Have you all considered that McShea might actually be correct in his assessment? Just look at Gametrailers invisible walls episode. They clearly didn't like the game much, complained that the controls only worked about 80% of the time, then end up slapping a 9.1 on the game anyway. Obviously they don't believe it deserved such a high score, and maybe were afraid of the backlash.
For all we know, all the othersites that praised the game might have been afraid to flop a Zelda game for fear of backlash. Also, Skyward Sword apparently has a much slower start than even Twilight Princess and doesn't become fun at all to play until the 3rd dungeon. The fetch quest complaint was because the padding is supposedly even worse than usual in a Zelda title.
Remember the backlash with TP? Then when people finally played it, many said the score should have been lower. I fear that might be the case with Skyward Sword as well and it might be the worst Zelda.
And for people saying McShea didn't understand the controls. It is one thing to maybe not understand the control scheme. It is completely different though that the Wiimote has to be recalibrated several times for no apparent reason. If that is the case, then I can see why the score is so low. It sounds frustrating.
And have you considered that it's much more likely that the higher reviews are honest and that this low review is only an attempt at gaining traffic to the website? I'm not saying that that is what this review is doing but come on, when someone goes this far against the grain (bring up 1UP, gamepro, and GB all you want but their rating systems are not the same and don't translate easily to the 10 scale), why is that he is the only honest one?
I'm fine with review score but after GS' twitter post, that pratically begged people to come look at their score, I have my doubts about the authenticity of it.
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