@Rheinmetal its a great game for nostalgia, it just sucks compared to modern platformers, but if you are playing it to relive your child hood it will probably be fun.
@xxYetterxx @ColdstoneX3 @HuskerMetal remember when sony promised PS3's would be backwards compatible, well sure my first one was, but after that one broke on me the next one wasn't and neither are any that you buy now.
@max-hit @DaRq_MiNoS I respect Toms opinion, I used to love this game, but I don't even like the NES version anymore I have played so many other better games over the different generations of consoles that this game is basically a paper airplane in a room full of remote control planes, which one are you gonna play with the paper or the remote control? I'll take the remote.
While I do not always agree with Tom McShea's scores I do appreciate the fact that he picks games over with a fine tooth comb and tells you the good the bad and the ugly. This game might be great for someone who grew up with this game cause it will score automatic nostalgia points, but for anyone who missed out on the NES cause they weren't born yet this game will seem boring and shallow to them. The Last of Us was an amazing games in many regards, vicious brutal combat, amazing visuals and amazing story telling and characters, but it also had flaws, that were excusable but present, such as enemy AI not seeing your companions if your companions failed to hide or accidently bumped an enemy at no fault of your own, while this looked really silly and did break immersion is also made it so that the enemys didn't attack you when your partners were acting stupid because of AI pathing issues. Many other reviewers failed to even mention this hiccup, Tom did and I am glad he did cause it meant I knew what I was getting into when I decided to buy the game instead of being surprised by it and going "wtf this ai is retarded what a lame game". Just like I also don't always agree with Kevin since he gave Too Human a low score and I loved that game, and I rarely seem to agree with Chris Watters who practically worships Call of Duty.
@Stag_Lee @stan_boyd @AventusAretino @djwood84 even if time and money are an issue, they could always add updates to make it bigger like all the mmo's are doing, WoW changes on a regular basis sometime whole new zones are added, other times they just alter certain zones at certain times of the year for holidays and such, but its all online and the devs can alter it with updates constantly. They could do this with games that are meant to be single player as well if the world is on servers, so maybe you are playing gta then suddenly in december you get an update and the world is covered in snow.
@danjammer69 thats cause you aren't seeing the big picture, MS wanted to get rid of disks and make everything digital which means no more trying to fit a game to a set size, right now games are limited to what can fit on the disks, why are game worlds like WoW so big, because they don't rely on the size of a disk most of the game is stored on servers and can be changed and expanded any time while games like skyrim have to fit a certain amount of gigs based on the size of a disk. Instead of getting new systems we are getting PS3.5 and Xbox 360.5 new graphics, same limitations.
stan_boyd's comments