raise and alarm? heck even Hitman 2 they raised alarms. I am not saying its a bad game, but people make out as if its perfect when it has obvious in your face flaws.
@brunocj2 but the thing is this site isn't only for people who played this game on nes, this site also has younger kids on here that never even owned a NES. I don't think remasters should even be reviewed, its unfair to review them, to give them a high score based on nostalgia is unfair to the newer generation who isn't going to understand that feeling and therefore miss out on what makes the game special. And to review it as a new game is unfair because its dated and old and the people who will love it are going to love it for reasons other than its gameplay its going to be a trip down memory lane.
Sorta like the new Superman movie, alot of my generation thought it sucked and prefer the old Christopher Reeves movies, and alot of the younger generation loved the new movie and think the old ones are corny.
@Asuki161 this arguement is made about EVERY reviewer, because no reviewer is going to have the same opinion as EVERYBODY else. I think Kevin's review of Too Human was crappy, I love that game, he doesn't he gave it a low score and said the controls (which I liked) were terrible. Chris Watters consistently give COD great reviews when I think they are shitty, every reviewer sucks. Even my favorite Reviewer Angry Joe has some reviews I disagree with. BTW I don't think there has been a good zelda game since Ocarina I thought all the others just fell flat since they were all the same go to forest,fire,ice/water etc temple collect gadget and medallion kill ganon save zelda and hyrule. hmmm sounds like a game that repeats itself sorta like assassins creed, throw in a minor change here and there only difference is zelda waits a few years instead of every year.
@disposition000 @lorider25 it is shallow compared to todays games, all the mechanics in this game have been reused over and over again in platformers since this game came out, so by todays standard this is basically like platformer remake of call of duty 4 modern warfare. Jump on enemies heads, check, stack barrels to reach higher places, check, dodge falling objects, check, dodge boss patterns til they do animation showing its safe to hit them, check. There is nothing new and exciting about this game other than it makes us old timer NES players giddy cause of fond memories.
@nigelholden @Sonicgod I can't get my 12 year old to play ANY nintendo game, he thinks mario bros is lame, all he wants to play is my wii or xbox. Mario Galaxy is his favorite game but give him any old game and he just looks at it and says "this is stupid"
@hardeeharhar86 @stan_boyd @CDR_VIRUS @nigelholden and you call people names for having differing opinion than you, is that what I need to do in order to be mature? So the call of duty kids are really the mature gamers cause they call people names and the ones who don't call names are the immature ones. Wow I see things so clearly now, I must be a cyberbully to be mature.
@Sonicgod well you are lucky cause my little nephews hate all the old cartoons I try and get him to watch on teletoon retro, he even hates bobby's world the little bastard.
@Sonicgod @stan_boyd @Deadlysyns87 no to you it wouldn't be, you have the fond memories to give it xtra points. Just like if the game Ice Hockey was rereleased (you know, the one with the 3 players, fat guy, skinny guy, and short guy) I would be a giddy little school girl, however the younger generation would probably think it just plain sucks compared to NHL 13
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